Corona, Rauchverbot: Sanierungspaket und Jobabbau bei

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Tiefgründige Gedanken am Heisl zu unserer Strandbrunzerregierung

Nennt mich linken Idealisten, oder Träumer oder was auch immer. Don't care. In dem nachfolgenden Rant geht's nicht um Links oder Rechts. Ich bin kein Fan des Kasten- oder Schwarzweissdenkens. Ich selbst würde mich jetzt in keine politische Richtung eingliedern, sondern sehe einfach in allen Bereichen massiven Handlungsbedarf. Auf Themen wie Freunderlwirtschaft, das Bedienen des spendenfreudigen Klientels, billige Polemik, inhaltlose Symbolpolitik, die offensichtliche Korruption sowie Zensur und Lügerei werde ich hier nicht eingehen. Stattdessen möchte ich in den Raum stellen, was alles bewusst ausser Acht gelassen wurde und warum der Hauptfokus der schwer inkompetenten türkisen Buberlpartie (die sich zu Unrecht hinter dem christlich sozialen Vorhang versteckt), einfach nicht ausreicht. Es gäbe so viel zu tun und zu verbessern. Den Türkisen geht's ja eh nur ums Image. Also warum nicht einmal das Richtige tun und zeigen, dass sie nicht nur konzerngeile Marionetten sind.
Es sind die nicht vorhandenen Maßnahmen in den Bereichen: Bildung (Mindest ECTS beim Studieren zb.), Klimaschutz (den es nach wie vor nicht gibt), menschliche und faire Asylpolitik (keine Symbolpolitik wie eben kürzlich), Ausbau des Gesundheitssystem und Entlastung von Medizinpersonal (es wird uns früher oder später die Decke aufs Hirn krachen, wenn alle Mediziner in die Privatwirtschaft flüchten), Maßnahmen gegen die Abwanderung von Medizinstudenten (ja, es gibt eine EU - Quote, aber dann muss man das Angebot erweitern), Gegenmaßnahmen zum Lohndumping bei Pflegekräften und attraktive Entlohnung, vermehrte Investitionen in staatliche Wohnbauprojekte und Privatisierungsstopps in dem Bereich, attraktive Hilfspakete um die Abwanderung österreichischer Unternehmen ins Ausland zu verhindern (MAN Steyr), Intervention beim Verkauf österreichischer Ländereien und Unternehmen an andere Länder (Skigebiete, Casinos Austria, etc.), mangelnder Eingriff des Staates und verpasste Chancen der Verstaatlichung von Unternehmen (z.b. das Verhandlungsdesaster bei der AUA-Rettung), Wegfall sinnloser Zwangsmitgliedschaften (WKO), Überarbeitung des lächerlichen Strafmaßes für Alko- und Drogenlenker (wir sind EU-weit Schlusslicht), Sinnvolle Restrukturierung des Bundesheeres. Und und und (das sind die einzigen Sachen die mir grad am Heisl eingefallen sind).
Was ist da jetzt eigentlich die letzten Monate passiert, ausser einem desaströsen Corona Management. Nicht einmal die wIrTsChAfT wurde sinnhaftig bedient. Da gabs weder einen Plan, noch Konzepte, noch langfristige Überlegungen. Stattdessen gabs Kohle an die Firmen (aber nicht alle) und aus. Well done. Slow Clap
Und da wären wir beim Knackpunkt angekommen. Die Typen denken einfach nicht nach. Können sie auch nicht, weil sie keinen Schimmer davon haben was sie tun sollen. In jedem Bereich den sie angreifen hinterlassen sie verbrannte Erde und tun gleichzeitig so, als hätten sie das einzig Richtige gemacht. Jetzt kommt dann sicher ein Topcomment wie: "aBeR dIe AnDeReN pArTeIeN sInD nIcHt bEsSeR". Vielleicht stimmt das, vielleicht auch nicht. Wir haben seit Ewigkeiten einen türkisen (ehemals schwarzen) Stillstandsblock in der Regierung der sich einen Bullshit nach dem anderen gönnt und dabei "alles richtig macht".
Parteien müssen Verantwortung für Ihr Handeln übernehmen und nicht nur Lobbys bedienen. Vor allem sollten Sie gesellschaftliche und ökonomische Barrieren beseitigen. Und das geht halt nur mit Leuten die in dem Bereich bewandert sind und nicht auf Spaltung aus sind. Ich weiß schon, dass diese Partei die Konsequenz des demokratischen Willens ist, aber vielleicht sollte man künftig darüber nachdenken, welche langfristigen Schäden dadurch verursacht werden (Beispiel Corona Hilfen. Wer wird das zurückzahlen, unsere Kinder oder Enkelkinder? Nichts gemacht in oben genannten Bereichen obwohl vieles davon für Post-Corona mmn absolute Voraussetzung ist). Ich finds traurig wenn man sich von PR-Spins blenden lässt und dabei der Fokus auf völlig falsche Dinge gelenkt wird. Ich hoffe wirklich, die Leute lernen was aus den letzten Jahren. Sonst schauts hier bei aus eher traurig aus.
Sorry für den long post. Ich werd mir jetzt den oasch abwischen und spülen. Danke fürs Lesen.
submitted by SebastianKurac to Austria [link] [comments]

[Rant]Kommts nur mir so vor oder ist die ÖVP eine der korruptesten und zwielichtigsten Parteien in der gesamten EU?

Über die Frage hab ich mir heute den ganzen Tag den Kopf zerbrochen, vor allem mit der Nachricht, dass das gesamte Ibiza-Video nicht angenommen wird. (Mir ist bewusst, dass es rechtliche Gründe gibt, aber wie es ein anderer Redditor in einem Kommentar gesagt hat: "Wenn mans haben will, sucht man nach Wegen")
Einerseits fällt mir da die Wahlkampfkostenüberschreitung aus dem letzten Wahlkampf 2017 ein. Hier nochmal zur Strafe. Aber da die Strafe ja an den Staat und die Regierung gezahlt wurde, wurde sie durch die Parteiförderung im Jahr 2018 "negiert". Hier die Förderungen aus dem Jahr 2018. Im Jahr zuvor hat die Partei fast 10 Mio. Euro weniger bekommen. Lässt sich vermutlich auf die Stimmenanteile zurückführen.
Was mir andererseits auch noch sehr suspekt ist, ist, dass keiner der hohen Herren der ÖVP, die der Koalitionspartner der FPÖ waren, in keinerlei Hinsicht auch nur ansatzweise im Ibiza-Video erwähnt werden und auch bei einer Hausdurchsuchung in Straches Wohnung keine Dokumente im Bezug auf Kurz sichergestellt wurden. Hier ein Link zu einem Bericht zur Befragung von Strache im Ibiza-U-Ausschuss.
Wichtig zu erwähnen ist sind auch die Parteispenden und deren Einfluss auf die Politik. Kleiner Einblick in die Parteispenden. Die ÖVP und insbesondere Kurz rühmen sich immer wieder, Politik für das Volk zu machen, was aber leider gar nicht der Fall ist. Auch die Maßnahmen im Zuge der Coronakrise (Kurzarbeit, Zuschüsse/Finanzspritzen an Firmen, die eigentlich nicht mehr in österreichischer Hand sind (mir fallen auf die Schnelle die 150 Mio. Euro an die AUA ein)). Viele Kleinunternehmer, auch in meinem persönlichen Freundeskreis, haben vom Kurzarbeitsgeld noch keinen Cent gesehen. Hier ein Bericht vom 4.5 zur Auszahlung. Was mich außerdem stört, ist die bedingungslose Antragstellung großer Firmen, die trotzdem noch Dividenden ausschütten und sich vom Staat "durchfüttern" lassen.
Noch ein kleiner Beitrag nur Casinos Austria-Vorstandsbesetzung, die mich persönlich auch gestört hat.
Ein Artikel aus dem Standard zur "schiefen Bahn" der ÖVP.

Werde versuchen, den Post mit weiteren Punkten zu aktualisieren, sobald ich Zeit dafür habe und mir noch weitere Punkte einfallen.
Rant Ende.
submitted by IchMagThaiReis to Austria [link] [comments]

17.03 The latest from the City of Cologne (a long one)

u/homer__jay has posted that you can get information from the City of Cologne in different languages.
The City of Cologne put the regional directives to reduce contacts into effect.
The current situation at 15:00 on Monday, 16th March 2020 is that within the city boundaries there are a total of 301 confirmed Corona cases. Nine of these cases are being treated in hospital, four of those in intensive care. The Heath Office (Gesundheitsamt) has ordered over 1000 people to self-isolate at home. Also a care home for disabled citizens has been placed in quarantine with 26 people being affected.
Many infected people continue to arrive from foreign risk areas, especially from Austria. The Heath Office is ordering ALL people arriving from a Corona risk area, and that includes Italy, Iran, Hubei province in China, Gyeongsangbuk-do province in South Korea, the Grand-Est region of France, Tirol, Madrid and the US states of California, Washington and New York to place themselves in self-isolation for 14 days.
The crisis committee agreed on the following measures which have legal force to implement the regional government directives. They come into force on 17th March 2020 (today).
• People recently arrived from Corona risk areas (see above) are forbidden to visit schools, kitas, hospitals and other special facilities.
• Reduce visits to hospitals to protect patients and staff (u/Caladeutschian adds that I have heard that ALL visitors to the UniKlinik are banned)
• All places of entertainment, especially bars, clubs and disktheques as well as theatres, cinemas and museums must be closed.
• All gastronomy businesses, especially restaurants, cafes and pubs must be closed. An exception is made for those businesses which have take-away sales or home delivery of pre-ordered meals and drinks.
• There are restrictions on hotels (u/Caladeutschian says there is no further information given)
• All sports facilities, especially fitness studios, swimming pools, saunas and fun pools must be closed.
• All amusment arcades, casinos and betting shops and similar businesses must be closed.
• All prostitution businesses must be closed.
• All classes or similar in Volkshochschulen, Music schools and other public and private non-school educational establishments must be cancelled.
• All meetings and gatherings in sports clubs as well as other sport and leisure facilities are banned. As long as the public are excluded, an exception is made for training of professional sports.
• Libraries are restricted (u/caladeutschian reports that the city library is closed and no book loans are currently possible. Books currently out on loan will have the loan period extended until the library reopens)
• There are restrictions on showrooms, shopping malls, factory outlets and similar businesses where there are more than 15 single businesses. (no further details)
• All events are prohibited. This includes a prohibition on all open-air gatherings and demonstrations.
• All of the previously mentioned directives are in force until at least 19th April 2020.
To avoid gatherings of people, also in open-air, the following places will be closed. The Botanic Gardens, the Arboretum, the Lindentaler Zoo and Finkens Garden. (The zoo is also closed).
To avoid the spreading of the virus to and within the personnel of the city administration, all parts of the city administration will be closed to the public on Tuesday and Wednesday (17-18th March) with the exception of confirmed appointments and emergencies. The staff are available via telephone and Email. These two day will be used to organise a customer service adapted to the circumstances of the situation. Details will be announced later. All citizens can find an overview of the online services of the city at
Further, the crisis committee has decided that from 17th March onwards civic wedding ceremonies at the Standesamt will be restricted to the wedding couple and their witnesses. Burials will be restricted to close family. The Trauerhallen (funeral halls) will be closed.
Already, since 16th March, all schools, kitas and other facilities for child minding have been closed to prevent the rapid spread of the virus.
Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker stressed: ”This closure confronts many families with an enormous challenge. I thank you for your great efforts and understanding. You thereby make an important effort to break the chain of infection and to delay the spread of the virus”.
The Health Office repeats its appeal to restrict social contact to an absolute minimum. Additionally it informs that the Health Office does not offer or perform tests for COVID-19. Patients with a suspicion of COVID-19 should first contact their family doctor (by telephone – do not go to the surgery) and then go with the appropriate transfer paper (Überweisung) to the Infection Center at the Uniklinik.
General recommendations: The Health Office of the City of Cologne recommends to follow hygiene procedures that would also be appropriate for an influenze infection. That includes no handshakes (u/caladeutschian recommends the Indian Namaste greeting), regular handwashing with soap and water, do not touch your face. (u/caladeutschian finds this personally impossible)
The Bürgertelefon of the City of Cologne can answer general questions on the topic of the Corona virus on 0221/22133500. The Bürgertelefon is available Monday to Friday from 7 until 18 and in the coming weekends from 9 to 18. Further information can be obtained at where the city of Cologne has gathered the most important information and links.
submitted by Caladeutschian to cologne [link] [comments]

Mafia Commission

Mafias are owned by the Black Nobility of Rome and some other royals and nobles.
Thomas Gambino Sr. runs a Medical charity racket in NY and resides in Florida as one of the top members of the modern Commission. Thomas Sr.'s wife is Frances Lucchese. They oversee the Luccheses and factions of the Gambinos. The Lucchesi-Palli family are a nobility of Sicily, Tuscany, and Austria and they own the Lucchese crime family. The Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach, New York pay tributes to the Lucchese crime family. The Russian Mafia has held meetings in Austria where the Lucchesi-Palli are nobles.
Carlo Gambino "Lucchese" is the grandson of the founder of the Gambinos through his father and grandson of the founder of the Luccheses through his mother. The Luccheses have an alliance with the Russian Mafia. The Russian Mafia have operations in Florida and California and the Gambinos live in New York, Florida, and California.
Thomas Gambino "Lucchese" Jr. owns an international warehouse and distribution company called Dynamic Worldwide with operations in China and other parts of Asia as well as in Texas next to the Mexican border. Thomas Jr. is headquartered out of Florida.
Frank Cali is the top boss in California and Los Angeles and has high authority within the Gambino crime family. Frank Cali covertly works with the Israeli-American businessmen Lyor Cohen who works with criminal rappers like Jay Z, Kanye West, DMX, and Method Man. Lyor Cohen is married to the deputy chairman of Christie's Asia Xin Li. The Massimo family of Rome own the Gambinos and Prince Tancredi Massimo works at Christies.
Rosario Gambino is Frank Calis uncle and adviser with close connections to Rome. The Gambinos are owned by the Massimo family with Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio who is like the godfather of organized crime. The Massimos received tributes from most mafias and cartels around the world.
Massimo Carminati who was imprisoned in 2017 was the head of the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (NAR) a Neo-Fascist paramilitary group that still covertly exists and works with the Magliana Mafia of Rome. The NAR is involved in weapons trafficking, assassinations, and contract killings and they are owned by the Massimo family. Massimo Carminati was nicknamed the "Last King of Rome"
Leonardo Rizzuto is the head of the Montreal crime family which includes the Rizzutos and Cuntrera Caruana mafia. They have a business alliance with Venezuelan drug cartels and the Sinaloa Cartel. The Rizzutos have residences in Venezuela and meet with the Sinaloa Cartel on the Island of Margarita and properties owned by the Rizzuto crime family's owners the Ruspoli noble family of Rome.
Jack Giacalone runs the Detroit Mafia and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in the US through James Hoffa the son of Jimmy Hoffa who was disappeared by the Giacalones. The Detroit Mafia runs rackets on the US automotive industry. Giacalone also works with the Jewish billionaire and crook Daniel Gilbert who owns casinos in Detroit, Cleveland, and also owns the Cleveland Cavaliers. Dan Gilbert renamed his casino company Jack Entertainment to honor Jack Giacalone. The Detroit Mafia is owned by the Odescalchi family of Rome.
Russell Papalardo is a top boss of the Cleveland crime family which works closely with the Detroit Mafia. The Licavole family have been top members of the Cleveland crime family. Their relative named Jimmy Laccavole is one of the most insane and relentless gang stalkers and paid slanderers in my region. He is a small little zealous psychopath that specializes in poisoning people and brainwashing them with insane lies. The Orsini family are owners of the Cleveland crime family and they are merged with the German Rosenberg family which own some Jewish mafias with the Def Jam CEO Paul Rosenberg as a member of the Jewish Mafia.
Meyer Lansky III runs territories in Vegas today and is a top member of the Jewish-Polish Mafia and associate of the Chicago Outfit. His grandfather Meyer Lansky was a Polish-Jew. Lansky III works with Tamares Group which is a casino company in Vegas owned by the Zabludowicz family which are Polish-Israeli Jews with Poju Zabludowicz. The Colonna family are owners of the Chicago Outfit and use the Roselli del Turco and Capponi noble families of Florence to mange them. Al Capone and John Rosseli were Chicago mobsters and related to these noble families. The Colonna family of Rome also have a Polish branch called the Colonna-Walewski family. Meyer Lanski was a Polish Jew.
Simone Rizzo DeCavalcate Jr. oversees the New Jersey crime family from Florida and he works with Wu-Tang rapper RZA or Robert Fitzgerald Diggs who lives in NJ and runs AVLN gangs, 5 Percenter Islamic Gang Stalkers, and other street gangs involved in drug trafficking of marijuana, PCP, crack-cocaine, and heroin. Wu-Tang also works with the Gambinos, Westies, and the Triads.
John Bokun is a high level and extremely dangerous Irish gangster that runs the Irish Westies in Hells Kitchen. John Bokun has a monopoly on marijuana both in the streets and in the medical industry. He extorts the medical marijuana industry and street sale of marijuana in the US. The Westies are allied with the Gambinos and Gottis. John Bokun is an extremely evil murderous psychopath that needs to be executed immediately.
Jay O'Connor is an Irish Mafia boss from Dublin. The Irish Mafia are extremely violent and involved in drug trafficking, gun trafficking, murder, extortion, thefts, robberies, and business rackets. The Irish Mafia often operate out of boxing clubs, bars, and racetracks.
Gerry Hutch is an Irish Mafia boss that runs rackets in the boxing industry and has been involved in robberies. Hutch has worked with the boxer Mike Tyson and has run boxing rings in Ireland. Conor McGregor is an associate of the Irish Mafia in Dublin and is a boxer and MMA fighter. The mafia rig fights for their bets. Bookies will collect bets and then the mafia decides who wins based on which is most profitable for them. Conor McGregor is an Irish mobster.
Terry Adams is an English gangster in Clerkenwell, London. The Adams crime family are involved in extortion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking of minors, blackmail, contract killings, and gold heists. The Clerkenwell Mafia is extorting the royal vault for gold. The Clerkenwell Mafia or Adams crime family are owned by the Massimo of Roccasecca family which live in London. Prince Stefano Massimo's mother was Dawn Addams.
Richard Valentini is the street boss of the Springfield Crew and he is one of the most violent and murderous members of Cosa Nostra. The Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family own the Rochester crime family of New York which was headed up by Valenti mobsters with crime bosses Frank Valenti and Constenze Valenti. Their cousins own a large car dealership company in New England. Richard Valentini works under the Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family of Venice. Its believed the Springfield Crew is part of the Genovese crime family. The Savoys own the Genovese mafia. The Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family is currently married with the royal House of Savoy-Aosta. Prince Giberto Arrivabenne-Valenti-Gonzaga's wife is the daughter of Prince Amadeo of Savoy-Aosta.
Philip Andrew Genovese is a major pedophile living in Massachusetts and he is the grandson of Vito Genovese the founder of the Genovese crime family which works with the Springfield Crew in Massachusetts. Philip Andrew Genovese oversees Philip Gigante and Andrew Gigante of the Genovese crime family.
Andrew Gigante is a top boss of the Genovese crime family which have infiltrated Wall Street and run high end prostitution rings. Gigante means giant. The Gigantes work with the Mara family which own the NY Giants. The mafia rig sports for their bets. The Mara family are Irish white collar mobsters connected with the Jesuits and they work with the Rooney family through marriage which are white collar Irish mobsters, businessmen, and politicians that ran the Yonkers Raceway for decades. Racetracks are often mafia headquarters used for money laundering. The mafia works with owners of racetracks which allow them to claim their criminal profits like from drug trafficking were gambling wins.
Philip Gigante is a mobster and mayor in Airmonte, NY. The Savoy-Aosta family are owners of the Gigantes which have operations in New Jersey while the Savoys which live in Switzerland and are the princes of Naples and Venice are the owners of the Genovese family with the Gigantes being second in command. The Savoy-Aostas are also the Dukes of Apulia. The Apulian Mafia or Sacra Corona Unita mafia have deeply infiltrated New Jersey and work with the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey.
Liborio Bellomo is a high level mafia boss in the Genovese crime family. Liborio Bellomo spreads insane lies into society like a virus. Bellomo is from a Sicilian noble family and there is still a Bellomo castle in Syracuse, Sicily today. Bellomo operates out of the Bronx and oversees many African American gangs and mafias including a large gang ran by the criminal rapper Papoose out of Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. This Bed-Stuy black mafia are major gun traffickers in New York.
Vincent Badalemeti is a ruthless and murderous boss of the Bonanno crime family. The Bonannos have an alliance with the Ceritto crime family which have moved from California to Texas. The owners of the Bonannos are the Boncompagni-Ludovisi family of Rome. Bon-compagni translates to good fellow or Goodfella which is a term for made men.
Joseph Merlino is one of the top bosses in Atlantic City and oversees Ft Lauderdale from Boca Rotan. The Merlinos were involved in building many of the casinos in Atlantic City including Trumps casinos. Donald Trump works with the Philly crime family and his Counselor Kellyanne Conway's grandfather was an associate of the Philly crime family. Merlino works with the Israeli white collar mobster and billionaire owner of the Miami Heat Micky Arison. Merlino also works with black street gangs run by the gangster rapper Cassidy who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for what was originally a murder charge. The Gaetani family are owners of the Philly Mob and the Merlinos. Trump is friends with Prince Gaetani d’Aragona Lovatelli and his ex wife dated him for years. Lovatelli just as Philly is called the City of Brotherly Love.
Joseph Ligambi is a high level consiglieri for the Philly Mob and he works with the Jewish billionaire and owner of the Philadelphia Eagles Jeffrey Lurie who rigs games for the mafias bets. Joseph Ligambi also works with the Jewish billionaire Joshua Harris who is an owner of the Philadelphia 76's and co founder of Apollo Global Management with the Jesuit educated Knight of Malta Tony Ressler. Ligambi has similar ancestry as the Gambinos and has Philly mobsters loyal to him including George Borgesi, Joseph Massimino, and Mikey Lancelotti and all of their names refer to the Roman noble families; the Borgheses, Massimos, and Massimo-Lancellottis which are owners of the Gambinos.
John Gotti Jr. is a high level member of the modern Commission. He works with 50 Cent who runs both Bloods and Crips on the East Coast. Gotti Jr. and 50 Cent can be seen hanging out together. Gotti Jr. operates out of Long Island and manages Jewish billionaires and businessmen in New York through blackmail and extortion. The mafia uses violence to control wealth. This creates a layer of protection. The mafia provides children and underage sex workers to pedophiles in business and politics while taping them in the act and then use this to blackmail them. They use violence to control wealth. John Gotti is an extremely dangerous coward that controls other men through faggotry. Many Jewish billionaires are working with mafia including the child murdering pedophile Michael Bloomberg.
Louis Vallario is a Gambino street boss from Brooklyn working under the Gottis and he manages the Brooklyn born record producer Jimmy Iovine. Jimmy Iovine is an associate of the Gottis and Gambinos and he manages Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg are top bosses of the West Coast Crips and they are extremely evil. Jimmy Iovine who is worth over 900 million is close friends with Dre who is worth about 700 million. Dr. Dre and the Crips are involved in human trafficking and pedophilia cults. They use faggotry to control other men. Dr. Dre is a major faggot and pedophile. This makes him extremely insecure and dangerous.
John Gotti III is a MMA fighter working with the UFC and has infiltrated mixed martial arts industry which is used for rigging fights for bets and recruiting mafia enforcers. Gotti III is ruthless and murderous.
The Fertitta family with Frank Fertitta III, Lorenzo Fertitta, Tilman Fertitta are billionaires and members of the Galveston crime family and run the UFC. The Fertittas married with the Maceo crime family of Galveston, Texas. The Ferttitas operate in Nevada and Texas. The Fertittas also own Station Casinos which operates in Vegas. They use casinos for money laundering. Casinos are rigged. Dan Caldwell is an Irish mobster and owner of Tapout. Caldwell works with the Fertittas and Irish Mafia and he is extremely evil. Dan Caldwell is a psycho. Tillman Fertitta is the owner of the Houston Rockets and manages James Harden who is a ruthless satanic psychopath and mafia associate that defends the Fertittas. James Harden is a horrible person.
Vincent Civella is a high level made man in the Kansas City crime family which have operations in Missouri, Texas, and Nevada. The Sansone family are members of the Kansas City crime family with Michael Sansone and Anthony Sansone as made men and they have white collar mafia relatives running a large real estate company in Missouri. The mafia infiltrates everything including real estate. They have rackets in nearly every industry.
Vincenzo Isoldi is a Camorra mobster in Pittsburgh and associate of the Pittsburgh crime family. The Pittsburgh crime family runs the Jewish billionaire Mark Cuban who owns the Dallas Mavericks. Mark Cuban was originally from Pittsburgh and he is involved in rigging games for the mafias bets. The Borghese, Torlonia, and Rocco di Torrepadula families are owners of the mafia in Pittsburgh sometimes called the LaRocca crime family and the Torlonias also own the Kansas City crime family which have criminal operations in Dallas. The Torlonias are a continuation of the ancient Conti di Segni family and Gregorio Conti founded the Pittsburgh crime family. The Torlonias are the Princes of Civitella Cesi. The Civella family were founding members of the Kansas City crime family. Civitella and Civella both mean owl. The Hunt family own the Kansas City Chiefs and are also connected with Dallas. The Chiefs CEO and President Clark Hunt was born in Dallas.
Victoria Gotti is a female member of Cosa Nostra. Female members of the mafia are directly involved with pedophilia, child trafficking, and murdering children. Victoria Gotti is really evil and ruthless.
Carmine Agnello is a Gambino-Gotti associate and made man in the Cleveland crime family. Agnello and the Cleveland mafia infiltrate blue collar industries. Carmine Agnello is extremely evil. The Gaetanis are part owners of the Gottis. The Gaetanis are married with the billionaire Agnelli-Elkann family with Ginevra Elkann the granddaughter of Gianni Agnelli married to Prince Giovanni Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona.
Frank Agnello-Gotti is a high level made men in the Gambino crime family and they also manage the Albanian Mafia with his brothers Carmine and John.
Carmine Agnello-Gotti is a high level mobster. The Gottis are considered royalty among the Italian Mafia.
John Agnello-Gotti is likely the head of the Gotti-Agnellos. John Agnello-Gotti is a murderous thug.
John Alite is a high level Albanian mobster and Gambino made man and hitman. Alite works with the Gottis and Gambinos and oversees factions of the Albanian Mafia. The Jewish-Albanian rapper named Action Bronson is a covert Albanian mafia boss and oversees a US faction of the Hellbanianz which are headquartered in London. The Hellbanianz oversee the Albanian Boys which are a national crime organization.
Chris Colombo runs prostitution rings, pedophilia rings, and specializes in blackmail. The Colombos also have a monopoly on cocaine trafficking. A man named Vincent Martello works with the Colombos in the Greenwich and Long Island area. He runs an intelligence network for Cosa Nostra. He also makes threats on behalf of the mafia and is involved in trafficking children in the trunks of vehicles that he sells. The Colombos are an extremely evil and active crime family in New York City and they work closely with Jewish white collar mobsters which specialize in embezzlement, criminal financing, and infiltration.
Raymond Patriarca Jr. is a hidden boss of the New England crime family which have operations in Boston, Providence, and New Haven. They are involved in human trafficking, extortion, and blackmail. They are an extremely violent and oppressive mafia and they are allied with Jewish white collar mobsters, Irish Mafias in Boston including the Winter Hill Gang and the Puerto Rican Mafia in Boston headed up by the criminal Puerto Rican rapper Termanology or Daniel Carrillo who lives outside of Boston. The New England crime family work closely with the Romney family and with Bain Capital and Bain & Company through Stephen Pagliuca a co-founder of Bain Capital and owner of the Boston Celtics. Romney's Bain Capital was originally financed by offshore accounts from Latin American businessmen including associates of the Puerto Rican Mafia. Raymond Patriarca Jr. is Italian-Irish and has a Jewish wife.
Carmen Dinunzio is a top boss of the New England crime family and its Boston faction. Carmen Dinunzio works with the Jewish-Zionist billionaire Robert Kraft the owner of the New England Patriots. Tom Brady is a criminal agent of Kraft and he is involved in cheating and fixing games for the mafia's bets. Tom Brady also works with motorcycle gangs including the Iron Horseman which traffic meth and also adrenochrome which Tom Brady consumes. The Patriots are known for fixing games with spying and deflating footballs during a game because they practiced with deflated balls giving them an advantage. Robert Kraft has donated large amounts of money to the Jesuit colleges Boston College and College of the Holy Cross. The primary owners of the New England crime family are the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family and their ancestors officially established the Jesuits.
Frank Colacurcio Jr. runs the sex trafficking industry including trafficking of children in the North West part of the US including in northern California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The Coacurcios own a lot of strip clubs in Seattle used as fronts for brothels. The Seattle crime family works with Aryan Brotherhood gangs, Nazis, and Yakuza. There is a large scale human trafficking network from Asia to the West Coast with members of the mercenary company United Resources Group involved. Yakuza and Triads have also infiltrated the ports on the West Coast. The Palin family in Alaska are heavily involved in human trafficking. The Seattle crime family also works with Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos who finance and participate in human trafficking. They use their collective hundreds of billions to bribe police and government agents.
Vincent Loscalzo is a top member of the Trafficante crime family of Florida. The Trafficantes work with the Cuban Mafia and are involved with cocaine trafficking with the Cuban Jesuit Fanjul family of sugar manufacturers. They conceal cocaine as sugar. The Trafficantes work with the CIA and have operations and casinos in Cuba. Cuba is a hide out for mobsters. The CIA also fakes deaths of high profile criminals which hide out in Cuba like the ruthless mobster and rapper Lesane Parish Crooks. The Trafficantes also work with the New Orleans crime family which are major human traffickers and specialize in murder and disposing of bodies. The New Orleans crime family has an alliance with the Gulf Cartel.
Chris Paciello is a former mafia hitman and currently a night club owner in Miami, Florida. Paciello is still a member of Cosa Nostra and works covertly with the Trafficantes. He also manages the criminal rapper Rick Ross who took his name from the drug trafficker Freeway Ricky Ross. Trina is a female member of the African American mafia in Miami and is involved in child trafficking and child murder. The rapper Rick Ross can be seen hanging out with Chris Paciello on numerous occasions at Paciello's Miami clubs.
Joseph Caridi is a high level member of the Lucchese crime family which have a monopoly on the heroin market. They own a funeral home called Joseph A Lucchese Funeral Home with a crematorium in the Bronx which they use for disposing of bodies. The Luccheses are probably the most murderous mafia on the planet. They work with the Corsican Mafia which are headquartered in Baltimore. They import opium and heroin mostly through the ports on the East Coast and Thomas Gambino-Lucchese Jr. also traffics in heroin through Mexico.
Joseph Lubrano is a high level Lucchese mobster headquartered in Yonkers and he oversees rappers from Wu-Tang, Yonkers based D-Block, and the Harlem based Diplomats which are running the modern day Drug Council which is the head of the African American Mafia in the United States. Confirmed members of the modern Council include Jadakiss, Sheek Louch, Styles P, Ghostface Killah, and Jim Jones with his associate Hell Rell. The Yonkers based gangster rap group D-Block are the head of the modern Council and they work with Jay Z.
Semion Mogilevich is a Jewish-Russian mafia boss headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. Mogilvech's mafia runs some Israeli Mafias and has a portion of authority over the IDF through former IDF Chief Benny Gantz whose family was from Hungary. Mogilvech has owned a military arms manufacturing plant and this mafia also specializes in making snuff films. The Austrian House of Esterhazy and Lucchesi-Palli family are owners of the Mogilevich Mafia.
Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov is a Russian Mafia boss with operations in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Tokhtakhunov is an associate of the Corleonisi mafia clan of Sicily which also have operations in Monte Carlo where they launder their criminal profits through casinos. The royal family of Monaco the Grimaldis previously ruled in Genoa which ruled in the Black Sea region and they had relationships with the Romanovs and Khazarian nobles. Putin is a close friend with Prince Albert II of Monaco. Tokhtakhunov has admitted to meeting Putin.
Kwok Wing-hung is a Chinese Triad boss. The Triads have operations on the West Coast in the US and have infiltrated the ports. They are involved with human trafficking of Asian women and children. They are also involved in thefts, protection rackets, and manufacturing and selling knock offs of high end goods. Prince Francesco Luca Costa Sanseverino di Bisignano is from a Sicilian noble family and he was born in and resides in Hong Kong overseeing the Triads. Most mafias are managed by Cosa Nostra and pay them tributes. Cosa Nostra means "Our Thing" which refers to the Italian criminal's monopolization of organized crime.
submitted by AhuwahZeus to TopConspiracy [link] [comments]

Mafia Commission

Thomas Gambino Sr. runs a Medical charity racket in NY and resides in Florida as one of the top members of the modern Commission. Thomas Sr.'s wife is Frances Lucchese. They oversee the Luccheses and factions of the Gambinos. The Lucchesi-Palli family are a nobility of Sicily, Tuscany, and Austria and they own the Lucchese crime family. The Russian Mafia in Brighton Beach, New York pay tributes to the Lucchese crime family. The Russian Mafia has held meetings in Austria where the Lucchesi-Palli are nobles. Frank Stronach is an Austrian businessman that owns horse race tracks in the US including the Rosecroft Raceway in Maryland where the Corsican Mafia are covertly headquartered. The Corsican Mafia partnered with the Lucchese crime family through their "French Connection" heroin operation. The mafia use horse race tracks as headquarters for money laundering.
Carlo Gambino "Lucchese" is the grandson of the founder of the Gambinos through his father and grandson of the founder of the Luccheses through his mother. The Luccheses have an alliance with the Russian Mafia. The Russian Mafia have operations in Florida and California and the Gambinos live in New York, Florida, and California.
Thomas Gambino "Lucchese" Jr. owns an international warehouse and distribution company called Dynamic Worldwide with operations in China and other parts of Asia as well as in Texas next to the Mexican border. Thomas Jr. is headquartered out of Florida.
Frank Cali is the top boss in California and Los Angeles and has high authority within the Gambino crime family. Frank Cali covertly works with the Israeli-American businessmen Lyor Cohen who works with criminal rappers like Jay Z, Kanye West, DMX, and Method Man. Lyor Cohen is married to the deputy chairman of Christie's Asia Xin Li. The Massimo family of Rome own the Gambinos and Prince Tancredi Massimo works at Christies.
Rosario Gambino is Frank Calis uncle and adviser with close connections to Rome. The Gambinos are owned by the Massimo family with Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio who is like the godfather of organized crime. The Massimos received tributes from most mafias and cartels around the world.
Massimo Carminati who was imprisoned in 2017 was the head of the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (NAR) a Neo-Fascist paramilitary group that still covertly exists and works with the Magliana Mafia of Rome. The NAR is involved in weapons trafficking, assassinations, and contract killings and they are owned by the Massimo family. Massimo Carminati was nicknamed the "Last King of Rome"
Leonardo Rizzuto is the head of the Montreal crime family which includes the Rizzutos and Cuntrera Caruana mafia. They have a business alliance with Venezuelan drug cartels and the Sinaloa Cartel. The Rizzutos have residences in Venezuela and meet with the Sinaloa Cartel on the Island of Margarita and properties owned by the Rizzuto crime family's owners the Ruspoli noble family of Rome.
Jack Giacalone runs the Detroit Mafia and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in the US through James Hoffa the son of Jimmy Hoffa who was disappeared by the Giacalones. The Detroit Mafia runs rackets on the US automotive industry. Giacalone also works with the Jewish billionaire and crook Daniel Gilbert who owns casinos in Detroit, Cleveland, and also owns the Cleveland Cavaliers. Dan Gilbert renamed his casino company Jack Entertainment to honor Jack Giacalone. The Detroit Mafia is owned by the Odescalchi family of Rome.
Russell Papalardo is a top boss of the Cleveland crime family which works closely with the Detroit Mafia. The Licavole family have been top members of the Cleveland crime family. Their relative named Jimmy Laccavole is one of the most insane and relentless gang stalkers and paid slanderers in my region. He is a small little zealous psychopath that specializes in poisoning people and brainwashing them with insane lies. The Orsini family are owners of the Cleveland crime family and they are merged with the German Rosenberg family which own some Jewish mafias with the Def Jam CEO Paul Rosenberg as a member of the Jewish Mafia.
Meyer Lansky III runs territories in Vegas today and is a top member of the Jewish-Polish Mafia and associate of the Chicago Outfit. His grandfather Meyer Lansky was a Polish-Jew. Lansky III works with Tamares Group which is a casino company in Vegas owned by the Zabludowicz family which are Polish-Israeli Jews with Poju Zabludowicz. The Colonna family are owners of the Chicago Outfit and use the Roselli del Turco and Capponi noble families of Florence to mange them. Al Capone and John Rosseli were Chicago mobsters and related to these noble families. The Colonna family of Rome also have a Polish branch called the Colonna-Walewski family. Meyer Lanski was a Polish Jew.
Simone Rizzo DeCavalcate Jr. oversees the New Jersey crime family from Florida and he works with Wu-Tang rapper RZA or Robert Fitzgerald Diggs who lives in NJ and runs AVLN gangs, 5 Percenter Islamic Gang Stalkers, and other street gangs involved in drug trafficking of marijuana, PCP, crack-cocaine, and heroin. Wu-Tang also works with the Gambinos, Westies, and the Triads.
John Bokun is a high level and extremely dangerous Irish gangster that runs the Irish Westies in Hells Kitchen. John Bokun has a monopoly on marijuana both in the streets and in the medical industry. He extorts the medical marijuana industry and street sale of marijuana in the US. John Bokun was arrested several years ago for transporting a half of million in marijuana on his 40 million dollar jet from California to the East Coast. The Westies are allied with the Gambinos and Gottis. John Bokun is an extremely evil murderous psychopath that needs to be executed immediately.
Jay O'Connor is an Irish Mafia boss from Dublin. The Irish Mafia are extremely violent and involved in drug trafficking, gun trafficking, murder, extortion, thefts, robberies, and business rackets. The Irish Mafia often operate out of boxing clubs, bars, and racetracks. The Rooney family in the US are Irish white collar mobsters involved in politics and business. They recently sold their Yonkers Raceway in 2019 to MGM. They owned the Yonkers Raceway since 1972. In 1995 there were arrests at the Rooney's Yonkers Raceway for a multimillion dollar gambling ring.
Gerry Hutch is an Irish Mafia boss that runs rackets in the boxing industry and has been involved in robberies. Hutch has worked with the boxer Mike Tyson and has run boxing rings in Ireland. Conor McGregor is an associate of the Irish Mafia in Dublin and is a boxer and MMA fighter. The mafia rig fights for their bets. Bookies will collect bets and then the mafia decides who wins based on which is most profitable for them. Conor McGregor is an Irish mobster.
Terry Adams is an English gangster in Clerkenwell, London. The Adams crime family are involved in extortion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking of minors, blackmail, contract killings, and gold heists. The Clerkenwell Mafia is extorting the royal vault for gold. The Clerkenwell Mafia or Adams crime family are owned by the Massimo of Roccasecca family which live in London. Prince Stefano Massimo's mother was Dawn Addams.
Richard Valentini is the street boss of the Springfield Crew and he is one of the most violent and murderous members of Cosa Nostra. The Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family own the Rochester crime family of New York which was headed up by Valenti mobsters with crime bosses Frank Valenti and Constenze Valenti. Their cousins own a large car dealership company in New England. Richard Valentini works under the Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family of Venice. Its believed the Springfield Crew is part of the Genovese crime family. The Savoys own the Genovese mafia. The Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family is currently married with the royal House of Savoy-Aosta. Prince Giberto Arrivabenne-Valenti-Gonzaga's wife is the daughter of Prince Amadeo of Savoy-Aosta.
Philip Andrew Genovese is a major pedophile living in Massachusetts and he is the grandson of Vito Genovese the founder of the Genovese crime family which works with the Springfield Crew in Massachusetts. Philip Andrew Genovese oversees Philip Gigante and Andrew Gigante of the Genovese crime family.
Andrew Gigante is a top boss of the Genovese crime family which have infiltrated Wall Street and run high end prostitution rings. Gigante means giant. The Gigantes work with the Mara family which own the NY Giants. The mafia rig sports for their bets. The Mara family are Irish white collar mobsters connected with the Jesuits and they work with the Rooney family through marriage which are white collar Irish mobsters, businessmen, and politicians that ran the Yonkers Raceway for decades. Racetracks are often mafia headquarters used for money laundering. The mafia works with owners of racetracks which allow them to claim their criminal profits like from drug trafficking were gambling wins.
Philip Gigante is a mobster and mayor in Airmonte, NY. The Savoy-Aosta family are owners of the Gigantes which have operations in New Jersey while the Savoys which live in Switzerland and are the princes of Naples and Venice are the owners of the Genovese family with the Gigantes being second in command. The Savoy-Aostas are also the Dukes of Apulia. The Apulian Mafia or Sacra Corona Unita mafia have deeply infiltrated New Jersey and work with the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey.
Liborio Bellomo is a high level mafia boss in the Genovese crime family. Liborio Bellomo spreads insane lies into society like a virus. Bellomo is from a Sicilian noble family and there is still a Bellomo castle in Syracuse, Sicily today. Bellomo operates out of the Bronx and oversees many African American gangs and mafias including a large gang ran by the criminal rapper Papoose out of Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. This Bed-Stuy black mafia are major gun traffickers in New York.
Vincent Badalemeti is a ruthless and murderous boss of the Bonanno crime family. The Bonannos have an alliance with the Ceritto crime family which have moved from California to Texas. The owners of the Bonannos are the Boncompagni-Ludovisi family of Rome. Bon-compagni translates to good fellow or Goodfella which is a term for made men.
Joseph Merlino is one of the top bosses in Atlantic City and oversees Ft Lauderdale from Boca Rotan. The Merlinos were involved in building many of the casinos in Atlantic City including Trumps casinos. Donald Trump works with the Philly crime family and his Counselor Kellyanne Conway's grandfather was an associate of the Philly crime family. Merlino works with the Israeli white collar mobster and billionaire owner of the Miami Heat Micky Arison. Merlino also works with black street gangs run by the gangster rapper Cassidy who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for what was originally a murder charge. The Gaetani family are owners of the Philly Mob and the Merlinos. Trump is friends with Prince Gaetani d’Aragona Lovatelli and his ex wife dated him for years. Lovatelli just as Philly is called the City of Brotherly Love.
Joseph Ligambi is a high level consiglieri for the Philly Mob and he works with the Jewish billionaire and owner of the Philadelphia Eagles Jeffrey Lurie who rigs games for the mafias bets. Joseph Ligambi also works with the Jewish billionaire Joshua Harris who is an owner of the Philadelphia 76's and co founder of Apollo Global Management with the Jesuit educated Knight of Malta Tony Ressler. Ligambi has similar ancestry as the Gambinos and has Philly mobsters loyal to him including George Borgesi, Joseph Massimino, and Mikey Lancelotti and all of their names refer to the Roman noble families; the Borgheses, Massimos, and Massimo-Lancellottis which are owners of the Gambinos.
John Gotti Jr. is a high level member of the modern Commission. He works with 50 Cent who runs both Bloods and Crips on the East Coast. Gotti Jr. and 50 Cent can be seen hanging out together. Gotti Jr. operates out of Long Island and manages Jewish billionaires and businessmen in New York through blackmail and extortion. The mafia uses violence to control wealth. This creates a layer of protection for the owners of the mafia which are the Black Nobility of Rome. The mafia provides children and underage sex workers to pedophiles in business and politics while taping them in the act and then use this to blackmail them. They use violence, blackmail, and extortion to control wealth. John Gotti is an extremely dangerous coward that controls other men through faggotry. Faggotry really means men raping other men to control them. Faggot derives from the word Fasces where the word Fascism also derived. Many Jewish billionaires are working with mafia including the child murdering pedophile Michael Bloomberg.
Louis Vallario is a Gambino street boss from Brooklyn working under the Gottis and he manages the Brooklyn born record producer Jimmy Iovine. Jimmy Iovine is an associate of the Gottis and Gambinos and he manages Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg are top bosses of the West Coast Crips and they are extremely evil. Jimmy Iovine who is worth over 900 million is close friends with Dre who is worth about 700 million. Dr. Dre and the Crips are involved in human trafficking and pedophilia cults. They use faggotry to control other men. Dr. Dre is a major faggot and pedophile. This makes him extremely insecure and dangerous.
John Gotti III is a MMA fighter working with the UFC and has infiltrated mixed martial arts industry which is used for rigging fights for bets and recruiting mafia enforcers. Gotti III is ruthless and murderous.
Dennis Pappas is a high level criminal associate of the Colombo crime family and works as a financier and law adviser for Cosa Nostra. Dennis Pappas was convicted of racketeering and tax evasion and later worked for the wealthy Venetian Cipriani family who were also investigated and fined for tax evasion assisted by Pappas. Dennis Pappas worked as a high level executive of Cipriani USA which owns restaurants and nightclubs. The Ciprianis own clubs all over the world and are originally from Venice. They are likely worth billions. They moved their company headquarters to Luxembourg where there are banking secrecy laws. During Pappas original arrest in the 90's for racketeering he claimed he worked as a spy for the FBI involving 1993 World Trade Center bombing to blackmail them into getting a plea deal.
Salvatore DeLaurentis is the boss of the Chicago Outfit which has a covert alliance with the Los Zetas drug cartel. The Chicago Outfit also covertly runs many Vegas casinos today and use them for money laundering. The Chicago Outfit specializes in controlling democratic politicians including Clinton and Obama. Obama has business connections with Tony Rezko who was convicted of wire fraud, extortion, and corrupt solicitation. Obama is also friends with Alexi Giannoulias whose bank made loans worth millions to convicted mobsters Michael Giorango and Demitri Stavropoulos. The Chicago Outfit has agents that have infiltrated the Chicago police department and the Chicago Mafia also works with various black street gangs which move drugs for them.
James Inendino is a Chicago mobster operating out of Cicero right next to Chicago. They have a headquarters at the Hawthorne Race Course in Cicero owned by the Carey family. Hawthorne was involved in the 70's in gambling rings and an arson to cover it up.
Peter DiFronzo is a Chicago mobster and brother of the recently deceased mafia boss John DiFronzo. John DiFronzo owned car dealerships which the mafia use for moving stolen vehicles which they use to transport drugs and for human trafficking. They use dealer plates to move around these stolen vehicles. The Chicago Outfit is covertly involved in pedophilia rings and child trafficking and they blackmail politicians and businessmen that are propped up with videos of them molesting children.
The Fertitta family with Frank Fertitta III, Lorenzo Fertitta, Tilman Fertitta are billionaires and members of the Galveston crime family and run the UFC. The Fertittas married with the Maceo crime family of Galveston, Texas. The Ferttitas operate in Nevada and Texas. The Fertittas also own Station Casinos which operates in Vegas. They use casinos for money laundering. Casinos are rigged. Dan Caldwell is an Irish mobster and owner of Tapout. Caldwell works with the Fertittas and Irish Mafia and he is extremely evil. Dan Caldwell is a psycho. Tillman Fertitta is the owner of the Houston Rockets and manages James Harden who is a ruthless satanic psychopath and mafia associate that defends the Fertittas. James Harden is a horrible person.
Vincent Civella is a high level made man in the Kansas City crime family which have operations in Missouri, Texas, and Nevada. The Sansone family are members of the Kansas City crime family with Michael Sansone and Anthony Sansone as made men and they have white collar mafia relatives running a large real estate company in Missouri. The mafia infiltrates everything including real estate. They have rackets in nearly every industry.
Vincenzo Isoldi is a Camorra mobster in Pittsburgh and associate of the Pittsburgh crime family. The Pittsburgh crime family runs the Jewish billionaire Mark Cuban who owns the Dallas Mavericks. Mark Cuban was originally from Pittsburgh and he is involved in rigging games for the mafias bets. The Borghese, Torlonia, and Rocco di Torrepadula families are owners of the mafia in Pittsburgh sometimes called the LaRocca crime family and the Torlonias also own the Kansas City crime family which have criminal operations in Dallas. The Torlonias are a continuation of the ancient Conti di Segni family and Gregorio Conti founded the Pittsburgh crime family. The Torlonias are the Princes of Civitella Cesi. The Civella family were founding members of the Kansas City crime family. Civitella and Civella both mean owl. The Hunt family own the Kansas City Chiefs and are also connected with Dallas. The Chiefs CEO and President Clark Hunt was born in Dallas.
Victoria Gotti is a female member of Cosa Nostra. Female members of the mafia are directly involved with pedophilia, child trafficking, and murdering children. Victoria Gotti is really evil and ruthless.
Carmine Agnello is a Gambino-Gotti associate and made man in the Cleveland crime family. Agnello and the Cleveland mafia infiltrate blue collar industries. Carmine Agnello is extremely evil. The Gaetanis are part owners of the Gottis. The Gaetanis are married with the billionaire Agnelli-Elkann family with Ginevra Elkann the granddaughter of Gianni Agnelli married to Prince Giovanni Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona.
Frank Agnello-Gotti is a high level made men in the Gambino crime family and they also manage the Albanian Mafia with his brothers Carmine and John.
Carmine Agnello-Gotti is a high level mobster. The Gottis are considered royalty among the Italian Mafia.
John Agnello-Gotti is likely the head of the Gotti-Agnellos. John Agnello-Gotti is a murderous thug.
John Alite is a high level Albanian mobster and Gambino made man and hitman. Alite works with the Gottis and Gambinos and oversees factions of the Albanian Mafia. The Jewish-Albanian rapper named Action Bronson is a covert Albanian mafia boss and oversees a US faction of the Hellbanianz which are headquartered in London. The Hellbanianz oversee the Albanian Boys which are a national crime organization.
Chris Colombo runs prostitution rings, pedophilia rings, and specializes in blackmail. The Colombos also have a monopoly on cocaine trafficking. A man named Vincent Martello works with the Colombos in the Greenwich and Long Island area. He runs an intelligence network for Cosa Nostra. He also makes threats on behalf of the mafia and is involved in trafficking children in the trunks of vehicles that he sells. The Colombos are an extremely evil and active crime family in New York City and they work closely with Jewish white collar mobsters which specialize in embezzlement, criminal financing, and infiltration.
Raymond Patriarca Jr. is a hidden boss of the New England crime family which have operations in Boston, Providence, and New Haven. They are involved in human trafficking, extortion, and blackmail. They are an extremely violent and oppressive mafia and they are allied with Jewish white collar mobsters, Irish Mafias in Boston including the Winter Hill Gang and the Puerto Rican Mafia in Boston headed up by the criminal Puerto Rican rapper Termanology or Daniel Carrillo who lives outside of Boston. The New England crime family work closely with the Romney family and with Bain Capital and Bain & Company through Stephen Pagliuca a co-founder of Bain Capital and owner of the Boston Celtics. Romney's Bain Capital was originally financed by offshore accounts from Latin American businessmen including associates of the Puerto Rican Mafia. Raymond Patriarca Jr. is Italian-Irish and has a Jewish wife.
Carmen Dinunzio is a top boss of the New England crime family and its Boston faction. Carmen Dinunzio works with the Jewish-Zionist billionaire Robert Kraft the owner of the New England Patriots. Tom Brady is a criminal agent of Kraft and he is involved in cheating and fixing games for the mafia's bets. Tom Brady also works with motorcycle gangs including the Iron Horseman and Hells Angels which traffic meth and also adrenochrome which Tom Brady consumes. The Patriots are known for fixing games with spying and deflating footballs during a game because they practiced with deflated balls giving them an advantage. Robert Kraft has donated large amounts of money to the Jesuit colleges Boston College and College of the Holy Cross. The primary owners of the New England crime family are the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family and their ancestors officially established the Jesuits.
Frank Colacurcio Jr. runs the sex trafficking industry including trafficking of children in the North West part of the US including in northern California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The Coacurcios own a lot of strip clubs in Seattle used as fronts for brothels. The Seattle crime family works with Aryan Brotherhood gangs, Nazis, and Yakuza. There is a large scale human trafficking network from Asia to the West Coast with members of the mercenary company United Resources Group involved. Yakuza and Triads have also infiltrated the ports on the West Coast. The Palin family in Alaska are heavily involved in human trafficking. The Seattle crime family also works with Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos who finance and participate in human trafficking. They use their collective hundreds of billions to bribe police and government agents.
Vincent Loscalzo is a top member of the Trafficante crime family of Florida. The Trafficantes work with the Cuban Mafia and are involved with cocaine trafficking with the Cuban Jesuit Fanjul family of sugar manufacturers. They conceal cocaine as sugar. The Trafficantes work with the CIA and have operations and casinos in Cuba. Cuba is a hide out for mobsters. The CIA also fakes deaths of high profile criminals which hide out in Cuba like the ruthless mobster and rapper Lesane Parish Crooks. The Trafficantes also work with the New Orleans crime family which are major human traffickers and specialize in murder and disposing of bodies. The New Orleans crime family has an alliance with the Gulf Cartel.
Chris Paciello is a former mafia hitman and currently a night club owner in Miami, Florida. Paciello is still a member of Cosa Nostra and works covertly with the Trafficantes. He also manages the criminal rapper Rick Ross who took his name from the drug trafficker Freeway Ricky Ross. Trina is a female member of the African American mafia in Miami and is involved in child trafficking and child murder. The rapper Rick Ross can be seen hanging out with Chris Paciello on numerous occasions at Paciello's Miami clubs.
Joseph Caridi is a high level member of the Lucchese crime family which have a monopoly on the heroin market. The Luccheses own a funeral home called Joseph A Lucchese Funeral Home with a crematorium in the Bronx which they use for disposing of bodies. Joseph Lucchese is a member of the Lucchese crime family and he disposes of bodies in his crematorium and also murders people by burning them alive. The Luccheses are probably the most murderous mafia on the planet. They work with the Corsican Mafia which are headquartered in Baltimore. They import opium and heroin mostly through the ports on the East Coast and Thomas Gambino-Lucchese Jr. also traffics in heroin through Mexico.
Joseph Lubrano is a high level Lucchese mobster headquartered in Yonkers and he oversees rappers from Wu-Tang, Yonkers based D-Block, and the Harlem based Diplomats which are running the modern day Drug Council which is the head of the African American Mafia in the United States. D-Block which are from Yonkers are the head of the modern day Council. Confirmed members of the Drug Council include Jadakiss, Sheek Louch, Styles P, Ghostface Killah, and Jim Jones with his associate Hell Rell. The Yonkers based gangster rap group D-Block are the head of the modern Council and they work with Jay Z. They recently signed to Jay Z's record label.
Semion Mogilevich is a Jewish-Russian mafia boss headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. Mogilvech's mafia runs some Israeli Mafias and has a portion of authority over the IDF through former IDF Chief Benny Gantz whose family was from Hungary. Mogilvech has owned a military arms manufacturing plant and this mafia also specializes in making snuff films. The Austrian House of Esterhazy and Lucchesi-Palli family are owners of the Mogilevich Mafia.
Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov is a Russian Mafia boss with operations in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Tokhtakhunov is an associate of the Corleonisi mafia clan of Sicily which also have operations in Monte Carlo where they launder their criminal profits through casinos. The royal family of Monaco the Grimaldis previously ruled in Genoa which ruled in the Black Sea region and they had relationships with the Romanovs and Khazarian nobles. Putin is a close friend with Prince Albert II of Monaco. Tokhtakhunov has admitted to meeting Putin.
Kwok Wing-hung is a Chinese Triad boss. The Triads have operations on the West Coast in the US and have infiltrated the ports. They are involved with human trafficking of Asian women and children. They are also involved in thefts, protection rackets, and manufacturing and selling knock offs of high end goods. Prince Francesco Luca Costa Sanseverino di Bisignano is from a Sicilian noble family and he was born in and resides in Hong Kong overseeing the Triads. Most mafias are managed by Cosa Nostra and pay them tributes. Cosa Nostra means "Our Thing" which refers to the Italian criminal's monopolization of organized crime.
submitted by AhuwahZeus to CasualNewWorldOrder [link] [comments]

u/vernazza's unnecessarily long guide to Budapest

Free 30+ page travel guide about Budapest, Hungary and bits of Central Europe. Enjoy!
Information correct as of summer 2020. If you find anything incorrect or would like to make requests, suggestions (or just want to say hi), please do that here! You should also drop by in /budapest to see past questions and to get advice from multiple people.
I would also greatly appreciate your post-trip feedbacks about whether my recommendations worked out for you or not! Restaurants, clubs can undergo radical changes and it's not always possible to keep track of every single one.
The local charity I support is the Hungarian Food Bank Association. For every €1 donated they are able to save €30 worth of perishable food and have it reach underprivileged Hungarian families. If you find this guide useful, please consider donating to them!
Some links use URL-shorteners, so I could track how many of you are using this guide. Nothing fishy waiting for you behind them.
See my suggestions in the comments below about:
The situation is subject to change momentarily, this information is current as of September 2020. Eastern Europe as a whole has largely been spared from the worst of it, including Hungary, and the risk of transmission is low.
Presently foreigners are banned from entry altogether. Exceptions are in place for people with ties to the country (family members, studies, work, those holding residence permits), and people transiting by car on designated highways.
The situation will be revised monthly, with experts saying the second peak is expected for December-January.
In the country, you need to wear a mask on public transport, inside shops, malls, cinemas, museums. You don't need to wear them inside restaurants, cafes, bars, but they must close by 23.00. Social distancing rules are in place, but largely ignored.
Hungary has a continental climate with 4 seasons. Summer is the main season, a slightly less busy time to visit is April to mid-June and September to October, but the weather is less predictable. Those uncomfortable with 30+C (>85F) temperatures should visit around then as 35+C (>95F) is not uncommon in the summer. November through March has -5 to 10 (20-50F) and possibly gloomier weather – but fewer tourists.
Currency: the Hungarian Forint (HUF, Ft). Fair exchange rates for Euros is around 330-335Fts, for US Dollars around 300. Only use currency exchanges where the buy/sell spread isn't greater than 5-6Fts for these two currencies!
Citizens of 62 countries do not require a visa to enter the Schengen Area and can stay for maximum 90 days within a rolling 180-day window. See here if you don’t know what that entails. EU member countries that are not members of the Schengen Area are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania, and the United Kingdom, visits to these do not count toward your 90 days. Non-EU countries part of the Schengen Area are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, visits to these do count toward the cap.
Because we both know you want to do your own research, use:
See the city in 4K, or with Rick Steves.
However nothing beats having a physical guidebook in your hand! Lonely Planet has the best and most recent issue.
Read up on the concept of coconut and peach cultures, as sometimes the reserved and distant behaviour of locals can be misinterpreted by ‘peach’ visitors as rudeness – nope!
This is a comprehensive itinerary, but leaves out the best museum of the city: the House of Terror, a solemn museum of the Nazi and Soviet occupation and crackdowns (get the audio guide or be prepared to peruse dozens of pamphlets). There's an attendance limit, so you might need to wait up to 30-45 minutes to get in when it's the busiest. When you are around Deák Ferenc tér, drop by in the Tourinform office (Sütő utca 2., the small street near the church) to stock up on free maps, printed guides of the city. WeLoveBudapest prints a comprehensive and free one every year around June.
I suggest 4 full days to discover Budapest, or 3 faster paced ones. Make it 5-7 if you'd like to make a few daytrips (Szentendre - open-air ethnographic museum, cobblestoned, quaint center, Esztergom - Central Europe's largest cathedral and religious center, Visegrád - medieval castle, Eger - medieval castle and wine region). Most of Hungary’s highlights can be visited in 2 weeks. For more details on countryside and international trips, see my comment below.
Meal times and habits are typical to central Europe: breakfast is usually done at home, not much of a culture of eating out in the morning. But a large number of new wave breakfast places have popped up in the past years, which offer ample opportunities for visitors, normally from 8am. Lunch is at midday, after 1pm most places are going to be fairly empty and many will stop serving lunch after 2pm. The standard time for dinner is 7pm, bookings for later than 8pm are unusual. Lots of restaurant kitchens close at 10pm (with the restaurant following suit 30-60 minutes later), finding a meal after that hour is challenging for anything other than street food.
Gellért is the most aesthetic, Széchenyi the largest and most popular among foreigners (Sparty can get crazy with lots of drinking, puking and sex going on in the pools, but it is wildly overpriced and 100% aimed at visitors). Rudas is a Turkish hamam with swimwear optional, single-gender weekdays (women-only on Tuesdays, coed and swimwear-mandatory on the weekend). Lukács is plain and personally I’m not a fan of it – tourists only visit it because it’s included free with the Budapest Card. For more details on the baths, see this.
For off the beaten path sights, ride the D11 or D12 public boat lines for a cheap alternative to paid cruises (travelcards only valid on weekdays, otherwise 700Ft), check out the Pinball Museum, Hospital in the Rock or check out this section for a lot more off the beaten path ideas.
Hungary has the world’s highest effective VAT (=sales tax) at 27%. Non-EU/EEA tourists are eligible for VAT refund on their qualifying purchases if they complete the paperwork (min. €175 value per transaction, passport+reclaim form stamped by customs official).
The most popular and best accessible mall of the city is WestEnd on Nyugati tér. Arena Plaza is larger by floor area and carries a couple brands that can’t be found elsewhere, but is less centrally located (10min walk from Keleti train station). Don’t expect to find bargains on clothing or electronics, prices are similar to Western Europe and over North American or Asian ones.
For more information on shopping and VAT refund, see here.
Paprika Market is a decent souvenir shop in the sea of overpriced, terrible quality crap on Váci utca.
Magma Gallery for contemporary and affordable jewelry, ceramics and home decor items by local designers is just one street over on Petőfi Sándor utca.
Check out the antique bookstores alongside Múzeum körút between Astoria and Kálvin tér, some have Socialist-era posters available for sale from 30€ and up, that could be a unique gift/home decor to take home. Ecseri road flea market for more antiques, go early on Saturdays.
Hungarian cuisine is hearty and filling, with a heavy use of meats. Must-try foods are:
For authentic recipes, recommendations for recipe blogs or cookbooks, tips for cooking traditional Hungarian meals, see here
For edible souvenirs to bring home with you:
Grocery stores include Spar, Tesco, Aldi and Lidl. Avoid CBA and Coop, low quality for high prices. Small convenience stores, many 24/7, also dot the city at higher prices.
The most popular and best accessible mall of the city is WestEnd on Nyugati tér.
Alcohol is sold at every one, but some (mostly residential) districts enact a ban on the sale between 22.00-06.00. The central Pest districts don’t have such limitations in place.
Tobacco is sold at tobacconists (‘nemzeti dohánybolt’ ). These shops are also exempt from the evening alcohol sale ban if you find yourself in such a district. Flavored cigarettes are banned in Hungary, so no Black Devils or Sobranies.
Budgets (per person)
For reasonable comforts, I would suggest aiming for at least €50 per day excluding accommodation. Hotel prices significantly vary in and outside high season.
Getting around
Do not buy the Budapest Card, it is not a bargain, even if every travel blogger seems to think otherwise! You would need to visit at least 3-4 museums a day to break even and the free visit to the pretty plain Lukács Baths could mean you’d deny yourself going to the much more interesting mainstream alternatives, such as Gellért or Széchenyi. The discounted museums are second-rate and typically not what most visitors choose to hit up on their own.
Do buy a public transport travelcard, the 1, 3 or 5-day unlimited options require no validation or ID (common reasons for fines). For week-long stays, the 7-day travelcard needs an ID number and that you have the document on you at all times. Please do not try to get around by using single tickets!
The travelcards are economical (from €5/24h to €15/week) and easy to use: no validation, you just show it to the controllers. Validity starts immediately by default, or you can select a later starting date (always from midnight). 7-day and monthly passes require an ID/passport number, and you must have the ID on you whenever you travel, otherwise you risk getting fined! Groups of 4 or more can also buy the even more economical '24h group travelcard', but all persons must travel together using that.
Common reasons for fines
Ticket inspectors (must have an anonymized badge and armband) are notoriously brash, speak subpar English. Paying on the spot lets them give you a discounted fine of 8000 instead of the regular 16000 through postal order or wire transfer, they aren't looking to scam you if they offer you that. Fines are pursued internationally through collection agencies, multiplying the original amount once their fees are added.
Cheapest way to get to the city from the airport is by public transport. I suggest paying the 900Ft supplementary ticket for the 100E bus. The southern portion of the M3 subway is under reconstruction, during that period the 200E buses go beyond their usual terminus, Kőbánya-Kispest and take you to Nagyvárad tér station, where the subway runs from. The purple ticket machines at the airport and all over the city take chipped cards. Shuttle bus is a good compromise between price and comfort and depart when full or close to.
Ignore touts walking up to you offering cabs in the arrival hall, use the official Főtaxi booth immediately outside the building. Rates are centralized: flagfall 700Ft, 300Ft/km, 75Ft/min waiting. The fair price to the centre is around 7-9.000Fts. Rides inside the centre are typically under 3.000. All taxi companies have passable reputations with a few horror stories about each, Főtaxi (+36-1-222-2222), 6x6 Taxi (+36-1-666-6666), City Taxi (+36-1-211-1111) are a few. There are some stories of even company cab drivers trying to rip off naive-looking tourists, especially around train and bus stations, so consider legal Uber-alternative Taxify/Bolt (Android, iOS). Uber is banned.
Most companies have apps, but they have terrible design and might set an unchangeable pick up location 5-10 minutes away from you. It’s much better to order by phone, they have English-speaking operators. If you must use an app, choose Taxify.
Cabbies are the only ones eclipsing the ticket inspectors in notoriety. I cannot emphasize enough: DO NOT USE THE ONES WITH ‘FREELANCER’ ON THE FRONT DOORS!!! These drivers are nicknamed 'hyenas', work independently, they always have rigged meters and are known to sometimes assault customers who don’t comply with their ridiculous demands. If you hail on the street, be absolutely certain you’re getting into a company cab (logo on the front doors).
A known scam by the hyenas, fraudsters and illegal street exchangers is giving you worthless currencies with similarly high denominations as the Forint – namely the Indonesian Rupiah or the old Belarusian Ruble.
Bag handlers at the airport steal from unsecured luggage. Never put any valuables in your checked luggage!
Overly friendly, attractive women approaching you in broad daylight 'to practice their English' and taking you to scammy cafés where you'll be charged €300 for a bottle of bottom-shelf champagne are also to be avoided. Recently a Redditor reported the same happening to him through Tinder, so be very suspicious of anyone insistent on going to a particular establishment. The scam café was Hajós Café on Hajós utca. Another known scam location is Café Fidelité on Révay utca.
Otherwise general safety cautions should be exercised: watch your valuables in crowded spaces for pickpockets, be wary of overly friendly strangers approaching you and introducing the idea of going to a club or bar by their 5th sentence or of people pretending to be authority.
Policemen typically wear dark blue uniforms and white shirts , sometimes with a visibility vest and can be identified by the numbered metal badges on their chest and their separate police ID card which you can ask to inspect before complying with their orders. Scammers use fake police IDs to part you with your cash under the guise of inspecting the notes for counterfeits. Always ask to see it first: this is real, this is fake – notice where the real one has a serial number, the fake says POLICE. If the issue is anything halfway serious, ask to be escorted to the nearest police station – it will scare away scammers playing dress up.
The emergency number is 112 for police, ambulance or firefighters, there are English-speaking operators (works throughout the EU).
If you get pickpocketed, notify both the police and in case of losing your travel documents, your embassy. Thieves are usually courteous enough to leave papers near trash bins, so walk around in the neighbourhood to see if you can recover them. If you find someone else’s, hand in to the nearest police station.
Getting around
the city is easy, Budapest has one of the best public transport systems of the continent. Use Google Maps for orientation and getting around! Tickets and passes with rates are listed here.
All EU/EEA citizens aged 65+ travel for free on all Hungarian public transport, including trains, distance buses. Picture ID and administrative 0 Ft ticket required. Age 65 is not included.
Student discounts are available to full-time students in EU/EEA countries with a valid student ID. If it doesn’t have it, also carry a picture ID. EU citizenship not required, you only need to study there full-time (not applicable for exchange students unless they get ID issued). The monthly student pass (3450) is cheaper than the 72h travel card (4150) for identical benefits.
The 4 subway lines are coded by numbers and, unofficially, colour (1-yellow, 2-red, 3-blue, 4-green). The busiest, M3, is under renovation until 2021, but remains in partial operation, see details here. The entire line shuts down after 8pm and all day on weekends (replacement buses operate), and one section of the line is always out of service. For 2019 it’s the southern segment, between Kőbánya-Kispest and Nagyvárad tér. During this time the 200E airport bus will take you to the more central Nagyvárad tér stop (from where the subway runs) instead of its regular terminus of Kőbánya.
In Budapest driving is not recommended for the perpetual lack of parking spaces, congestion and because there's really no need to. If you must arrive by car, pick a hotel with parking, use the free parking lot at Kelenföld subway station, street-parking by StarPark at Podmaniczky utca at ~€8/24h, or opt for a more central location (such as one of CarE Park’s garages ) at ~20€/24h, €100/week and do not use it for getting around in the city. Public areas are metered in the entire centre, typically charging 1.5€/h with a cap of 3 hours on a ticket.
The Bubi city bike system is available for anyone’s use. The rates are very favourable (500Ft for 1-day, 1000 for 3 for the pass), but a deposit of €80 will be docked when you register and might take a few weeks to release. First 30 minutes are free, after it's 500Ft/30min on top of the daily pass' price.
Two e-car sharing systems compete in Budapest. I suggest using MOL Limo, as you can complete your licence verification remotely (do it before arrival, they might take a day or three if they are backlogged). Despite the name, the cars are tiny, automatic VW up!s, the majority electric and all automatic. Age limit 18, min. 1-year old national licence, foreign ones accepted, €20 registration fee and €0.25/min rate. Coverage includes basically every area of note to tourists in the centre, except the Castle and underground garages (as well as the airport). Expansion is planned for the future. You cannot park (leave the car) outside the coverage area, but you can drive through.
The best rated tour bus company is Big Bus, Giraffe (aka. the red Hop On Hop Off ones) tends to get mixed-to-negative reviews. Segway tours also available.
Free thematic walking tours of the city depart in front of the lion fountain on Vörösmarty tér daily. A tip of 2000-2500Ft/person suggested, but they're are chill about it, you can give less if you're on a budget.
River cruises run during the day and the evening, including dinner (usually not great, save for one) or party in the latter case. The most popular is Legenda, partiers choose Boat Party.
One standout cruise is Pannónia Gastro Boat that goes above and beyond the standard quality of service of other operations and often host guest chefs from innovative countryside restaurants.
Public transport alternative is the D11 or D12 boat lines between Boráros tér going up to Népfürdő utca (or getting off at Jászai Mari tér or Margaret island 1 or 2 stops prior). Tram 2 between Jászai Mari tér and Boráros tér hugs the Danube on the Pest side and loops around the Parliament for a similarly nice experience. Seasonal operations, normally from March through October.
The currency of Hungary is the Hungarian Forint (1EUR=330HUF, 1USD=300HUF in November 2019), but I’ve listed prices in Euros (€). Check for current rates here.
Don't exchange Forints at home, bring USD/EUGBP in cash or a chipped card with you – the withdrawal fee is far smaller than what you’d lose by the atrocious rates available to you at home (exception: neighbouring countries).
With cards, Visa, Mastercard are best, Maestro acceptable. Avoid Amex, Diners Club and other uncommon non-European issues.
CAD/AUD/JPY/CNY will be exchanged at slightly worse rates, but still much better than if you’d exchange Forints at home. I don't recommend bringing currencies other than the ones I've mentioned and those from neighboring countries, but if you do, Tichi Change exchanges almost every valid currency in the world at as good of a rate as you could realistically hope for.
When the ATM asks you if you want to be charged in your home currency, say no and opt for Forints or you'll lose up to 30% due to the poor conversion rate! Learn more about the rip-off of dynamic currency conversion here and steer clear of the ATMs operated by Euronet. Besides the dynamic currency conversion ripoff, they will also prompt you to withdraw ridiculously high amounts of money (equivalent of $500 or more) that you will not be able to spend in 3-4 days.
Don't exchange any money with bright orange Interchange they use ripoff rates (>30% spread). They hava e monopoly at the airport and are also present throughout the city in premium locations, such as Váci utca. Street exchange is illegal and a good way to get scammed.
Tons of fine currency exchanges around the city, the best USD and EUR rates are at Gold Change but use your eyes: the buy/sell spread shouldn’t be more than 1-3% apart for these, or 2.5-5% at banks. Exchange offices and banks do not take cards! You may only use them for ATM withdrawals.
Make sure to bring an unlocked phone, ideally a dual-SIM one.
The 3 main carriers are Vodafone, Telekom (T-Mobile) and Telenor. The best prepaid package is Telekom's Domino Fix with the 1/3/30-day unlimited 4G add-on, costing 990+9900Fts (€32) for the 30-day option. SIM cards need to be activated after purchase, so buy them at brand stores where help is available instead of supermarkets or gas stations.
Roaming fees within the EU have been abolished in 2017, you will be able to use your SIM in any EU member country, but not as if it would be local. I.e. a Vodafone Hungary-issued SIM will be roaming on Vodafone Austria’s network. Some 'reasonable' data caps remain in place, which are determined by the cost of your service.
Outside the EU there are punitive data rates. I once managed to rack up a $90 bill for 5MB by accident.
Rates are for high season (late April through September, Christmas, NYE), might be 50+% lower on other dates
Location: if you plan on sleeping, the party district (VII., inside the ring road) should be avoided, as well as VIII. outside of it and around Keleti train station for safety reasons/because you can get nicer digs elsewhere. An under the radar gem of an area is VII. between Múzeum körút and the ring road. Buda is nowhere as dead as tourists collectively imagine it to be (especially around Széll Kálmán tér), don’t shun it if you find someplace nice there.
Eat at
For more detailed restaurant recommendations, see this comment. August visitors, check the restaurants' websites and Facebook to see if they aren't on holiday!
The quality of service is a common source of complaints, don't take it too hard if it happens to you. Tip is 10% most of the time, unless you’re really dissatisfied or find yourself absolutely elated. Many top end restaurants add a ~12% service charge to the bill, tipping on top of that is not expected, though naturally it will be appreciated.
Neither regular, nor ost fast food restaurants do refills. The only exceptions are all KFCs and a few Burger Kings.
Smoking is banned at all restaurants, bars and basically every facility open to the public. Designated smoking areas can be found outside on the street.
Try pálinka (~40% ABV fruit brandy), Unicum (herbal bitteaperitif, like Jäger), bikavér from Eger and Szekszárd (lit. ‘bull’s blood’, a full-bodied red), Tokaji aszú (similar to white Port, made of hand-picked berries with noble rot, named the "wine of kings, king of wines" from the 18th century) or fröccs (spritzer, white or red wine mixed with seltzer – a lifesaver in the summer)!
More details in the shopping section.
Or get really local and ask for ’fény’, carbonated vodka foam over raspberry syrup. You’ll see the fény (=light) at the end of the tunnel in no time!
Eat a freshly fried lángos at market halls (acceptable toppings: sour cream, garlic, cheese, perhaps ham and cabbage - certainly none of that tourist stuff with nutella, Hungarian sausage or kebab...) and fried sausage from a butcher shop such as 1951 establishment Balla Hús in Városház utca or the more contemporary Belvárosi Disznótoros eatery. The gallery of the Hold utca market hall hosts quality street food vendors, Karaván food truck yard right next to Szimpla.
For more detailed recommendations, including strip clubs, casinos and more, see this comment.
A casual evening
Ruin pubs
Mainstream clubs
Rock and miscellaneous
Gay bars
Get out
See train schedules on Elvira, check for buses on (this site combines bus and train schedules, but has no English version, check for the orange or blue icon on the left side to see which is which).
Daytrip options include
For multi-day excursions, including to lake Balaton and detailed information on car rental, countryside and international tourism opportunities, click here
submitted by vernazza to hungary [link] [comments]

Los derechos históricos vasco-navarros y catalanes EL FACTOR ESTRATEGICO DEL EBRO

Los derechos históricos vasco-navarros y catalanes EL FACTOR ESTRATEGICO DEL EBRO No atravesaras la orilla norte del río Ebro, dijo Roma a Cartago.
Ante la convocatoria electoral plebiscitaria de Artur Mas, Presidente de la Generalitat de Cataluña, conviene recordar que la II República Española fue proclamada con la misma artimaña, utilizando para ello unas elecciones municipales. El pacto republicano socialista de Bayona fue el mentor de la misma e incluso por un día, se adelantó la proclamación, en el ayuntamiento socialista de Eibar, sin recuento de ningún tipo que, un mes después, resultó favorable a los monárquicos en España. . Quizás por eso Felipe González no se ha atrevido a mencionar aquella perversión democrática autóctona del pasado siglo y ha lanzado en su “carta a los catalanes” la pelota crítica a la Alemania Hitleriana, no sin que le falte razón, pero pelota fuera, cuando hay ejemplos dentro. Otro si, el del 6 de octubre de 1934, cuando tuvo lugar en Barcelona la proclamación del Estado Catalán, dentro de la República Federal Española por parte del presidente de la Generalidad de Cataluña, Luis Companys. En España y en especial en Euskadi-Cataluña, convendría no olvidar los efectos de aquellas proclamaciones y analizar un poco nuestra historia en todas sus vertientes. Una de ellas es la de la estrategia geopolítica territorial por la que todo parece indicar que la defensa de España se articula desde el norte del río Ebro, desde el País Vasco, Navarra, Aragón, Cataluña.
HERCULES, CARTAGO Y ROMA Se sabe por los primeros navegantes griegos y por el geógrafo Estrabón, que los habitantes de Iberia “vivían todos de la misma manera” . Por las monedas que montaban a caballo, lanza en ristre, compartiendo el mercado peninsular con los templos de Hercules-Melkar que hacían de banqueros. Por las leyendas y textos clásicos que hablan de Hércules, se significa que este mito colocó las dos columnas solares que proyectan las sombras triangulares que indican el norte, una en Calpe y otra en Ávila, según cuenta el romano Avieno en la Ora Marítima. Así se diseñó el primer camino travesero peninsular, la Vía Hercúlea. Puede que el mito lo hiciera para evitar peligrosa navegación costera atlántica y atravesar por tierra ibérica, las mercancías que han de circunvalar el Mediterráneo, los toros de Gerión, el vino de La Rioja, comercializado por los fenicios, el elixir de la eterna juventud, extraído de las manzanas de oro de la Espéride. que había encargado al mito el rey de Creta. Eran tiempos de los Hombres del Mar, cuya historia nos ha llegado en forma de leyendas pero con cierto fondo que podemos analizar. Todo parece indicar que la lúdica, paradisíaca y pacífica civilización Cretense, con una especie de monstruo marino llamado Hércules, se defiende de las aguerridas invasiones indo-asiáticas que se asientan en Troya y la amurallan con la excusa de proteger sus caballos inmortales. Hércules crea una especie de muralla defensiva y comercial, Creta-Tartesos, por tierra y mar; que heredará Cartago y será amenazada por Roma. Las invasiones indo-asiáticas se montaron en el estrecho del Mar Negro, en Kanokale, la playa de Troya y desde aquí, los hijos de la casta de Eneas, fundaron Roma que con aires imperiales se puso a husmear en Iberia, Sagunto, lo que provocó el consiguiente cabreo de la diosa cartaginesa Didó-Eliza que habitaba en una cueva. Cabreo que dio origen a las famosas Guerras Púnicas.
ROMA VINCIT Malintencionadamente Roma prohibió a Cartago atravesar la orilla norte del río Iber, El Ebro, tras la segunda guerra púnica. Aníbal Barca, de la familia de los Barcinas, apellido que parece como navarro, fue nombrado Jefe Supremo de los Iberos. An-ibar, Aníbal, desde niño había jurado “odio eterno a Roma” en un templo dedicado a Hércules, sito ante el río Betis, el eterno, hoy llamado Guadalquivir. Los romanos impusieron la prohibición porque, agitados contra Cartago por el senador Catón, tenían pensado invadir la península. Aníbal atacó primero atravesando el Ebro, los Pirineos y los Alpes con un ejército acompañado de elefantes africanos. Llegó hasta las puertas de la ciudad fundada por los indoasiáticos descendientes de Eneas que huyeron de Troya. Pero el imperio cartaginés fue derrotado en Zama, un día con eclipse solar que asustó a los elefantes. Acto seguido, Roma puso un pié en Ampurias y desde Gerona conquisto la franja norte del río de los iberos. Con un par de puentes en César Augusta, Zaragoza, a pesar de ejemplos de resistencia heroica como Numancia, poco a poco Roma Vincit y dominó toda la península. Los cántabro-vascones fueron los últimos en caer y quizás por eso, los primeros en conservar la euskarri, idioma antiguo peninsular, a pesar de que la lengua de la tribu de los latinos se impuso por las legiones a golpe de ley sobre bronce.
LOS BARBAROS POR CATALUÑA Y SANTOÑA El imperio romano sucumbió a los bárbaros que entraron por Cataluña y en barcos por Santoña; así lo hicieron, por ejemplo lo Godos y también se sabe de los Alanos llegaron desde el norte del Mar Negro hablando algo parecido a la lengua de los navarrorum, según recogen los códices de la genealogía de los reyes navarros. Códices, como el de San Isidoro que cuentan algo así como que Leovigildo destruyó la capital de los cántabros (nombre también atribuido a los vascos) sita a orillas del Ebro según San Isidoro . Los bárbaros, cristianamente civilizados casi desaparecen cuando llegaron los aguerridos mahometanos que invadieron por el sur. Se salvaron gracias al norte territorial y a un tal Pelayo. Desde Asturias hacia el sur castellano y desde Navarra, el imperio de la corona de Aragón que agrandó Cataluña hasta la llamada antigua Neopatria de los argonautas cretenses. Se montaron los reinos y reconquistó la península en una guerra intergeneracional que duró más que ninguna otra en la historia mundial. Los mal llamados moros no tuvieron la visión estratégica romano goda, nunca dominaron la franja territorial cantabro pirenaica regada por el Ebro. Los cristianos no perdieron el norte, lo mantuvieron como si no tuvieran prisa en forjar la unidad política peninsular pero la forjaron, al tiempo que conservaron los fueros, usos y costumbres de los viejos reinos. Mientras tanto, los vascos denominaron a la lengua nueva “gaztelanía”, esto es la lengua joven que se que se hablaba en conventos y castillos.
El vasto imperio de Carlomagno se derrumbó cuando el conde de Aznar, Sr de Zaragoza, se alió con las tropas de Roland que sufrió la gran derrota de Roncesvalles. Otro imperio que se quebró entre el Ebro y los Pirineos. Gesta, cuya canción inmortalizó a los vascos y ganó para Navarra, el águila beltxa sobre oro de las tropas imperiales que pasó a ser la enseña del rey Sancho.
NO SE PONÍA EL SOL Los Reyes Católicos juraron la defensa de los fueros, libertades y privilegios de los reinos, se descubrieron las tierras atlánticas ya vistas en época de los hombres del mar por el rey ibérico Espero Itzar. Al tiempo que la unidad política, se levantó el primer imperio mundial en el que no se ponía el Sol y gracias al mismo, muchísimos vascos se hicieron famosos como descubridores y colonizadores, dando la vuelta al mundo sobre las naves de Castilla que no tiene puertos al mar. Quedó un cierto conflicto dinástico con Navarra que no se resolvió hasta la llegada de Los Borbones
DE LOS AUSTRIAS A LOS BORBONES Tras los Austrias llegaron los Borbones con la guerra de Sucesión que se libró contra Cataluña, pues a diferencia de los vascos y navarros, los catalanes cayeron en el bando de los austriacos por lo que perdieron los preciados fueros, usos económicos de la sisa y libertades políticas. Aunque comprensible por las formas de resolución de las lides en la época, craso error de perspectiva política pues aquella perdida del derecho histórico al fuero de autogobierno, da origen al resquemor nacionalista catalán.
NAPOLEON DERROTADO EN VITORIA No volvieron a invadirnos hasta poco después de la revolución francesa, cuando las tropas napoleónicas, además de imponer sus imperiales afanes igualitarios y centralizadores, se dedicaron a panfletear las fronterizas tabernas vascas y catalanas hablando de las peculiaridades diferenciadoras de estos pueblos, alimentando así resquemores internos como buenos estrategas del divide y vencerás. Pero la proclamación del joven rey Fernando VII en Aranjuez demuestra que los españoles sabían lo que hacían, desde mucho antes del primer decreto, con la constitución de la Junta Central. Recuperaron los encarcelados ministros de Carlos III, Jovellanos, Foridablanca para el mando del gobierno y el ejército convencional a la vez que crearon la Junta Secreta para la formación de las guerrillas. El parte que se esperaba con ansia, “La patria está en peligro, acudid a salvarla” pasó desde la Bayona, con el rey ya prisionero, a Irún y desde allí, por la red de telegrafía óptica, a la puerta del Sol de Madrid, la mañana del 2 de mayo. La Junta Secreta había tomado la precaución de nombrar a Palafox para la defensa de Zaragoza. De nuevo la resistencia heroica sobre el Ebro con importante participación de Pamplona y la batalla final librada junto a uno de sus afluentes, el Zadorra que pasa por Vitoria.
DIOS, LA PATRIA, EL REY Y LOS FUEROS EN GUERRA Poco después y a lo largo del siglo XIX, tres guerras civiles, las llamadas Carlistas, resolvieron por las armas las dudas entre las tradiciones forales diferenciadoras y el liberalismo centralizador por igualitarismo. Aunque había carlistas por toda España, el teatro de las operaciones militares de la primera guerra se desarrollo en el País Vasco y Navarra. El de la segunda en Cataluña. Y el de la tercera en Navarra y el País Vasco. Los generales, de ambos contendientes, sabían muy bien lo del factor estratégico del Ebro. A pesar de todo, más o menos, en el norte, conservamos algún fuero tras aquellas guerras contra el liberalismo. Los catalanes apenas ganaron nada y derivaron hacia las teorías nacionalistas del XIX que con Companys, durante la II República, en el 34, proclamaron el Estado Catalán. La República metió a muy Honorable a la cárcel, de la que no salió hasta el victoria del Frente Popular. La tragedia se mascaba en el ambiente.
LA TRISTEMENTE CELEBRE GUERRA DEL 36 “Lo del Ebro”, también lo sabían los militares que en octubre de 1931 se manifestaron en el Casino de Madrid contra la II República. Protestaban porque consideraban que la proclamación había sido ilegítima. La calificaban; decían; de golpe de estado a la monarquía. La República era ilegítima. Primero, por convertir unas elecciones municipales en plebiscitarias. Segundo, por hacerlo sin contabilizar su resultado estatal que contabilizado a lo largo de un mes, terminó siendo favorable a la coalición que apoyaba al monarca que pretendió devolver la voz al pueblo español, empezando por las elecciones municipales. Demasiado tarde, el pacto republicano-socialista del año 30 en Bayona, se puso en práctica en abril del 31. Primero en Eibar, luego en Madrid, Barcelona. Con él, se abrió la puerta a una terrorífica época de fanatismos exacerbados que asolaron toda Europa. En la España de las dos Españas, a un golpe plebiscitario, le sucedió otro, terriblemente trágico, el 36. En el 36, lo del factor estratégico del Ebro lo sabía el cerebro de la conspiración, el director del levantamiento, el general Mola, instalado en Pamplona, al abrigo del carlismo liderado por Fal Conde. También lo sabía el general Franco y algunos otros generales republicanos. Uno de los últimos en enterarse fue el Lendakari Aguirre que obtuvo la Presidencia y el propio Gobierno Vasco, gracias al socialista Indalecio Prieto pero a cambio de un ministro peneuvista en Madrid. El PNV conoció las instrucciones secretas del Gobierno Republicano: “Ocupar Vitoria y Miranda de Ebro” cuando se disponía a liberar la franja fronteriza guipuzcoana conquistada por Franco. La batalla decisiva se libró en Villareal, Álava, prácticamente en el mismo escenario en el que se produjo la derrota napoleónica y luego la primera guerra carlista. Poco después cayó la isla de Bilbao y tras la batalla del Ebro que rindió Cataluña. La isla resistente de Madrid que salvo en lo propagandístico no tuvo valor estratégico alguno cayó acto seguido. La 2ª República Española se ahogó en el Ebro. Franco se hizo con el poder. Pero el rey no renunció nunca a sus derechos hereditarios. Estos derechos, los reclamó Don Juan a Franco cuando terminó la guerra en Europa y lideró la oposición democrática, desde lo del contubernio de Munich a la proclamación de la Constitución Democrática con Juan Carlos.
PLANES ALIADOS PARA INVADIR ESPAÑA 1945 Cuando terminó la II Guerra Mundial en Europa, los republicano-socialistas pusieron todas sus esperanzas en los aliados. Los comunistas organizaron el maquis. El que fuera primer director de la CIA, cuenta en sus memoras que el jefe del espionaje militar americano le ordenó archivar un expediente de guerra en el que se detallaban planes para invadir España, haciendo pinza por el País Vasco y Cataluña. Archivaron el asunto porque quizás desde el principio de la guerra mundial, los aliados tenían acuerdos secretos previos con Franco. Por ejemplo, que en el balneario de Sobrón, Álava, orilla norte del río Ebro, cerca de Miranda, se albergara, a cuerpo de rey, a resistentes franceses, pilotos ingleses, polacos, judíos,,,, que conseguían atravesar los Pirineos, con ayuda del plano de fugas de la resistencia, los servicios aliados a mando del PNV y se ponían a salvo, en la estación de ferrocarril de Miranda de Ebro, presentándose a la guardia civil que les facilita documentación y medios para vía Lisboa llegar a Londres. En la otra orilla del Ebro mirandés, había otro campo de concentración, esta vez de los llamados rojos que perdieron la guerra .
EL JURAMENTADO Para ver el origen de algunos conflictos políticos, hay que acudir a la historia. Para su resolución no conviene olvidar algunos factores territoriales que pueden hacer de las ideologías un problema estratégico de fortalecimiento o debilitamiento del conjunto territorial. Por alguna razón, lo que han hecho normalmente los reyes, el Estado, por aquí, País Vasco, es jurar la defensa de los fueros, que no significan otra cosa que la defensa de los peculiares usos de gobierno de hombres libres no sometidos, cuya identidad histórico administrativa es territorial, democrático paritaria, con fueros que son defendidos por un juramentado que no puede evitar jurarlos y defenderlos, pues lo contrario seria debilitar sus flancos. Todo parece indicar que la península ibérica depende para su defensa solidaria, de la franja que marcan los Pirineos y el río Ebro, pero este asunto no parece ser tenido en cuenta por las fuerzas soberanistas, que quizás por ignorancia basan su identidad en principios ideológico sentimentales anclados en una visión decimonónica, diferenciadora étnico cultural, que científicamente no es tal, ni lo ha sido nunca en la Península Ibérica. Fortalecer los territorios estratégico territoriales es lo que ha hecho siempre el Estado en sus diferentes formas históricas, encontrar la fórmula para el entendimiento, la no ruptura es nuestra tarea.
Pedro de Viana GarciaSalazar. Ldo. Ciencias de la Información UCM Diplomado en Genealogía Heráldica y Nobiliaria CSIC Profesor de EGB, Escuela Profesorado Vitoria Gasteiz 2015 d.C.
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