Substories (1-25) - Yakuza Kiwami - Neoseeker

yakuza kiwami substories 40

yakuza kiwami substories 40 - win

Lifetime of the games ?

Hi, does anybody know approximately the lifetime of all games ? I begin Yakuza 0 (it’s my first yakuza game), and it’s a really good discovery, but I would know how many time all games take (to have an idea).
submitted by Abibak to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

The biggest flaw in RGG studio is their refusal to properly accept continuity

Warning: long and detailed post. Please read it all if possible before commenting!
Originally, this was going to be a much bigger post, detailing how RGG studio is really good at making games when they don't need to worry about continuity, but they simply refuse to take into consideration past events and characters, for the sake of telling the story they want to tell. However, for the sake of getting across the message I want, I rather just focus on my biggest frustration with the studio and Yakuza 6 as a whole.
I love this series, Yakuza 6 will not change that. But the more I think about the story of the latter, the more frustrated I get.. The more these glaring flaws I could ignore before, become too big to set aside.
What I'm trying to say is that Yakuza has nearly always been used as a vehicle to tell a singular story. It's like a toy box, where the people in charge can use all the toys that are already there or bring their own. Most of the time, the most "important" toys are used again when creating a story, while some others are taken away. This WORKED in most games, they could mostly stand on their own without having to worry about the disappearance of certain characters or ignoring other events.
Most of the time, we could just roll our eyes collectively:
- Where did Yayoi Dojima go? Why is she nowhere to be found when she kept things together in the events of Yakuza 2? She already proved herself to be capable, why was she never called again when shit hit the fan in future entries? We never even got a reference regarding what could've happened to her.
- Why would Kaoru from Yakuza 2, literally feel like dying for and with Kiryu, but as soon as she gets a job, she goes away the next game?
- Why on earth does the FBI twin brother plot line exist and why on earth is he never even mentioned once more?
-Why in the absolute universe, is nearly every single villain and their lackeys, never mentioned or seen in past games, when they are part of the Tojo clan? There is absolutely no justification for this.
- Why does Hana from Yakuza 4 disappear? Why is Tanimura never given a proper send off? Even just having the characters say where he went?
The list could go on, but the answer is always the same: Were they to accept this continuity and these characters, the story they want to tell would need to be INCREDIBLY adapted or wouldn't work.
But THAT is the issue. If you play the games separately, they are all great. They all have incredible stand-alone stories, even Yakuza 6. But if you play them ALL in order (like I did) it's clear they rather defy canonical logic than accept the world they've created, in full.

Yakuza 6 or How to completely solidify the lack of care for continuity in this franchise
I've beaten Yakuza 6 a few days ago. I had time to sit down, think about it and reach a proper conclusion. And boy.. Is there SO MUCH WRONG with the story of this game. I will focus on the story and characters in its entirety. I'm not here to write a critique about the gameplay and whatnot. That said, I will be a bit nitpicky, so keep it in mind when reading. Let's begin:
From the get go, Yakuza 6 is flawed and disappointing. As a fan who's been following the games for around 3-4 years and played them in time-line order (started with 0 then went forward with the Kiwami games) I think it's needless to say that the expectations about the last game in Kiryu's story were high. Yakuza 0 proved how good the studio was when they wanted to give protagonism to someone who wasn't Kiryu.. And Yakuza's 4 and 5 proved it further. To me, 5 is one of my top 3 in the franchise, easily.. But at the core of it all, Kiryu's there.
I say this because Yakuza has always been a game about characters and their stories. We meet an incredible cast throughout the games, even those silly substories that seem to keep a continuity of sorts (I'll touch on them later) Kiryu is a good man, and it's this goodness in his heart that earns him so many allies. But.. Where are these allies when the story most needs them? Ignored for the sake of the story they want to tell.
Yakuza 6 begins with Kiryu going to jail so he can finally get the Yakuza stain off his back. This technically works because we know that spending 3 years there, things will happen in the clan and he won't be bothered, until he's forgotten. Haruka is left at the orphanage to take care of the other kids in his absence. Now: I understand Haruka feeling guilt about what's happened and the paparazzis coming around.. What I don't understand is where Mikio and Nakahara are.
Remember them? The little family that took care of Okinawa? Rikiya's death? The fact that Nakahara's left with a huge debt to Kiryu for saving his adoptive daughter, Saki? How Mikio (Rikiya's friend) ends up hanging out with the rest of the kids and Haruka, when the game is over? HOW THEY LITERALLY PROTECT EVERYONE IN THAT GAME AND RISK THEIR LIVES?
Are you actually going to tell me that these important characters from Yakuza 3 aren't just gone, but if they were there, they could've stopped the paparazzi from annoying Haruka and would've kept an eye on her?
Okay, fine. Let's accept they are gone for whatever reason and Haruka uncharacteristically leaves and goes to Kamurocho, despite knowing better. It is never explained why or how she ends up in Onomichi of all places, but again: Let's just accept it and move on. She hangs out there and, despite knowing the issues that hanging out with Yakuzas brings, she befriends this little Yakuza family.
Now we are to assume that she falls in love (?) with Yuta? And just fucks him without protection? THIS MATURE GIRL WE'VE KNOWN FOR YEARS, JUST DOES THAT, DESPITE KNOWING BETTER. And what's the only flashback we get? A scene where Haruka finds Yuta punching in a paparazzi's face for taking pictures: A civilian. This should be further reason for her to not hang out with this crowd, yet she just fucks him unprotected and gets pregnant, right after witnessing this.
Okay, let's accept this happened and move on. Kiryu is out of jail while all of the characters that should've been around this game, are sent to jail for the sake of the story they want to tell. No longer will this game be the epic conclusion we've been craving, where all the bonds Kiryu made, come back to support him in this amazing, deep and personal story we wished it would've been. But fine, let's accept these characters are gone and Kiryu's on his own. Haruka's gone, not where she should be and he sets off to Kamurocho to find her.
We find out that Chinatown was burnt to the ground and has since been rebuilt. Hmm.. I wonder which character had a deep connection to that place and would've been around to help Kiryu solve this issue? \cough* Tanimura *cough** Okay, whatever, he's not around.. Let's accept it yet again. We find out that Haruka WAS around! She got hit by a car and is in a coma!! Where did the hit and run happen? It happened in Kamurocho! Okay, okay. Do we know who did it? doesn't seem like it.
Okay! Kiryu and Akiyama have teamed up to find out who did this to Haruka. Time to go talk to The Florist, a character who's been used in every game except for Yakuza 0, a character who has hidden cameras all over Kamurocho, with a secret web of homeless men who are the second set of eyes for the city. Similar things have happened in the past and the answers were always there! They can just ask him, he'll probably just ask Kiryu to fight at the coliseum and the info will be theirs!
What? Sorry.. I've just received word that the florist is not only missing from the game's story.. But he's never even mentioned or brought up as an option. ... Oh? We are going to spend 40% of the game's story looking for clues as to who was driving the car? O..Kay. let's.. Let's just accept it and move on.. Yet again.
It turns out, there's been a guy all along. A guy who's been an advisor for the chairmen in the Tojo clan since the second one. That's right, folks: this important character in Yakuza 6 has supposedly been around since at least Yakuza 0 but he's never even mentioned ONCE. NOT ONCE. THE ADVISOR OF THE CHAIRMEN.
What follows is a chore of a story where you go back and forth between Kamurocho and Onomichi, with Kiryu making new pals along the way as usual and making the five thousand' sworn brother, finishing up with calling these folks his "family". Uh.. Did you forget your other "family" from Yakuza 3..? You know.. That family where Rikiya sacrificed himself to save you? Alright then.
In the end, every little story beat is either gone or dumbed down. Even the substory stuff. The only substories that get a proper ending are the ones from Yakuza 0, since 6 was made afterward. Jo amon's last fight is the easiest in the series and the ending ends up being an excuse for him to join the Kiryu Clan for the fighting minigame. The crazy scientist who was connected to the Amon clan and made that virtual fighting game doesn't ever show up. Also.. Correct me if I'm wrong: but wasn't Kiryu the one who defeated the color gangs? Or they were gone after defending purgatory? Because the guys from JUSTIS say THEY were the ones who got rid of the color gangs. ???
Anyway. The game ends with Kiryu "dying" and Date being the only one to know the truth. (PS: Date is the only character that was treated the best in this series). Kiryu writes a letter to Daigo saying that he was like a son to him..? Uh.. Am I the only one who felt this was super out of place? As far as I know, Daigo was old enough to have considered Dojima as his father. And he even had a mother who disappears. Kiryu forces him to be the chairman and that's that. The relationship between them is just Kiryu constantly keeping him in his place, but they never even share a personal moment aside from that fist fight at the end of Yakuza 4.
Most underused characters Saejima and.. Majima, are just hanging out with him. We see Haruka now in Okinawa with Yuta. (Remind me where their chemistry is?) and little Haruto just hanging out there with them.
All in all: Yakuza 6 decides to throw away continuity for the sake of telling the story they want to tell. Characters behave non-sensically and make stupid choices just for the sake of the plot, while other characters or entire groups of characters.. Heck, even entire plot points from last games, are ignored just for the sake of the story.
And for what? A game that can stand on its own but serves as a pethetic waste of potential? A lackluster ending to Kiryu's protagonism? The destruction of any respect I had for Haruka?
I'll play Judgement next. I heard very good things about that game! And I'm not surprised: They excell when they don't have to care for continuity. But Yakuza 6? It's just proof of badly placed their priorities are.
submitted by Frank_Cap to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

FINALLY BEAT YAKUZA 0! My first game in the series, my experience with it and how I fell in love with it <3 (SPOILERS)

Hi. I'm so happy to finally be writing this. As I'm writing, it's 5:46 am in the morning. (IT'S 6:40 AM SINCE I HIT BACK ON MY PHONE AND LOST ALL OF MY WRITING)! :(((
I beat the game like an hour ago. (3 hours ago)
So, first of all. This was my introduction to the Yakuza series. I had heard of it in the past but never paid it attention (I hate myself for that).
So, as a new player I didn't know what awaited me: One of the most amazing gaming experiences in my life! <3
I remember buying this game back in December 2017!! Holy shit, it took me a while!
But I was finally able to finish it. Why it took me so long?
Well I decided to go for the 100% of the game. Now if you know anything about Yakuza you know its a real bitch trying to get it. I remember reading people on the web talking about how the game took about 120 hours to fully complete it, or to even get the Platinum trophy
Seriously, what the hell? 120 hours wasn't enough for me. It took me 216 hours to fully get the 100%!! I remember when I was 80 hours in and how I was thinking, only 40 hours more and I'll finally get that Platinum trophy. How wrong was I.
And I haven't got the Platinum trophy. I still need to beat most of the Climax battles (I was doing them as I was unlocking them so I didn't have to do them all at once, but damn. The game decided to unlock most of them until you finish the game. Welp, fuck me).
So, like I told you, this was my introduction to Yakuza.
So wasn't expecting things like Mahjong or the friggin batting cages.
Actually Mahjong was one of the first things I got out of the way. It took me forever, omg! But I dealt with it, and I was so proud and happy. I thought the worst was left behind and that everything from there was gonna be easier... But HELL NO!!
Shortly after Mahjong, I decided to the the batting cages. I hated them with a passion, though I don't remember much about the minigame since I never touched it again after dealing with it.
Now I could finally say that the worst was behind, right? No, I wasn't.
I had to get good at the dancing minigame. And not only I had to beat all three difficulties with every song. There was also a damned substory where I had to do really good.
Later I was introduced to shogi and I had to win without using help! I was pissed.
And later came the arcade games. Run out really wore me out. The game asking me to get 5 million points was just sadistic. It was mocking me.
But I got it. And everything was gonna be fine.
And then the Cat's Fighting minigame came And I thought it was gonna be fun. But no. The game was just hitting me in the balls, minigame after minigame.
By that time I had already beat all the races with the car toys. And I suffered in those too. And I was happy to beat all the courses... Until the game decided that I had to beat the very best racers of Kamurocho. That was low. And it hurt me. Bad.
Back to the cat's fighting minigame, the game not only asked me to make profit. But to win 10 tournaments!! What in the actual ass!!? My hands hurt after I dealt with that bs.
Everything was going smoothly, until I had that fateful encounter at the Arcade in Sotenbori. FANTASY ZONE!!! Looking back, I can tell you that Fantasy Zone was the worst thing in the game!!
I dunno how much it took me, but I got it. And everything has to be easier now? This time for real, right?
Well, I found out that I had to get 100 weapons and 70 gear items. And RNG was not my friend. I can't tell how much money and time I spent in the weapons searching feature. :(((
I was tired.
RNG was not my friend. It wasn't in any of the minigames I've mentioned so far :((
And it was more clear when I got access to the hobbo minigames at the park. I wanted to punch all those homeless guys sooo badly, lol. Xdd
But all that was dealt with. Once again I was victorious. And then RNG attacked again at the telephone club. I enjoyed that minigame...
Until I found out I had to find 7 girls instead of 3. That was low. And even if I liked the minigame, I ended up tired of it
And then the game threw at me the tournament under Sotenbori. It was ok, but a pain to grind so much in order to rank up. I didn't wanted to see any of it again after I was done (though it was a nice surprise when I saw that damned bear I had to fight with).
During all my journey, what helped me getting through it all was the AMAZING STORY!! <3
OMG! WHAT A STORYLINE! It made me laugh, get mad, yell at the screen and cry.
But I knew that I had to finish all the side stuff before finishing the story. Why?
Because I knew that if I finished the story first, I wouldn't feel motivated to finish everything else.
I treated the storyline as a reward.
Everytime I dealt with some hard ass stuff, I treated myself by letting me advance a little in the story. It was my ultimate motivation.
I ended up loving Kiryu and Majima so much <3 I was so excited to see them meet for the first time. But the game just teased me. When that scene at the end appeared and they met each other, I was fangirling so much, at 4 am. Lol.
I loved Makoto. In fact, I think I fell for her. Wanted to protect her at all cost. So it really hurt me to see everything she went through. I cried alongside Majima at the hospital for her.
I really liked Tachibana. He was such a cool guy. But I felt betrayed by him when I saw the bat on his arm. I had mixed feelings. How did this awesome man could do that to Makoto?
And then came out the truth about Oda. And I was again on Tachibana's side. But I lost him. And I cried and mourned him alongside Makoto in that damned empty lot.
It was so satisfying to destroy Kuze in that torture chamber. But it still hurt a lot after that.
Then there's Oda. I liked the guy, I really did. But ended up hating him. How could he do this to us? Selfish prick. Almost felt pity for him when he got gunned down. Almost.
So I reached the end, just before going after Dojima and Shibusawa.
I was so ready to keep going. And the game stopped me. I still had side stuff to do. LOL.
I finished the Five Stars storyline, but Jesus, I hated how slow your properties leveled up in the Media King turf. And I had to get every property to rank S. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!
Abd after that I finished Majima's cabaret storyline. I loved that one.
The cabaret minigame was so good. And the girls were ADORABLE, specially Yuki. I loved her. She's right up there with Makoto as my waifus, lol.
After that I was ready until I noticed I was missing a gold hostess. I searched like crazy until I discovered I had to dance 3 times in at the dancing club... only to battle against three new opponents at dancing. I was sooooo tired.
The game just kept refusing to be completed. And I was ready for the final battle. I took Kiryu up to Nishiki and... NO!! BEFORE THAT I HAD TO BEAT 400 ENEMIES WITH THE NEWLY ACQUIRED FIGHTING STYLES!! Seriously, I was so desperate at that point. Lol
I finally did it, and what an amazing award awaited me. The conclusion finally came. Those final battles were worth everything.
So good to kick that stupid Chinese assassin who shot Makoto. I was yelling so excited when Majima broke his stupid nose. Lol.
And it was soooo good to see Shibusawa and Dojima defeated.
Even if the game hated me at moments
Can't wait to play Kiwami. (I have it and Kiwami 2 sealed in my shelf)
But wait, I still gotta get that Platinum.
I've heard the climax battles are really tough (I did then as they were unlocking, but the game decided to lock most of them until you beat the game, so I have a lot to do)
And then there's legendary difficulty. I hate when games lock a difficulty. Why do I gotta finish the game twice?? Oh well, at least the story is so good. <3
I'll let you all know if I ever get that damned Platinum Trophy.
Much love. And if you also go for that 100%, good luck my friend <3
My final results screen.
submitted by blue_Rabbit_inc to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Content density

In terms of gameplay, which game had the most stuff to do? In my experience, yakuza 0 was jam-packed with anything and everything i can think of. Tons of retro games, disco which i loved(rip the 80's) karaoke which is a classic time sink when you are bored, fishing, heck even the business minigames are fun(except real estate, that "minigame" can die in a fire... The fights and songs were great tho) while in kiwami theres barely anything to do other than the substories which, IMO, yakuza 0 did better(mostly because i really liked pocket circuit fighters whole story) in yakuza 0 i have spent atleast 50hrs into the game while im still at chapter 6. In kiwami 1 im at the final chapter but im just 40 hrs in and just looking around for majima to complete the dragon skills before the big fight, all in all kiwami feels lacking in content compared to yakuza 0, especially the sega arcades, i miss outrun and fantasy zone, instead we get a knock-off japanese cat fight...
submitted by Xyzen553 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Yakuza 0 is a gem of a game. Got me teary eyed from both its phenomenal main story and the funniest side quests I've ever encountered.

So I finally finished the last chapter and epilogue of Y0 after completing real estate and cabaret side quests and most of the substories and it's now become one of the best games I have ever played. I can tell this game was made with much love and it's truly something special.
From the gripping main story with the dual playable main protagonists grappling with their fate surrounded by a cast of nuanced characters with their own complex motivations, to the movie-quality dialogue and acting in cutscenes, to the varied visceral combat styles with unlockable skill trees, to the absurdity of the frankly batshit crazy substories, to fun mini games like karaoke and bowling, to the amazing OST that elevated every battle or cut scene, this game did it all and did it brilliantly with careful balance.
This was my first Yakuza game and it quickly made me a fan of the series just with this one game. I can't wait to dive into the rest of the series with the Kiwami 1+2 and then remasters of 3-5. Highly recommend Yakuza 0 to anyone looking for a solid 40-50 hour game with intense drama, brutal and deep combat and crazy funny side quests.
submitted by Fullbryte to PS4 [link] [comments]

So I just finished Kiwami, here my thoughts.

I would like to preface this by saying I am one of the many people whose first game was 0. I actually checked Google for info on a Kiwami PC port as the Y0 credits were rolling and saw it came out in 9 days, so Y0 is still very fresh in my mind.
That being said, I came into this with lowered expectations. I saw a few people mentioning online that Kiwami sticks pretty close to the source material, and while I've never so much as seen footage of the original, it shows.
Spoilers for Kiwami, and technically a small bit from Kiwami 2 (just skip the last paragraph.)
I don't really hold it against the game, though. The plot might not be anything all that special, but for a game from the times when the plot was usually an afterthought, it's honestly pretty good. The gameplay also had a distinctly different feel from 0's, despite using the same engine, but I'll get into that later.
First things first, who the fuck had the bright idea to put the Kiryu vs Nishiki pre-fight cutscene as literally the first thing you see? I'd already spoiled myself on that particular tidbit because I made the mistake of looking at a piece of media's wiki without having consumed most of it, but it feels like developers are going "lol, you already know what's in store, let's just get to the good shit." I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of this, but it really left an impression on me. I still haven't actually watched the whole intro, actually. I should probably get on that.
The first thing I noticed was the pacing of the cutscenes. Everything feels like it's going super fast compared to 0's cutscenes, which were like 40% stuff happening and 60% meaningful facial expressions. One cutscene that I could literally imagine with PS2 graphics was Kiryu's talk with Utabori. "Let's get you a touch up, your tat's gotta be on point for that final boss. btw you got a big ass dragon on your back and the other dude got a fish." This actually got better as the game went on, and the final cutscenes were pretty good.
Speaking of cutscenes, I am 99.9% sure those end-of-chapter Nishiki scenes were not in the original, since they're paced completely differently and were honestly some of the most compelling parts of the game, even if it was more less the "watch Nishiki's life go down the shitter" show.
Having now played both 0 and Kiwami, I think you should definitely start with 0. The plot works far better with the added context of Kiryu and Nishiki's bromance in 0 than it would without. Though there's the weirdness that is Reina. She seems weirdly... upbeat? in this one. She didn't really strike me as Majima's sister-in-Kiryu-chan in 0. Speaking of her, her death is probably my favourite just because getting her bullet-riddled body tossed in front of you without so much as a chance to say goodbye is honestly a lot more effective than the dramatic "hold me in your arms as I slowly say my meaningful final words and my hand dramatically falls to the ground" treatment most other chracters got. It actually took me out of a few scenes because I'd be too busy snickering as a third character gets functionally the same death.
Other than that, Majima is pretty hilarious, Haruka grew on me cause she seems to have mental fortitude grown men can only dream of and generally doesn't cause you any trouble plot-wise that's not beyond her control. The one time she does she admits it was dumb and doesn't do it anymore. Kiryu is Kiryu, still a dork and still a badass, Date's cool, though I still don't get why what is esentially a glorified substory involving his daughter is part of the main story. Sure, he needed the character focus, but they honestly couldn't come up with a way to tie it to the rest of the plot? Hell, that one substory where Yuya calls you up to brag how hot his stripper girlfriend is feels more closely tied to the plot. The Florist is also pretty cool, but I'm kinda weirded out how Kiryu seems prefectly okay with the knowledge that there is а surveillance system so extensive it would seem like overkill if it was in 1984.
Jingu is just an asshole. He's a guy you're supposed to hate and want to punch in the face, no real complicated motivation beyond power, and I can respect that. Nishiki's turn from bro to douchebag makes sense with the added context, though the way he slicks his hair back in that one cutscene makes me imagine he now exclusively uses blood as hair gel.
Okay, so, gameplay. I played the entire game on hard.
Gameplay is mixed. I actually like the changes to the combat system, mostly. Beast apparently got nerfed, but I'm pretty bad with it and only use it in the presence of two-wheeled vehicles and tables, so that didn't sting too bad. Brawler also got nerfed, which was for the best.
Dragon starts off completely garbage, then it's just Brawler but shit, then it becomes Brawler but better, then you get Tiger Drop and you win the game. I felt kind of bad that I basically ignored 3/4 of my moveset for the last few chapters, but man, that damage. It's a really fun style after you upgrade it though, even if you ignore the Tiger Drop, really makes you feel like a badass. Just a shame it renders Brawler pointless.
Rush is weird. I used it a lot more than in 0, though I feel that has more to do with the encounter design. At the same time, there's this weird knockback to the first part of the combo that I don't think was there before, which made me whiff quite often. I ended backing myself up against a wall pretty often so I can actually get a good hit in when I get behind them, because holy fuck Rush does no damage. For the longest time I was in this dilemma where either I would fight in Rush and fights would take forever or I would not fight in Rush and go through half an inventory's worth of healing items just to stay alive.
I don't consider myself an expert by any means, but I like to think I've got the basics down, considering I switched to hard in 0 in about chapter 4 and found the rest of the game not overly difficult. I swear, like half of all bosses come with a weapon that makes guarding about as useful as nipples on a man and a whole goonsquad to make sure you get your appointed proctology exam even if you manage to snatch a stray weapon off the ground. And don't you even think about trying to turn your attention to the cannon fodder, lest the boss decide to unleash their biggest combo and give you a back massage that would cause Lee to shed a single, proud tear from up in heaven. The Majima fight at the batting cages was the first fight in the series to make me legitimately angry. Like, put down the controller and take a deep breath angry. I eventually figured out it's a lot easier if you follow monkey see, monkey do and just go to town on everyone with a bat, which somehow made the AI forget it's supposed to attack you.
Honestly the main issue is the bosses. "Dodge and punish" is fine in street fights and the arena, but I don't have time to wait for McBumblefuck to finish staring at me like a confused Koala when I've got Majima up my ass. The second Shimano fight gave me a feeling of deep terror as I imagined not having Tiger Drop.
None of this makes the game impossible or anything, just obnoxious. Like, you can't really go out of your way to have fun and set up specific heat moves you wanna do for fun cause beating these bosses is just all about being a cheap bastard. The boss fight with the dice dealer was just me using items and weapons for cheap and easy heat moves. I'd love to use Beast for its intended purpose, unfortunately it seems the 10 years of prison made Kiryu forget what balance is and he now gets knocked over by a stiff breeze. The fight vs the two gang brothers in the club I'm pretty sure accounts for roughly 50% of all times I've ever been grabbed total. I didn't really take damage, I barely used any items, but any and all combos were interrupted two hits in, such that any enemy that goes for the big two-handed grab now makes me cringe. Again, not difficult, just obnoxious.
The only fight that was truly "hard" after I got the Tiger Drop was Jo Amon. He was pretty difficult, and I would be lying if I said I didn't say "bullshit" out loud after a single spin shaved off the entirety of my maxed-out health bar. He took me total of about 8 tries.
Figured I'd just do an entire section on Majima Everywhere.
I've seen quite a few people complain about it, but I honestly think it's fine assuming one thing - that you can counter.
The first few fights he goes down like a chump, the middle fights are really the only ones that require active concentration, and then after that you get the brawler counter and eventually Tiger Drop, which melts through even his obscene amounts of HP by SSS. If you had to go through that much HP with combos alone every 5 minutes, I'd probably wish I could just stomp on the manhole cover so the fucker drowns in the sewer, too.
Other than that, I particularly like all the non-combat stuff with him. Everything from best girl Goromi, to Majima bullshitting Kiryu with cheap booze and then calling him out for refering to glorified piss as classy, to him getting super into MesuKing and Pocket Circuit, and even when you reach the M.E. cap for the chapter and then go talk to him at the edge of town and he just tells you "piss off, man, I'm thinking about stuff" is all great.
Overall, I'd say 0 is probably the better game overall, but that's not really Kiwami's fault. It's working from what is esentially outdated sorce material and design philosophy, but still manages to deliver a satisfiying experience.
Here's hoping we see Kiwami 2 and the rest of the series on PC in the future, though I'm not at all confident I'll be able to hold out, considering youtube has been dangling "Yakuza Kiwami 2: Majima reunites with Makoto" in my recommendations for a while now. Unfortunately I don't have the disposable income for a PS4 right now, so I might just end up watching playthroughs of the rest of the series.
submitted by Dartus0527 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Yakuza 0 what should I complete before playing kiwami

So here's the thing I've finished yakuza 0 and some of the substories (about 40/60 for kiryu), 2 area of the read estate thing (starting area and electronic area) now I got kiwami, but what I'm afraid of are call backs to the substories and business sub plot from zero in either the main story or sidestories or kiwami, what I want to know r there any call backs or is it as if it never happened?
submitted by haydo546 to YakuzaZero [link] [comments]

Just finished Kiwami 2

So I'm writing this at 4 in the morning after just having beaten Kiwami 2 and man was that fucking amazing... Having played Yakuza 0, 1, 5, 6 and now 2 I can easily say this was my favorite in the series. I see a lot of people talking about how a lot of the characters weren't fleshed out enough but it was at the cost of making Ryuji such a memorable villain and Sayama such a great addition to the Kiryu saga. Not to mention the fact that the game was so jam packed with things to do and perfectly utilized the dragon engine. Just off the main story and substories I had about 40 hours and I'm well on my way to getting Plat. Even the majima saga was such a nice addition. Sure it wasn't anything crazy but just having that extra closure made me so happy.
I know I'm probably the black sheep here praising this game but it's the most fun I've had since Yakuza 0. I'd even go the extra mile and say Kiwami 2 > Yakuza 0
***The fact that Sayama was just left out in the future entries for no reason whatsoever was a fucking sin... Her and Kiryu were like two peas in a pod... I can't get over it...
submitted by Liondam to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

My opinion, Never Played any games like Yakuza 0 (and that's a good thing)

After traveling to Japan in April, i've really gotten into Japanese games and a friend recommended Yakuza 0 to me! After getting through the game whick took me about 75 hours (give or take) I've never played a game like it in all my life!
Almost everything about this game i loved, the huge amount of mini games, the charactors, the setting (which i have actually visitied in real life) the voice acting and the side stories just kept mewanting to play, i literallty spend 6 consecutive hours alone on the cabaret club in Osaka because i've never seen it before and it was so fun to do! he only thing i didn't like about Yakuza 0 was the amount of times i had to fight on the streets, after a while it got a little repetative!T
I also Finished Yakuza Kiwami and i must admit, even though it was also a good game, Yakuza 0 was better! Kiwami took less then 40 hours to finish the story, substories, Majima everywhere, coliseum fights and minigames! Least there is only 2 weeks until Kiwami 2
Im not sure wether i will get Yakuza 6 after i finish 2, or wait until all the others are released!
submitted by Eldylto to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Where to Start the Yakuza Series: A Guide for Newcomers!

With the rising popularity of the Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza series in the West, more and more new fans are getting into this series. With that comes questions on where to begin seeing as how it's very story driven. With more threads starting to pop up with said question, I feel this one should be made from the perspective of a newcomer who started with 0 and Kiwami to clear up any confusion and to hopefully get new fans on the right track for the best and most coherent experience possible. I will list each game in release order that people tend to start on and I'll state why it would be a decent place to start, the consoles, price ranges, and TL;DR pros and cons.
Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami
OG1: Playstation 2($20-30), Playstation 3(JP Only - $18-40) Kiwami: Playstation 4: ($20-30), PC(TBA)
Seeing as how they essentially share the same story, I'll categorize them together. Starting with OG1 on PS2, it's a no brainer to start on the very first game. It may feel stiff at first, but it's still a lot of fun and there's a lot of strategy to be had on which combos to use, using heat sparingly, and in general how to approach combat. The progression is also satisfying in terms of the upgrades you get and the transistion to better gameplay in other games. The story is also one of the best in the series and you don't have to worry about knowing anything going in. Not everybody has a PS2 or backwards compatible PS3 though, so it's a little less accessible. However, if that is the case, I highly recommend emulating it on PCSX2 if your PC allows as that and 2 are compatible and work great under the right settings. The legality is highly debatable, but if you still choose to buy the games physically, it will still run just fine. One thing to keep in mind though, OG1 does have an English dub unlike every game after it and while it's passable and entertaining, it still doesn't hold a candle to the Japanese dub. The alternative route is the import 1 + 2 HD on the PS3(or WiiU if you're feeling brave and rich)because they offer a greater experience with slightly improved gameplay and 60 FPS. That however, has its own issue of having to use a guide to follow the story and know what to do. It is slightly cumbersome but I'd argue you would still get just as good of an experience as you would in English. Not to mention ThePatrick on GameFAQs offers amazing guides that will outline absolutely everything you have to know from mission guides to even honorifics and other Japanese terms used throughout.
Kiwami however, is a very different story. While it does technically have the story of the first game, in a very weird way, it feels like a sequel to 0. So much of it from substories down to the gameplay is derived from 0. While it does work and is still fun to some degree gameplay wise, I cannot recommend it as a replacement for OG1. A lot of has either been changed drastically or outright taken out and in general it has some frustrating gameplay quirks. First, most if not all of the bosses share fighting styles from past bosses and enemies and it makes their encounters less interesting and more boring. Next, while every style returns from 0, Dragon Style is handled in a completely different and honestly frustrating manner. They also don't feel as great as they did in 0 and it generally isn't as fun. Majima Everywhere also makes the whole game even worse with how grindy and cryptic it gets and it even tampers with Majima's presense in the story. It's a very flawed experience and a hard recommendation, but if there is absolutely NO way you can experience the original, only then would I recommend this, but even still it's not ideal.
Pros: - It's the very first game, so there is nothing you have to learn going in! - You get a greater feel for how the series evolves through its humble roots - It's getting easier to find as prices drop and more options are available. - Despite being cheesy, the dub its enjoyable in its own funny-bad way Cons: - Accessibility is a little tricky for the original - A guide is needed for either the JP PS2 release or HD collection - Kiwami isn't a great replacement - Mechanics such as the fixed camera and single directional combat take a little time to get used to
Yakuza 3
Playstation 3: ($40-90), Playstation 4: (JP Only Right Now - $40)
The third entry of this series is a great one. It improves on the combat of its predecessor by adding even more combat options, HD graphics, overworld events, seamless battle transistions, a free camera, new minigames, and karaoke! The story, while not as great as the previous titles, is still good in its own right with the introduction of Kiryu's orphange and his kids, a great new cast of characters, and some of the greatest moments in the series with its lighthearted interactions, over the top bosses and cutscenes, and bizarre but fun twists. It's a very quaint game compared to the others, but it adds to the charm. However, I have to mention the veeeeeeeeeery slow beginning. I love the orphanage and the kids within them to death, but my god it drags for four chapters and its tedious after a while. Once it ends, the game picks up thankfully and the real fun begins. I would recommend this one as it includes recaps of the previous two games and it's early enough to still be a fresh start, but there's one fatal flaw, it's in high demand. While prices went down slightly with reprints, this game is still very sought after and expensive. It being physical only with no digital release does not help either. As much as I hate to say it, it's a hard recommendation because of that and it honestly sucks. However, with the inevitability of the PS4 release coming west eventually, it'll be way easier to purchase with a reasonable price point, digital release, and very likely a higher print run. If the PS3 version isn't a feasible purchase, I recommend waiting for the western PS4 release or even playing the next entry.
Pros: - Quality of life changes make this one slightly easier to get into - Charming story and characters - Video recaps of 1 and 2 - PS4 release will make it more accessible Cons: - It's stupid expensive - Recaps provide bare minimum - Cut content from the Japanese version in the western PS3 release
Yakuza 4
Playstation 3: ($20-35), Playstation 4: (TBA)
This is a massive turning point in the series as it introduces new playable characters in the series and it scales down Kiryu's role. Because of that, this game is very accessible as you need less knowledge of previous titles than 3 and the recaps tell you all you need to know. This game is great because every character has their own stories and with the exception of Kiryu, they're all very engaging and each has their own unique fighting style and charisma. Kiryu's story isn't bad, but it feels tacked on and it's nowhere near as important as previous games. While the individual stories are very straightforward and tight, once they all intertwine, it becomes a mess with twists thrown around left and right. Despite all of this though, it's a great package and I recommend this one more to newcomers than 3 if that option isn't available. It acts as a soft reboot for the series and it works well.
Pros: - It being a soft reboot of the series allows for easier access to newcomers - New characters are good and they all offer great stories - Kiryu being cast aside makes this one a good entry point as it isn't as signifigant as other titles and it requires only the major details of previous games - Varied and fun combat with each character offering their own unique styles - Priced very well and easy to pick up
Cons: - Recaps only give the minimum of what you need - Messy story at the end - Kiryu's story feels tacked on - Game is far from challenging
Yakuza 0
Playstation 4: ($20)
Obviously, this game is a prequel to the entire series and it's where many new fans started. However, does this make it the best entry or even a good one to start off with? My answer, not exactly. While it does take place before any other game, it ironically requires knowledge of the previous games to fully get the most out of its homages to them in the story, substories, and other parts of the game. Obviously you can play the game without prior knowledge, but it's not as satisfying to play because so many references will be lost on you. On top of that, I feel this game sets up expectations for newcomers that won't be met because of how different it actually is. First, this is the first game to feature one character having multiple styles, making combat different from past titles. This isn't a major issue but it does stray from past titles as one style isn't the focus. Next, the leveling system is vastly different from other games and it is completely unique to this title. Rather than XP, you spend money you earn on abilities for each style. This is because of the ludicrous amounts of money you can earn in this game as a result of everybody being rich in the 80's. It's a far easier system to cheat than other games because there's methods all over the game to make literally billions of yen with little trouble. As a result, the game is a lot easier than others if you know what to do and it discourages actively seeking side activities to level up like previous games. In general the game is just so refined as a result of years of improvement and it may be tougher to go back to previous titles. Lastly, it being a prequel story makes it seems as though it has signifigance over later titles chronologically when in reality it merely expands characters only seen in the first game and gives a very small glimpse of where Kiryu and Majima started. So much of what happens doesn't actually matter all that much in the grand scheme of things and the biggest thing that causes discrepancy from that is Majima in this game in particiular. Him being such a well developed and prominent character in this gives off the impression that he's signifigant in other games when he's been nothing more than a side character with a kooky personality and memorable moments. It sets him up for disappointment when it shouldn't because this game is more along the lines of showing a new side to him rather than establishing that as his actual character. One last thing is a few story segments pay homage to Yakuza 1 and I feel it takes away from them because they'll only make them less impactful in Y1. Overall I love this game to death, but how different it is and how dependent it is on predecessors makes it less accessible than one may think.
Pros: - Easy to get into gameplay - Engaging story - Mostly good introduction to Kiryu and the mechanics of the series - Develops established characters more to make them more interesting, especially those only seen in Y1 Cons: - There are so many homages to previous titles that will be lost to newcomers and it makes them less satisfying to see - Majima being far different gives the wrong impression that he's more signifigant than he actually is - It's so refined it'll make older titles harder to get into - Gameplay mechanics are vastly different from before and it isn't fully representative of what others encompass
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Playstation 4: ($60)
This is the last of Kiryu's arc and the most recent entry series. Quite a few people have started with this one because it does include summaries of previous entries and it being widely advertised drew attention to it. It being the last game does come with quite a few issues on it being one's first game. Obviously it's the last of Kiryu's arc and starting right there doesn't garner nearly the same impact as it would to one who's played most or all of the games in his story. While summaries are present, they just barely give what you need to know with events and some backstory being all there is. Lastly the game still retains the Yakuza feel, but so much of it has been revamped such as the combat, leveling system, mini games, and even Kamurocho to where it wouldn't fully represent what others have to offer. The game is far from unfriendly to new players, but I personally would not recommend it as the first title.
Pros: - Summaries of 1-5 - Streamlined mechanics
Cons: - Last game in the series - Emotional connection won't be as strong as those who stuck with the series - Massive overhaul of gameplay makes it very different from previous titles
Every game can serve as a decent place to start, but objectively the best is release order if the player has access to all three consoles and/or emulation. If not, 3-5 are coming soon to PS4 and I recommend waiting on them to get the best the series offers. I hope this guide helps any newcomers on finding the best way to experience every game because this is easily one of the best, most unique franchises in recent year.
submitted by it-rene to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

yakuza kiwami substories 40 video

Yakuza Kiwami 2 - Substories: Operation Panty Bait - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: Pay It Forward - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: The Yakuza's Wife - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: The Truth About Beauty - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami  Substories #40: The Medicine Goes Down ... Yakuza Kiwami - Substories #40 The Medicine Goes Down ... Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: The Stalker - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami All Substories [Easy PC] - 11:23:27 - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami I ALL Sub Stories (Part 1) I PS4 Pro Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: Behind The Assassin - YouTube

1: The Price of an F-cup. Requirements: Chapter 4. Head to the alley south of the adult store, Beam, located at Pink St. North to trigger this. A distressed woman will seek help from you. She'll ... ★ Complete 40 Substories. In total, there are 78 substories to complete in Yakuza Kiwami. The secret boss substory can only be activated after all other 77 substories have been finished. Many of these are nested substories or part of a tutorial, so there aren't as many as it sounds. Substories. A staple of the Yakuza series, substories are mini-dramas that you can engage in in order to help the populace of Japan in their lives. These substories are almost all entirely optional, and you'll have to seek them out in order to get involved. There’s a total of 52 substories across all 15 chapters of the game, and this guide covers where to find them, how to complete them, and the rewards for each. Substories List – Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Note: This list is in progress! We’re adding substories as we encounter them! Supremacy · Yakuza Kiwami · 55 achievements · 96.36% done · 76h 17m played 51: Bad Ass Dads. Requirement(s): Chapter 8. Talk to the interviewer near the fountain in Purgatory to start this substory. You don't need to go anywhere or fight anyone, just answer her questions. The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza Kiwami 2. There are 76 substories for this game. Yakuza Kiwami is filled with immersive and rewarding side quests called Substories. This Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide will tell you where to find each of the Substories, the best way to complete them and any information on the rewards you receive once completed. The Yakuza series is known for its huge amount of substories and side quests in each game and Yakuza Kiwami is no exception. Even if you played the original game to 100% completion there’s tons ... Substories. A source of much enjoyment in the Yakuza series, Substories are basically "mini-drama" sidequests where you get approached by a member of the populace and asked to solve their problem. Typically you'll have to walk to some different place to progress the substory, which will be marked on your map with a blue word balloon icon.

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Yakuza Kiwami 2 - Substories: Operation Panty Bait - YouTube

It's time to catch a panty thief!Don't miss out on the recent Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 HD release, you can import it through Play-Asia through this link: https://www.... Substory Available on Chapter 07 You need to complete Substory #41 (below) first for this one. Head to the southeast corner of the map to find a man collapse... Chapter 7'deki Substories hikayelerine devam ediyoruz. Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : All Substories, Coin Lockers, MesuKing Cards & Majima Encounters Part 1 - Duration: 2:20:54. Mehdi Juventino Gaming HQ 12,144 views Yayoi Dojima, the wife of Sohei Dojima, makes an appearance in a full-fledged cutscene in this substory. the substory where you can respact fake whamen A substory where you help five troubled individuals all in one quest, each connected to the other in a way. It may cause some people a bit of confusion, so I... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Recorded 15 May 2019 at Another substory that ties to the main story which is a concept I highly appreciate.

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