Meilleur casino en ligne Québec ᐈ Guide québécois 2021

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submitted by Holiday_Bad to u/Holiday_Bad [link] [comments]

Loto-Québec ferme ses casinos et maisons de jeux

Loto-Québec ferme ses casinos et maisons de jeux submitted by marct10 to montreal [link] [comments]

COVID-19: fermeture des casinos au Québec

submitted by Mysterious-Flamingo to Gatineau [link] [comments]

Je remarque que plusieurs personnes ne comprennent pas le rôle de la Caisse de Dépôts et Placements du Québec.

La Caisse de Dépôts et Placements du Québec est le gestionnaire de plusieurs fonds de retraite publics des Québécois dont le RRQ. Sa mission c'est d'investir l'argent de nos retraites et de maximiser les dividendes pour augmenter la valeur du fond de retraite des Québécois.
En français normal ça veut dire: "La mission de la Caisse c'est de rendre les Québécois plus riches"
La Caisse appartient au public mais sa performance, qui est excellente en passant, provient de son indépendance, du fait que les politiciens n'ont pas le droit de lui dire comment investir notre argent.
Quand on regarde les finances de l'État, on devrait être content que la Caisse à pas besoin d'écouter les politiciens. La Caisse avec Hydro-Québec c'est presque les deux seules parties de l'État qui font des profits.
Hors j'entends des gens mal renseignés qui insultent la Caisse, des gens qui la traite de dictateur, des gens qui disent que la Caisse n'est pas démocratique, des gens qui disent que la Caisse abuse de son pouvoir sur la marché, des gens qui mettent en doute les acquisitions immobilières de la Caisse...
Mais ces gens-là ne comprennent rien, on devrait être heureux de la performance de la Caisse car plus la Caisse fait de l'argent, plus notre retraite sera confortable.
D'où vient la propagande Anti-Caisse? Principalement de gros investisseurs privés en immobilier et autres marchés financiers, ces millionnaires et milliardaires qui sont fâchés que la Caisse leur fasse compétition et qui voudraient se débarrasser de ce compétiteur puissant afin de se mettre dans les poches des milliards de plus.
Ça vient aussi des banques privées et des Fonds de placement privés (hedge funds) qui aimeraient ça pouvoir "jouer au Casino" avec NOTRE argent et faire des milliards de profit avec nos retraite en ne nous redonnant que des peanuts.
Insulter la Caisse ce n'est que répéter la propagande des marchés financiers privés qui veulent nous voler notre argent pour se le mettre dans leurs poches.
Car la modération à toujours meilleur goût, laissez-moi modifier ma dernière phrase:
"Les marchés financiers privés sont fâchés que l’existence de la Caisse de Dépôts fait en sorte que plus de $340 milliards de dollars en fond de retraite des Québécois leur échappe. Si la Caisse n'existait pas, ce sont les marchés privés qui contrôleraient cet argent, ils l'investirait comme la Caisse le fait mais ils prendraient une bonne partie des profits pour les mettre dans leur poches au lieu de les remettre au travailleurs Québécois. Ils aimeraient donc ça que la Caisse n'existe pas et ils font leur possible pour cultiver un doute dans la tête des Québécois, pour donner un mauvais nom à la Caisse et nous faire croire que la Caisse est méchante. Malheureusement il y a des Québécois qui tombent dans le piège de la propagande."
Pour une fois que les travailleurs et non des milliardaires, sont actionnaires du plus gros investisseur au Québec et que le peuple, et non les milliardaires, profite de cette force économique.
submitted by EyeLikeTheStonk to Quebec [link] [comments]

Québec woman calls police after losing money from gambling at Thousands Islands casino

Québec woman calls police after losing money from gambling at Thousands Islands casino submitted by CrackerWars to Quebec [link] [comments]

Québec a «manqué de respect» envers la religion, tonne l’archevêque de Québec

Lien de l'article
Je crois qu’il est grand temps qu’on taxe les religions.
Quelle est la différence entre une institution religieuse et un gym? Les deux font du « bien » à leurs membres. Pourquoi les centres de conditionnement physique paient des taxes / impôts, mais pas les institutions religieuses?
Oh, vous allez me dire que c’est parce que les organisations religieuses, de tout courant, sont considérées comme des organismes de bienfaisance, mais pas un gym!
Prenons la religion catholique, simplement car c’est celle-là que je connais le mieux. Si je regarde le bilan de l’Église catholique, je crois que d’un point de vue de la société il y a un GROS passif, c’est-à-dire qu’elle a fait pas mal plus de dommages que de bien, et ce, même dans l’histoire récente (on peut penser aux nombreuses histoires d’attouchements d’enfants, leurs politiques rétrogrades ---- le fait que les femmes ne puissent être prête, etc).
Comme contribuable, je suis farouchement opposé à ce qu’on finance ce genre d’institution ayant un si gros passif.
Donc pour revenir à notre histoire, peut-être que les casinos ont ouvert avant les églises (je n’en sais rien, je n’ai pas fait la recherche). Il y avait peut-être une raison sanitaire qui faisait en sorte qu’on pouvait plus facilement ouvrir les casinos (basé sur la science, eh oui, les faits sont souvent ignorés lorsqu’ils contredisent la volonté de nos institutions religieuses!). Il faudrait élargir nos comparables si on veut prouver que les autorités Québécoises ont « manqué de respect » envers les groupes religieux.
Est-ce que les Gyms ---- qui paient des impôts et en plus qui contribuent à ce que leurs clients soient en forme et donc vont coûter moins cher à long terme à l’État en frais d’hospitalisation --- ont mieux été traités que les églises? Pas convaincu d’après ce que j’ai vu. Qu’en est-t-il des bars?
Tout ce que je peux vous dire, c’est que les institutions religieuses ont déjà BIEN TROP de traitement de faveur. L’archevêque de Québec, Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, devrait se ferme la gueule.
Bon, excusez-moi, je vais aller écouter la chanson « Religious Vomit » de « The Dead Kennedys ».
NB : je ne suis pas membre d’un gym et je ne fréquente pas d’institution religieuse.

Edit: ajouté le lien de l'article (en souhaitant que ça fonctionne!)
submitted by homardpoilu to Quebec [link] [comments]

Analysis: Quebec sends mixed message in allowing gatherings of 250 people

Analysis: Quebec sends mixed message in allowing gatherings of 250 people submitted by KuduIO to Quebec [link] [comments]

"Si je veux voir tout le Québec d'un coup, je fais quoi comme route?"

Suite à mon post sur "Le roadtrip parfait de l'Outaouais", j'ai reçu une demande spéciale.

Que serait le trajet pour voir TOUT LE QUÉBEC d'un coup en roadtrip?

Bien entendu, c'est impossible de TOUT voir d'un coup. De plus, je crois qu'un trajet comme celui-là nécessiterait 2 à 3 mois en prenant le temps de s'arrêter dans les endroits clés typiques de chez nous. En passant, je n'ai pas choisi des endroits au hasard sur la liste, laissez-moi vous expliquer mon raisonnement...
PS: Je sais que ce n'est pas la saison hahaha!
PS: Si vous n'aimez pas le gros bois, ben sorry... c'est pas le bon post pour vous.
La grande traversée du pays bleu

ÉTAPE 1 - L'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Farwest québécois

Vous allez me dire "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire en Abitibi?". Tout est à faire là-bas... surtout si vous aimez le gros bois de FOU! J'ai fait la jungle au Pérou et en Colombie, je suis allé dans le nord au BC et j'ai fait le Sahara... NÉANMOINS, cette région est la place la plus "wild" que j'ai visité sur le globe. Vous voulez tester l'idée? Allez chercher des morilles au printemps ou des bleuets sauvages en août et vous verrez.
C'est ce que j'aime de cette région. C'est juste là dans ta face et c'est comme un retour aux sources pour n'importe qui qui pourrait avoir envie de vivre l'aventure dans des forêts titanesques.

Étape 2 - Les Laurentides en général

Les Laurentides, c'est "malade ben raide". Des montagnes, des rivières, des lacs, des ressorts à Montréalais, un casino, des touristes... Sans farce. Si j'avais UNE place (avant tout) à faire visiter au Québec proche de Montréal, ça serait les Laurentides. La région est riche en activités de toutes sortes.
En plus, je vous dirais qu'il y a un mélange intéressant où le Québec d’antan et le Québec contemporain se rencontre.

Étape 3 - La métropole

On pensera ce qu'on veut de Montréal, sans cette ville, le Québec ne serait pas ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. De plus, c'est probablement l'une des plus belles grosses villes du globe. C'est propre et le climat social y est confortable. Je sais que l'architecture n'est pas toujours au top (en me fiant à INFOMAN). Cependant, notre métropole a mis le pays sur la "map". Ce n'est pas tout le monde sur le globe qui connait Ottawa ou bien Vancouver... mais Montréal, ça, tout le monde connait et on le sait pourquoi.
Amateurs et amatrices de paysages urbains, vous allez en avoir pour votre cash là-bas.

Étape 4 - La route du vin et les cantons de l'Est

Amateurs et amatrices de bouffe du terroir, vous êtes servis. Le garde mangé du Québec est juste là sous la Métropole. C'est notamment un endroit de prédilection pour le vin en Amérique et il y a un parcours d'environ 70 km à faire avec les meilleures bouteilles de notre pays bleu. En plus, à l'est de Sherbrooke, il y a la route des sommets qui est vraiment à faire si vous êtes des amateurs de montagnes dans les 1000 m et plus. De plus, les anglophones ont laissés leur trace là-bas et cela s'est mélangé à l'atmosphère d'aujourd'hui laissant derrière une région bien particulière à visiter.

Étape 5 - Remonter le Saint-Maurice

Tout le monde connait La Tuque... Toutefois, qui peut dire y avoir mis les pieds? Un des aspects intéressant de la Mauricie est son sous développement. Il semblerait que pendant un très long moment dans l'histoire de cette région, les berges du Saint Maurice appartenaient à un américain richissime qui a bloqué tout développement sur le bord de l'eau.
Ceci a eut pour effet de laisser le nord de la Mauricie à lui même pendant des dizaines d'années. Aujourd'hui, ce p'tit joyau commence a se développer et très rapidement. Vous ne pouvez pas mourir avant d'avoir fait la route entre Grand Mère et La Tuque en s'arrêtant au pittoresque village de Grandes-Piles (le nom provenant du fait que les bûcherons empilant le bois à cet endroit dans le temps).

Étape 6 - Quoi une mer intérieur?? Non, c'est le lac Saint-Jean "là là"

Bienvenue sur la terre des bleuets, des tremblay, des "là-là" et des violoneux. Cette région au nord a su se développer contre toutes attentes "super loin" de tout. Par contre, une fois sur place, on peut facilement comprendre pourquoi les locaux y sont si bien. Le Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean est une région que je n'ai pas assez vu. Tout ce qui me vient à l'esprit c'est le chocolat aux bleuets, des gens fort sympathique et ce lac immense à perte de vue.
En plus, je peux vous affirmer que les meilleures poutines de la province sont là-bas. Désolé gens de Drummond et Victo... Vous pouvez maintenant me lancer vos pierres.

Étape 7 - Qui dit Québec, dit Québec

Aller au Québec sans visiter la ville de Québec serait l'équivalent de ne pas manger de tacos au Mexique. C'est un fragment de notre histoire et en plus, c'est très beau. De plus, la ville de Québec est bien entouré avec l'île d'Orléans, le parc de la Jacques Cartier et le fleuve. Il y a aussi de très bons musées et honnêtement... les mots me manquent pour en parler.
Visiter la citadelle devrait être votre première priorité une fois sur place. Si vous avez le temps, allez jeter un oeil à Charlevoix qui est franchement magnifique. Malheureusement, je dois laisser la région en dehors de ce trajet.

Étape 8 - Remonter le fleuve jusqu'à Percé

Vous voulez de la nature? Imaginez la nature du grand nord rencontrer l'Atlantique. La péninsule est votre endroit de prédilection. En plus, si vous avez à imaginer des hippies spaces sur la plage, ben la Gaspésie vous attend. De plus, vous avez en chemin le Mont Jacques-Cartier qui est la plus haute montagne du Québec. Bon, je sais que ce n'est pas l’Everest, mais je m'en bats les couilles, c'est beau en T*b*rn*k se rendre en haut avec des vues orgasmiques de la mer et des forêts.
^(\Toutefois, je dois vous avouer que j'ai souvent laissé faire la Gaspésie pour aller à la péninsule acadienne, la terre de mes aïeux.)*

En conclusion vous allez faire 2300 km de route pour voir à peine 1/5 du territoire Québécois. Bonne chance!

Bonne année 2020!
submitted by gabseo to Quebec [link] [comments]

Tactical boots suggestions for law enforcement in Québec?

Hey guys! Just joined this sub so if I did something wrong, don't hesitate to tell me.
I work security in a casino so basically small "police" work. I need to get myself some better boots and have done some research but nothing seems conclusive.
This is what I'm looking for :
I've done some research in this sub and people seem to like Solomon's and UnderArmour boots?
What do you guys recommend?
I can probably go up to like 180$ US.
Thanks a lot!
submitted by Sebaslegrand to tacticalgear [link] [comments]

Gatineau Senators / Senateurs de Gatineau

Hey Ottawa Senators Fans!
Lotto Québec wanted to buy the Senators and move them by the casino a few years ago.
This was published in many Quebec news outlets last week.
I find it weird that Quebec media were all over this story and Ottawa/English media was QUIET.
It seems like possibly CONSPIRACY THEORY: Someone doesn't want this story in Anglophone Media.
submitted by wasserbar to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]

At least 77 million millionaires thanks to cannabis

Recreational cannabis is not legal yet, but many Canadians are taking advantage of it to make a fortune. At least 77 of them have accumulated millions of dollars in just a few months thanks to their investments in the industry, according to data compiled by our Investigation Bureau.
"I knew the pot was a good investment, but no one in the community thought it would pay so much," says Chuck Rifici, head of the Cannabis Wheaton investment fund and former chief financial officer of the Liberal Party of Canada. (PLC).
At 43, the one who is described as the "pot godfather" in Canada sits on a personal fortune that he himself estimates to "more than 100 million", including $ 47.7 million in potato producer shares , according to public financial documents.
He owns a Ferrari 458 red and a Tesla S.
It all started with a first investment of $ 70 in shares in his company Tweed, a pot producer (now Canopy Growth). "I thought I was rich when I made my first $ 500,000," jokes the Ottawa businessman.
Mr. Rifici said today that he continues to work only "for pleasure". "It's a lot less stressful."
Big risks
On the other side of the Ottawa River in Gatineau, Sébastien St-Louis, 34, has a fortune of $ 15.4 million. His company founded in 2013, Hydropothecary, is valued at $ 660 million on the stock market.
The path to get there was not easy. "I almost went broke at least four times. My credit card was used up to $ 30,000.
Stories like that of Rifici and Saint-Louis, who have become millionaires before even a single gram of recreational pot is sold legally, are in the dozens of industries.
Establishing the list of Millionaire Canadians in the pot helps to make the following observations:
The vast majority, 58% (45 out of 77), are from Ontario. Only 4 come from Quebec (5%). Out of 77 millionaires, there are only three women. Wealth is extremely concentrated Speculative bubble ?
The stock market value of pot companies exploded last year as a result of Trudeau government announcements on the upcoming legalization in 2018.
New Brunswicker Denis Arsenault bought a medical cannabis producer in 2014 for $ 1.7 million. Its acquisition, the company Organigram, is worth half a billion dollars today. "It was like going to the casino when I invested in it, at first," he laughs.
Although Canadians are still divided over the legalization of cannabis and the banks are very reluctant to invest in this industry, investors are now jostling to the gates to the point where there is fear of a speculative bubble.
According to several experts, the current frenzy is similar to the tech bubble in the late 1990s, because they are extremely volatile.
"There are companies that are not in cannabis, just saying that they are interested in the industry and boom, their shares are tripling," says portfolio management analyst Ken Lester, president of Lester Asset Management.
They roll on gold thanks to their investments in the pot
PHOTO ANNABELLE BLAIS Chuck Rifici has inherited the nickname "godfather" of the pot industry. And for good reason, this 43-year-old Franco-Ontarian estimates his fortune to more than $ 100 million (including at least $ 47.7 million in shares of pot producers, according to public financial documents).
He has two characteristics common to many millionaires in this industry: he is an entrepreneur and he has political connections, particularly with the Liberal Party of Canada (PLC).
In 2013, Mr. Rifici co-founded Tweed, now Canopy Growth, Canada's largest pot company.
Since 2017, he has been CEO of Cannabis Wheaton, an investment firm in pot companies, including producers or manufacturers of accessories. Wheaton has about fifteen partnerships, a huge spider web.
Two ex of the PLC
In parallel, the businessman was also CFO of the PLC from 2011 to 2016.
"Being treasurer of the PLC, it gives credibility when you meet investors for pot," he says. Wheaton's vice president of external affairs, Sarah Bain, was also vice president of communications for the LPC from 2010 to 2013.
Mr. Rifici even believes that the controversy provoked by this situation has helped him to talk about his businesses. "All press is good press," he says.
But this has exacerbated tensions between him and his partner Bruce Linton and Rifici left Tweed in 2014 (see other text).
He is now investing mainly in accessories such as vape. "I believe the future of this industry will be in these value-added products," he says. It's important to have a distribution and production network, but in a Starbuck coffee, it's not the coffee bean that pays the most, "he says.
PIERRE-PAUL POULIN PICTURES Wearing a three-piece suit and cell phone in hand, Bruce Linton, CEO of Canopy Growth, is the image of the successful businessman.
"Because I sell cannabis, people always expect to see a guy in a faded T-shirt," he jokes.
Mr. Linton now heads one of the largest cannabis producers in Canada. He first founded Tweed in 2013 (then joined Canopy Growth) with Chuck Rifici, former CFO of the Liberal Party of Canada.
When asked why there are so many Liberals in the industry, he replies, "I do not know why there are a lot of Liberals in the industry. I'm not. You know what I am? I am a socialist who likes to ride in Jaguar. "
And he has the means to pay for luxury cars. On paper, Mr. Linton's fortune is valued at more than $ 67 million.
Potty drink
In five years, Canopy Growth has acquired 13 cannabis production sites in eight Canadian provinces, including two in Quebec. The company has also developed partnerships to export or cultivate with Australia, Brazil, Germany, Jamaica, Denmark and Chile.
Bruce Linton does not want to stop there. He has a clear vision for the future: to sell a cannabis drink. Canopy has signed an agreement this fall with Constellation, which sells Corona beers.
Linton is already following in the footsteps of Seagram distiller Bronfman family, who made a fortune with alcohol at the end of the prohibition.
"I want to provide a bottle-like format with 12-13% that produces effects after 7 minutes," he says. This is the socially accepted way to be impaired. "
MARTIN ALARIE PHOTO Quebecker Philippe Depault is not yet a millionaire of the pot, but he is about to succeed.
The 26-year-old entrepreneur (left) and his partner Alexandre Lalancette, 23 years old (right) have just sold their cannabis accessories business, Maïtri, for $ 550,000 in addition to an amount of up to 1.2 M $ to be paid to the performance.
Pretty surprising when we know that Maïtri made his first sale in July 2017 only.
Mr. Depault was a cyclist with the Canadian team dreaming of the Olympics until fibromyalgia changed his life in 2013.
No medicine was able to relieve him, except cannabis. He then gave himself the mission to fight against the stigmatization of consumers.
Soon more Quebeckers?
The chemical engineering student started by blogging in the summer of 2016. Then in March 2017, he joined Mr. Lalancette to create neatly designed cannabis accessories with Quebec materials.
"Cannabis is still associated with stoners ," he says. But around me, almost everyone uses cannabis, either once a day or once a year. They are engineers, doctors, lawyers. It was to this clientele that he wanted to address himself. An investor has injected from $ 30,000 to $ 100,000, says Mr. Depault. And in July, the company was about to open a round of financing when Hiku, which owns the DOJA pot producer, made an offer to buy. The agreement was concluded in February.
Mr. Depault hopes to see more Quebeckers in the industry. "We start to feel the wave. "
PHOTO ANNABELLE BLAIS When Sébastien St-Louis was younger, his idol was not a hockey player, but Alain Bouchard, the founder of Couche-Tard.
"It's the biggest company in terms of sales in Canada and it [Mr. Bouchard] started with only one store in Quebec. I recognize myself a lot in this story, "he says.
The 34-year-old is describing himself as an entrepreneur who seized the business opportunity of medical cannabis in 2013.
His firm, Hydropothecary, based in Gatineau, is the first licensed pot producer in Quebec. Recently, the company won an agreement to supply 22,000 kg to the Quebec Cannabis Company, the SAQ subsidiary that will market the substance.
With a market capitalization of $ 660,000 million for Hydropothecary, Sébastien St-Louis is sitting on a fortune of more than $ 15.4 million.
But this son of teacher parents has not changed his lifestyle so much, except that he travels more.
"I drove in Grand Am for 12 years. I changed to a 2012 Acura, he says. A Ferrari is not my style. "
Thanks to the family
It must be said that the path of the producer was fraught with difficulties and that the bankruptcy was avoided more than once.
At 16, he already had his own 3D simulation company and he was investing in real estate. With a master's degree in finance from the Université du Québec à Montréal, he later worked at the Business Development Bank of Canada.
In June 2013, at age 29, his friend Maxime Cyr, who worked for Health Canada, told him that the federal government would allow private producers to sell medical cannabis. Sébastien St-Louis had never seen a pot plant before, but he smelled the potential.
He embarked on the project his brother-in-law Adam Miron, a political enthusiast who became involved with the Liberal Party of Canada until 2009.
Unable to get finance from the banks, the two men appealed to friends and family for a first round of private funding in 2013. "With $ 10,000, we could put $ 1.5 million," he said. His parents even mortgaged their home to invest $ 100,000.
"If it did not work, I went bankrupt and lost my house, but there was no longer a couch of friends I could have slept on because I would have lost money to all those I knew, "he says.
Light appeared at the end of the tunnel when Health Canada authorized the company to sell medical pot in 2015.
Big names on the board
In 2016, he approached large families in Quebec looking for partners. Vincent Chiara, a Montreal businessman close to the Saputo family, has agreed to invest several millions in the adventure. He currently sits on the Board and his fortune in the company is valued at $ 25.5 million.
Sébastien St-Louis is also very proud to say that Nathalie Bourque, who serves on Couche-Tard's Board of Directors, has joined Hydropothecary's board since the fall. The convenience store chain has already announced that it wants to sell marijuana.
The boss of Hydropothecary believes that in the near future, there will remain only two or three companies that will be multinational cannabis. "I intend to be a leader from our platform in Quebec," he says.
PHOTO COURTESY DAVID BASTEDO Music and cannabis have always been closely linked. Newstrike understands it. For almost a year now, the company that markets Up Cannabis, a pot producer in Ontario, has developed a partnership with The Tragically Hip.
The Canadian rock band is a shareholder in the company and is involved in important marketing decisions.
Their managers, Bernie Breen and Patrick Sambrook, also sit on the company's advisory board. Up Cannabis can, for example, use the band's songs to promote its products or to name its pot varieties.
It is worth $ 20.9 million
"We've approached them because they can help us create a brand and they represent Canada," says Jay Wilgar, CEO of Newstrike.
The latter made a fortune with a wind energy start-up he founded in the early 2000s and sold it to the French multinational GDF Suez in 2010.
In 2013, he launched into cannabis by investing 1.5 million with a partner. Mr. Wilgar is worth about $ 20.9 million today. The Hips' fortune in the business is at least $ 2.2 million
"We did not expect such a large and fast growth in the last year, it's amazing," he says.
The strategy of Up Cannabis is to address Mr. Mrs. Everybody, like the Hips. The company will focus on the recreational and has no medical patient.
PHOTO COURTESY APHRIA For John Cervini, growing cannabis was a natural extension of his vegetable growing career in Ontario.
"I am the fourth generation of farmers. For 23 years, I ran the family business with my brother, "he says. The company was growing well, but John preferred to leave because the two brothers had different visions.
His friend Cole Cacciavillani, an industrial engineer in agriculture, told him about cannabis in August 2013. The company, Aphria, is one of six producers who signed an agreement to supply Quebec with cannabis through the subsidiary of the SAQ.
"As a farmer, we knew we had a good base for marijuana," says Cervini. It is our specialty to grow plants, we have experience in logistics and large-scale supply, "he says.
He seems to have won his bet. The best-performing stock on the Toronto Stock Exchange in 2017 was Aphria, which rose 271%. The fortune of the two founders today stands at more than $ 200 million.
Thanks to Google translation
submitted by jaffnaguy2014 to weedstocks [link] [comments]

Visite sans voiture (?) à Quebec et Charlevoix(juillet)

Allo à tous! J'espère que vos connaissances locales pourrons nous aider. On va visiter Québec (de la CB à Sherbrooke, Montréal, Québec) pour quelque semaines cette été. J'espère voyager sans voiture, mais on veut aussi visiter Baie-Saint-Paul (ex. les galleries, la laiterie, la boise) pour environ deux jours. Je sais que voyager de Québec à BSJ par train ou autobus est assez simple, mais on veut aussi nous rendre (avec le train Charlevoix) à La Malbaie pour une visite. L'horaire du train n'indique que trois voyages chaque jour...est-ce que 4 heures à La Malbaie est trop sans voiture? Sinon, sont les taxis convenables pour nour rendres aux attractions? J'ai aucune désire de visiter le casino.
Aussi, si on trouve qu'une voiture soit nécessaire (soit en ville, soit en Charlevoix), qu'est-ce qui est plus simple selon vos expériences, location simple où Communauto?
submitted by ubcfrenchie to quebeccity [link] [comments]

Best Places To Visit In Canada In 2019 That Will Leave You Spellbound!

The best places to visit in Canada are a proof that the country has a heart bigger than its size when it comes to satiating the wanderlust of every type of traveler. And you would happily agree with us once you see them with your own eyes. Be it the lakes, the gardens, or the cities as a whole, Canada has got it all that would make your holiday worthwhile!

Take a look at these places in Canada so that you know which ones you need to put on the top of your list!

Best Places To Visit In Canada In 2019
Thinking about exploring Canada? Here is the perfect list of the great places to visit in Canada on your trip. Take a look!

  1. Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls With Rainbow in Canada
If there is one destination you’d find in every ‘best places to visit in Canada during summers’ list, it is the Niagara Falls. Built along the spellbinding waterfalls by the same name, this famous city is an ideal place to explore if you’re looking for a magical experience.
Have a great time enjoying the views and clicking pictures of the cascading falls.
Things To Do:

Witness the gorgeous waterfalls
Get your game on at the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort
Spend time at the MarineLand
Location: Ontario, Canada

Must Read: 10 Vancouver Hotels For Luxury And Budget Travelers

  1. Whistler
best places to visit in Canada in winter
Home to one of the largest ski resorts in North America, Whistler is your winter holiday destination! Skiing, snowshoeing, and tobogganing are few of the thrilling sports to indulge in for enjoying in this captivating snow land. So, if you are a thrill seeker, then Whistler is one of the best places to visit in Canada for you!

Things To Do:

Indulge in snowmobiling
Witness the town’s vibrant culture by visiting the art museums and cultural centres
Dine at 21 Steps or Alta Bistro
Location: British Columbia, Canada

Suggested Read: Christmas In Chicago: Time To Celebrate Christmas Of 2018 In Mud City!

  1. Quebec City
Romantic places to visit in Canada
Renowned as North America’s oldest walled city, this is amongst those Canada tourist places, which you must visit with your partner if magic, romance, and all things french is what tickles your fancy the most. Have an amazing time with your partner in the magical Quebec city.

Things To Do:

Visit the historic attractions like The Citadel
Relax at the BattleFields Park
Walk along the scenic Terrasse Dufferin
Location: Québec, Canada

Suggested Read: 10 Things To Do In Niagara Falls, Canada: An Experience Below A Majestic Waterfall

  1. St. John’s
colored houses in St. John's Canada
Popular for its jelly beaned & crayon colored houses, and being an artist’s retreat, St. John’s is like a mini San Francisco. Despite being the oldest city, the vibe of this place is as refreshing as that of any metro town, which is perfect for any of your holidays. Also, do not miss the Water Street when you are here!

Things To Do:

Visit the Cape Spear Lighthouse
Learn about the local culture and history at The Rooms
Shop and eat at the famous Water Street
Location: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

  1. Tofino
beach town in canada
Image Courtesy:

If you can’t imagine a holiday without a beach, Tofino is the place for you! It’s a paradise for water lovers and a haven for people seeking comfort in their cozy hotel rooms after spending a long day out in the town. Have a great time by the beach in Tofino.

Things To Do:

Explore the famous beaches like Long Beach and Chesterman Beach
Try the popular fish tacos
Indulge in kayaking and camping at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Location: Vancouver Island, Canada

Suggested Read: Niagara Falls in Canada: A Guide To A Majestic Waterfall In North America

  1. Churchill
Polar bear capital of the world canada
This small town located on Hudson Bay definitely counts as one of the best places to visit in Canada. Known as the polar bear capital of the world, Churchills is the perfect hotspot for travelers who love having a close encounter with wildlife. It is also a great destination for adventure seekers and one can enjoy underwater activities here.

Things To Do:

Swim or snorkel with Beluga whales
Explore Fort Prince of Wales
Take a Tundra Buggy tour
Location: Manitoba, Canada

Suggested Read: 10 Best Alaska Hotels For A Sojourn Amid Nature

  1. Old Montreal
Best places to visit in canada
Old-world charm, spectacular buildings, and horse-drawn carriages are pretty much what describes the fascinating aura of this oldest area in Montreal. For travelers in pursuit of a peaceful & unique experience, this is the perfect place to be! Have a great time with your folks here.

Things To Do:

Explore the underground city
Rejuvenate at the Spa Scandinave
Take the Old Montreal food tour
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Suggested Read: 10 Budget-Friendly Hostels In Canada For Enthusiastic Backpackers!

  1. Banff National Park
Beautiful Banff National Park Canada
Image Courtesy:
Chances are, you have already heard of Banff a lot of times. And why not, it is amongst the top Canada destinations every traveler must visit. Turquoise colored lakes, spectacular glaciers, snow capped peaks, and mesmerizing landscapes, everything beautiful can be witnessed here at once. Excited to visit?

Things To Do:

Capture the beauty of Lake Louise and Bow Lake
Take a ride in the Banff Gondola
Go for hiking or whitewater rafting
Timings: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM every day

Location: 224 Banff Avenue, Town of Banff, Alberta, Canada

  1. Stanley Park
famous parks to visit in vancouver canada
Vancouver is one of the most famous French cities in Canada which is a popular destination among travelers. If the red-orange colored trees shown in movies have always tickled your fancy, Stanley Park is one place you have to visit in Canada. The red cedar and Douglas fir trees around with a gorgeous view of the city would not only leave you spellbound but also make you fall for nature again. Do visit the park on your next Canadian vacation.

Things To Do:

Walk through the majestic cedars and firs
Indulge in biking or rollerblading
Take a ride in the Miniature Train
Timings: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM every day

Location: Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4, Canada

Suggested Read: Canada Travel Tips: For A Perfect Holiday In The Largest Country Of North America

  1. Butchart Gardens
Popular gardens to visit in Canada
Of all the top tourist attractions in Canada, Butchart Gardens is the best place to explore with a camera in hand. With an enchanting display of flowers around, fun boat tours, night illuminations & more, there’s a lot to see and do here that will make your holiday vibrant! Ready to capture some Instagram worthy pictures?

Things To Do:

Capture the gorgeous flowers around
Witness the fireworks show designed by Disney
Indulge in ice skating
Timings: 8:45 AM to 10:00 PM

Location: 800 Benvenuto Ave, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1J8, Canada

  1. Okanagan Valley
Beautiful places to visit in Canada
Image Courtesy:
Known for its wineries and fruit orchards, the Okanagan is a beautiful place to visit in Canada. A walk into the regions here makes you feel like you have stepped right into heaven. So, try and savour the beauty around not just with your eyes, but also with your camera. Book yourself a wine tour at one of its wineries!

Things To Do:

Visit the Sperling Vineyards or Mission Hill Winery
Spend time at the Okanagan Lake
Take a tour of the Kelowna region
submitted by bobmarshall2392 to u/bobmarshall2392 [link] [comments]

UCH Tournament for residents of Québec!

There will be an Ultimate Chicken Horse competition for the Tournoi I-Sport 2019 of the Zone de jeux INDIE Loto-Québec sur les Internets, with prizes!
Québec residents aged 18 or older can participate.
Finals will happen on location at the Montréal Casino on Sunday July 7th.
The first place prize is $1000 (CAD)! 💰 Sign up now to participate:
submitted by everlycrusher to ultimatechickenhorse [link] [comments]

MR.CLAP 360 ° 3D VR: Hilton Lac-Leamy Address: 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Telephone: (819) 790-6444 PHOTO REALIZED...

MR.CLAP 360 ° 3D VR: Hilton Lac-Leamy Address: 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Telephone: (819) 790-6444 PHOTO REALIZED BY: Production MRCLAP 3D 360 ° Video Inc. Guy Youssef Vaillancourt, meadows Tel: (819) 968-1226 Gatineau / Hull Sector, Quebec, Canada

E-mail: [email protected]

M.CLAP VR 3D 360° : Hilton Lac-Leamy Adresse : 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Téléphone : (819) 790-6444 PHOTO RÉALISÉ PAR : Production M.CLAP vidéo 3D 360° Inc. Guy Youssef Vaillancourt,prés Tél : ( 819 ) 968-1226 Gatineau/Secteur Hull,Québec,Canada E-mail : [email protected]
submitted by MCLAPvideo to u/MCLAPvideo [link] [comments]

MR.CLAP 360 ° 3D VR: Hilton Lac-Leamy Address: 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Telephone: (819) 790-6444 PHOTO REALIZED...

MR.CLAP 360 ° 3D VR: Hilton Lac-Leamy Address: 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Telephone: (819) 790-6444 PHOTO REALIZED BY: Production MRCLAP 3D 360 ° Video Inc. Guy Youssef Vaillancourt, meadows Tel: (819) 968-1226 Gatineau / Hull Sector, Quebec, Canada

E-mail: [email protected]

M.CLAP VR 3D 360° : Hilton Lac-Leamy Adresse : 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Téléphone : (819) 790-6444 PHOTO RÉALISÉ PAR : Production M.CLAP vidéo 3D 360° Inc. Guy Youssef Vaillancourt,prés Tél : ( 819 ) 968-1226 Gatineau/Secteur Hull,Québec,Canada E-mail : [email protected]
submitted by MCLAPvideo to u/MCLAPvideo [link] [comments]

MR.CLAP 360 ° 3D VR: Hilton Lac-Leamy Address: 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Telephone: (819) 790-6444 PHOTO REALIZED...

MR.CLAP 360 ° 3D VR: Hilton Lac-Leamy Address: 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Telephone: (819) 790-6444 PHOTO REALIZED BY: Production MRCLAP 3D 360 ° Video Inc. Guy Youssef Vaillancourt, meadows Tel: (819) 968-1226 Gatineau / Hull Sector, Quebec, Canada

E-mail: [email protected]

M.CLAP VR 3D 360° : Hilton Lac-Leamy Adresse : 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC J8Y 6X4 Téléphone : (819) 790-6444 PHOTO RÉALISÉ PAR : Production M.CLAP vidéo 3D 360° Inc. Guy Youssef Vaillancourt,prés Tél : ( 819 ) 968-1226 Gatineau/Secteur Hull,Québec,Canada E-mail : [email protected]
submitted by MCLAPvideo to u/MCLAPvideo [link] [comments]

Banque d'état

Comme un bon citoyen, je me suis fait un devoir de relire chaque programme de chaque parti. J'ai trouvé ces lignes chez Québec Solidaire :
*3.3 CONTRER L’ÉCONOMIE CASINO Le secteur financier privé, avec ses profits records, est devenu le principal pilier de l’économie capitaliste contemporaine. Pour édifier une économie solidaire, il faut donc revoir le fonctionnement de ce secteur de façon à ce que les intérêts de la population (droits sociaux, protection de l’environnement ou égalité hommes-femmes) ne soient plus soumis aux seuls impératifs économiques et financiers.
a) Afin de concurrencer les banques privées et ainsi fournir des services de proximité et abordables pour la population, un gouvernement solidaire instituera une banque d’État, soit par la création d’une nouvelle institution, soit par la nationalisation partielle du système bancaire.
b) Un gouvernement solidaire réglementera le système banquier – considéré comme un service public – afin que les banques commerciales reviennent à leur fonction première d’intermédiation entre l’épargne et le crédit, que la spéculation, notamment sur les devises, soit interdite et que les frais administratifs imposés aux clients soient adéquatement contrôlés.*
J'ai toujours pensé que le secteur banquier était régit au niveau fédéral. Qu'est-ce que Québec solidaire peut, et ne pas faire à ce niveau ? Il y a un spécialiste dans la salle ?
submitted by Ouijee to Quebec [link] [comments]

La mission de Loto-Québec

Un article récent dans La Presse fait mention des problèmes de profitabilité de Loto-Québec. Le temps est supposément au renouveau et à la croissance.
Or, Loto-Québec "a pour mission d'exploiter dans l'ordre et la mesure des jeux de hasard et d'argent au Québec".
Ne devrait-on pas se réjouir face à la baisse de la consommation de lotterie? Il me semble que la mission de Loto-Québec n'est pas de faire des profits, selon ses propos. Honnêtement, je ne suis pas surpris que Loto-Québec aille mal; j'ai l'impression que ce sont surtout des baby boomers et personnes agées qui achètent des grateux ou vont au casino.
submitted by Max_Thunder to Quebec [link] [comments]

Spotted Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection at SAQ.

Spotted BTEC 12 Year Old Bourbon From Floor #5 at SAQ, 705, boul. de la Carrière - Carrefour de Casino Gatineau, Québec, while on a bottle hunt, on my way home from Montreal. Priced at $95 a bottle, with apparently three in stock.
submitted by njals to canadawhisky [link] [comments]

Quebec just passed a website blocking law - "legislators were quite open about the fact that a goal of the law is to increase revenue to the local, officially approved gambling service"

Summary generated by cruyff8's autosummarizer of
Bill 74 has passed almost without notice (the casino industry being the notable exception) and will see the government agency in charge of lotteries in the province, Loto-Québec, draw up a list of online gambling sites that they will then send to ISPs.Incredibly, the ban does not apply to all gambling sites – just those that Loto-Québec doesn't like – and legislators were quite open about the fact that a goal of the law is to increase revenue to the local, officially approved gambling service Espacejeux.A law allowing a government agency to restrict access to specific websites in order to cause direct financial benefit to another website is not the sort of thing that courts look positively on. The passage of the law was recently raised in the House of Commons of Canada, with one minister pointing out that such a law would violate the country's net neutrality position.
submitted by cruyff8 to unitsd8u [link] [comments]

L'omnium universitaire de poker 2013

Bonjour à tous,
Je m'appelle Jonathan Dacosta, étudiant en MEC 3e année. Durant la session hiver 2013 se déroulera la 5e édition du tournois interuniversitaire de poker.
J'ai été désigné représentant de l'université ETS cette année, mon rôle est de faire la promotion du tournois afin d'attirer le plus de joueurs de l'ETS possible. Tout ca évidemment dans le but d'avoir de bons joueurs lors des finales live.
Tout est 100% gratuit et il y a des bourses à gagner à chaque tournois en plus des gros prix à la finale live.
Même si vous ne pouvez pas participer à tous les tournois en ligne (cours de soir, travail, etc.), sachez que les 6 meilleurs résultats sur 10 sont retenus.
Étant donné le faible taux de participation à l'ETS, les chances d'être parmis les meilleurs sont bonnes, même si vous connaissez seulement les bases du poker.
Le tournois grandit à chaque édition. Cette année, tout est commandité par Lotto-Québec et le logiciel de poker espacejeux. D'ailleurs, les finales lives se dérouleront au casino de Montreal.
Pour plus d'information, visitez le site officiel de la compétition:
Vous pouvez aussi consulter et liker la page facebook:
Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez les poster ici ou m'envoyer un courriel: [email protected]
Bonne journée :)
submitted by dacostack to etsmtl [link] [comments]

casino québec video

Casino Live Casino Slot machines Table games Virtual sports Keno Sports Mise-o-jeu+ Pool Mise-o-jeu Instants Poker Bingo Our destinations Bingo en réseau Kinzo Video lotteries Québec's casinos Casino de Montréal Casino du Lac-Leamy Hilton Lac-Leamy Casino de Mont-Tremblant Casino de Charlevoix Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu Captain Cooks Casino offers you one of the Best Online Casino Bonuses of $500 Free with 100 Chances to Win upon Sign Up! Play Online Casino Games today! Journal de Montreal accused the casino of rolling out the “tapis rouge” (red carpet) to at least four other gangsters from factions of the local Mafia or biker gangs.. Loto-Québec Tepid Casino Casino en direct Machines à sous Jeux de table Sports virtuels Keno Sports Mise-o-jeu+ Le Pool Mise-o-jeu Instants Poker Bingo Nos établissements Bingo en réseau Kinzo Loterie vidéo Casinos du Québec Casino de Montréal Casino du Lac-Leamy Hilton Lac-Leamy Casino de Mont-Tremblant Casino de Charlevoix Quebec casinos, cruise ships, horsetracks and dogtracks - the complete gambling landscape of Quebec. Includes Quebec casino details, gambling news and tweets in Quebec, area maps, Quebec entertainment, coupons offers... Casino Québec terrestre : dans cette bataille, l'un des grands points forts des sites est, bien évidemment, les bonus et autres promotions offerts. Pouvez-vous imaginer mettre les pieds dans le Casino de Charlevoix, de Montreal ou de Mont-Tremblant, et recevoir une somme d'argent pour miser gratuitement ? Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Quebec. Out of all casinos in Quebec you'll find Casino Montreal to be the biggest. It has 3000 gaming machines and 115 table games. You can reach South Point Casino by phone at (514) 392-2746 or by clicking this link: Casino Montreal to see its information page. 2nd Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Quebec Québec's casinos Casino de Montréal Casino du Lac-Leamy Hilton Lac-Leamy Casino de Mont-Tremblant Casino de Charlevoix Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu Salons de jeux du Québec Salon de jeux de Québec Salon de jeux de Trois-Rivières Loto-Québec About us Careers (in French only) Corporate responsibility Press Contact us Casino en ligne au Québec. Si vous cherchez le centre du gambling du Canada, c’est sans doute le Québec. La province a non seulement le plus grand nombre de maisons de jeu terrestres, c’est aussi un vrai paradis pour les amateurs des jeux de casino online. Casino Live Casino Slot machines Table games Virtual sports Keno Sports Mise-o-jeu+ Pool Mise-o-jeu Instants Poker Bingo Our destinations Bingo en réseau Kinzo Video lotteries Québec's casinos Casino de Montréal Casino du Lac-Leamy Hilton Lac-Leamy Casino de Mont-Tremblant Casino de Charlevoix Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu

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