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GME: Next Steps

I've gotten more than a few DMs so I just want to offer my thoughts in a larger setting. I apologize for wasting others time and space.
Background: MBA w/+20 years including stints in Investment Banking, Equity Research, VC and Corporate. ( = I know enough to be dangerous.)
Should I invest tomorrow?
I would invest with the understanding that you're playing a high risk/high reward game vs. the best on Wall Street (WS) who aren't accustomed to losing. (Hell, you put a 50% dent in one of the most high profile HFs on the Street.) Reddit/WSB (WSB) is beating WS at its own game and WS will not accept that. The reason that I would still buy shares is because I'm perfectly comfortable waiting out the shorts, who I believe didn't cover entirely based on some sketchy trading volumes and price action on Thursday known as ladder attacks, which is basically artificially lowering a security's price by selling it back and forth between two parties. (Note: the WSJ is reporting that Melvin closed their positions at a loss of 50% to the fund. Maybe they did, though I don’t trust Melvin or the WSJ. Regardless, I have no doubt that other HFs are salivating at the short opportunity given where GME shares are currently trading.)
The key is the somewhat unreliable short data which comes out next week. As I mentioned in a previous post, getting accurate short data is next to impossible. It makes polling data look flawless by way of comparison. It has gotten to the point that I don't believe anything I read because there is not only time lag but synthetic longs and ladder attacks all of which serve to obscure the data. No firm wants it positions known so there is a strong incentive to obscure/hide the data. Another reason why Melvin publicly releasing its positions is just highly unusual/odd.
I would also be aware that a lot of HFs are making bank off the GME volatility by selling options and taking long positions. Just look at thetagang. The group is making their entire investment decisions based solely on the option premium without any concern for the underlying narrative to the point where they're short GME puts at the 200 strike. (And they think WSB is full of retards!)
To use an analogy, I'm a lifelong Giants fan who put a $1,000 down on the Giants beating the Pats in the 2008 Superbowl. The Pats went undefeated all season and the Giants entered the playoffs as a wildcard. The bookie even told me when I placed the bet that I was just throwing away my money. I bet the money line, i.e., no points, and ending up winning $5,000. The bookie just smiled at me when I handed him my ticket. Sometimes you just gotta trust your gut and stay loyal to your instincts no matter what others think. It's what separates the men from the boys.
TLDR: It’s a cliché, but don’t invest in GME what you can’t afford to lose. At this point, you're going against some very powerful hedge funds, i.e., the Pats in 2008. That said, WSB already scored a very impressive victory and is retarded enough to not realize how good their competition really is (just like the Giants in the Super Bowl).
How will the media portray the narrative?
The media have already started spreading the narrative that WSB is going to cause a financial collapse rather than the true culprits, namely, the HFs which leveraged up 5x to short 120% of a company's shares outstanding setting the stage for an infinity squeeze, which is the financial equivalent of a nuclear chain reaction. I mention this because the greatest risk IMHO is government intervention to quell the markets when the HFs start unloading positions to meet margin calls and borrowing costs. Nobody will lose sleep over a few billionaires losing a few commas in their net worth but hitting 401Ks, pension funds, and endowments is a different story. The official narrative will involve large commercial banks which loaned Melvin and other HFs billions to leveraged up with. These banks are regulated by the SEC and FDIC because they hold commercial deposits. When the narrative shifts from Melvin and HFs to names you recognize, e.g., JPM, BofA, Citi, rest assured the game is almost up. My guess is we're in the seventh or eighth inning of this game before it's stopped.
When people ask me about WSB I first discuss the HFs who created the conditions and then secondly note that thankfully we're dealing with a relatively small company in GME with a market cap of $20bn (so far!) compared to a company in the S&P 500, which is the basis for index funds and portfolio construction. In short, WSB did everyone a favor by calling attention to such a disastrous scenario in as optimal circumstances as possible. We should be very thankful WSB alerted the public to a systematic flaw in the financial system before a much greater meltdown occurred.
TLDR: The media are the PR firms for Wall Street. They exist to promote a narrative and receive access and compensation in return. They have no interest in reporting how the retail investor is being swindled. In contrast WSB did everyone a favor by pointing out a very serious systematic flaw in as optimal fashion as possible. This is the truth and the message that needs to be heard.
What’s the next step?
FINRA releases short data next Tuesday, February 9th for the period ending this past Friday, January 29th. Roughly 700mn GME shares changed hands last week or 10x the total shares outstanding so I'm pretty sure the short interest (SI) has fallen below 100%. However, I expect it to still be well above 50% given the typical HF’s risk appetite by which I mean they expect the retail investors to run for the exits sending shares back to $20-ish levels. I would love to know the borrowing costs for these firms because it basically tells you how long they can wait before such costs negatively impact their returns. My guess is until March when they have to report 1Q results to investors.
TLDR: Short data will show a decrease in SI, which is not necessarily a bad thing but it’s important to note that the risk/reward profile of the trade has moved.
How much good did this GME trade really do besides transfer a lot of wealth?
A heck of alot. At a minimum, WSB drew well needed scrutiny to the role of option clearings firms such as Citadel* and Wolverine, i.e., the shadow economy, and their dual roles as market makers and hedge funds (players and referees). This screams conflict of interest. A revolution doesn’t happen overnight but this is another step forward in demonstrating how rigged the game is against the retail investor and guy in the (Main) street. Our regulatory agencies exist to enforce transparency and fairness. WSB has demonstrated that the derivatives market and particularly short selling lack both and have the capability to cause a financial panic. And of course, there is the unbelievable amount of charitable donations from WSB gains which prove who the real Robinhood is. (Sorry, couldn’t resist).
TLDR: Sunlight is the best disinfectant – Justice Brandeis
For the questions below and messages:
As I tried to communicate in the write-up, I would characterize the trade as more risky than a week ago when the SI was above 100%. I have no doubt many shorts have since closed. That said, I suspect the SI is still well above 50% given where the stock is and typical HF risk appetite. This is not a trade for your parents or grandparents.* There is serious risk here that the share price collapses based on who the counterparties are and the lower SI. That said, I still like it and I'm in it. IMHO, it comes down to a game of chicken in the sense of who is willing to hold longer. HFs have investors to report to in 1Q vs. WSB who have bills, rent, and life to deal with. As my old coach would say, who wants it more.

submitted by sorengard123 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

[This Quest is Bullshit] - Chapter 78: Reenter the Arena

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“Again,” Roric snarled, climbing back to his feet and dusting the sand off his bulky practice-padding.
Eve twirled her club in her hand. “You know, I’m starting to think I’m the one training you.”
Roric ran a hand over the thick leather that covered the blades of his axes. “Your technique is terrible.”
“But I keep winning.” Eve smirked.
“Because you are fast and strong,” the berserker put it simply, “not because you are a skilled warrior. Your footwork is uneven, your eyes broadcast your every move, you do not even hold your weapon properly. Who taught you to fight?”
Eve shrugged. “I did. A friend helped a little, but um…” Eve trailed off before deciding against telling that particular story. “Yeah it was mostly me.”
Roric spat. “Terrible. If you practice alone, you only reinforce the wrong way of doing things.”
“It’s worked out so far.”
“Because you are lucky. And you have balls. You have found a good class and taken the risks you needed to make it better.”
Eve raised an eyebrow. “What do you know about my class?”
“I know you are no Emissary,” he answered. “If you were an Emissary trained in combat, you would be using skill and good technique to overcome a lack of stats. Instead, it is the inverse.” Roric spoke with a weird stiltedness to his words, as if he were not yet fully accustomed to speaking the common tongue. “No. It is clear you have been depending on your class to do the work for you.”
“I’ve been doing lots of work, thank you very much,” Eve protested.
“The wrong work.”
“I think I’ve done pretty well on my own. I haven’t exactly had access to a combat instructor my entire life.”
“Why not?” Roric looked around the palace training yard. “You clearly have resources, and every city has warriors happy to earn a few silver without risking their lives.”
Eve paused. Shit, she thought. He’s right. Why haven’t I hired an instructor? She had, after all, been sitting around bored out of her mind for over a week in Ilvia with a bunch of gold burning a hole in her pocket. “I guess I never knew my technique was that bad.”
Roric blinked. “Really? Watching you fight, I would think you would be constantly losing your weapon or falling on your face.”
“What? No, that doesn’t…” Eve scratched the back of her head, mind flashing through a slideshow of all the times not even Surefooted had kept her on her feet. “Okay so maybe my technique isn’t great. Can you help?”
“You are lucky. Your style is similar to what every child of the Salfdir clan learns.”
“Great,” Eve chimed, brandishing her club, “what’s first?”
“First you put that down,” Roric spoke with an awful lot of authority for a man who still had sand in his hair. “You are not ready to be holding a weapon.”
“Tell that to all the things I’ve killed.”
Roric glared.
“Alright, alright,” Eve conceded, stepping away to lean her club against one of the pillars of the arcade surrounding the practice field. “So now what?”
“Now do as I do,” the axeman said, depositing his own weapons on the ground next to him. “Before you can learn to run, you first must learn to walk, and before you can walk, you must learn to stand.”
What followed was definitively the most boring day Eve had ever spent. Even after Roric had poked and prodded at her stance and posture to his satisfaction, he wouldn’t even let her walk. It took two hours of practice before Eve could take a single step forward without the berserker groaning and insisting she do it again with some minuscule adjustment. Even then she wasn’t allowed to walk—first she had to learn to take a step backwards.
It was grueling. As Roric explained, unlearning bad habits required far more work than learning good ones. It wasn’t just about learning how to stand or walk properly, but about overwriting her default movement with the proper form. To that end, even as Roric eventually left for the evening, Eve spent the entire night walking circles around the training yard ever mindful of the little corrections he’d made to her natural posture.
The next morning, Roric addressed all the issues that had crept their way into her practice while he’d been sleeping.
All in all, it made for a remarkably frustrating experience that Eve was all too eager to get over with. If only she were that lucky.
In three straight days of continuous training and practice, Eve only just managed to walk to Roric’s satisfaction, leaving her with a scarce few hours to learn how to run before her next day at the arena. Roric didn’t even bother.
“In normal circumstances,” he said, “I would not let you fight so soon. It will be easy to return to your old habits, and we would lose much progress.”
“I’m not missing the tournament,” Eve stated plainly. “That would defeat the entire purpose of you training me.”
Roric nodded. “We arrive at my point. I cannot stop you from fighting, so I will ask you to keep a mind towards your posture and footing. You are strong enough to win regardless, so afford some thought towards maintaining our work.”
Eve flashed a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to end it quick.”
“Don’t ‘end it quick’,” Roric snapped back, “end it correctly. At least with correct footing. Maybe by the finals you will be learning how to swing that club of yours.”
“Alright, alright,” Eve said, gathering up her belongings to finally leave the training yard. Confident as she was, she still wanted to get a night’s sleep before her bout. “I’ll see you at the arena.”
“Good,” Roric grunted. “I will be watching.” Before turning to make his exit, he stopped to place a hand on Eve’s shoulder. “You are a hard worker. We’ll make a formidable warrior of you yet. Good luck tomorrow. Fight well.”
Eve grinned as he quoted the dungeon-entrance notification. “Goodnight, Roric.”
He neither nodded nor smiled in response, simply maintaining the same stern expression. With a softly uttered “goodnight,” he left.
As Eve made her own way to her bed, she reflected on the progress of the prior days. It had been slower than she’d hoped, much slower, but she had to admit she did feel somewhat sturdier on her feet, more stable. It likely wouldn’t make a difference tomorrow, but as she faced stronger and stronger enemies, it might someday make all the difference.
The man of the mists was right. There were other ways to gain strength besides leveling up, and Eve hadn’t even needed to win the tournament to find one.
“Contestants! You may begin!”
“Shit,” Eve cursed, lowering the hand she’d been waving in the air. “Damn bookie didn’t see me.”
“Who’s your pick?” Preston asked without looking her way, his eyes fixed on the coliseum floor where a hooded figure threw knives at a man with a giant floating crystal. “My money’s on crystal guy.”
Eve nodded. “Same. Hard for a rogue to accomplish much in an open arena on a sunny day.”
“Damn,” Wes muttered, “I want a giant floating crystal.”
A thunderous crack echoed through the arena as a bolt of lightning arced through the air to strike the roguish competitor. With a flash of golden light, the bout was over.
“Victor: Theodrin Palsk!”
“Damn,” Wes repeated himself, “I want a giant floating crystal that shoots lightning.
That was so cool! Art applauded furiously, this time joined by the smattering of spectators who’d actually come to watch the second round of fights. I wanna learn lightning magic!
Preston patted him on the head. “Why don’t you worry about learning telepathy first?”
That’s boring!
Preston didn’t bother arguing with the hatchling, instead turning back to Eve. “So what’s your plan for fighting mister lightning crystal there?”
“Same plan as for every mage. Run in and kill ‘em before he gets a spell off. Rogue just stood there throwing knives while crystal guy charged up, what did he think was gonna happen?”
“Heh,” Wes chuckled, “charged up. Cause he’s a lightning mage.”
Eve groaned, her eyes wandering the stands as the next contestants took their places. They were nearly twice as crowded as they’d been for round one, though she still doubted any of the higher-ranked mercenary companies would make an appearance. Eve could only guess how many people would show up to watch the finals.
Roric sat in the front row on the opposite side of the coliseum. She’d offered him a seat with her and her friends, but he’d curtly declined, citing a desire to sit closer to the action. Eve quietly wondered if he secretly didn’t want to be seen socializing with the Emissary who’d so soundly beaten him in the ring.
Eve’s match was the last of the day, likely to avoid delays should the Archbishop need to use Divine Intervention again. Eve didn’t particularly care. Nobody had come to her and asked she tone it down a bit, so she had every intention of bringing her full force to bear against her opponent. The Archbishop had stopped the attack last time, and now she even knew it was coming.
As the bouts progressed, Eve managed to lose a fair bit of silver on questionable bets, until at last she decided whoever came up with the bookies’ odds was way better at estimating outcomes than she was. The fights were still exciting without money on the line, but that didn’t stop Eve from making little bets with Wes over how a given bout might end.
When the day grew long, Eve excused herself from the stands to make her way beneath the arena, giving herself plenty of time to navigate the dark tunnels before her match. The last thing she wanted was to enter from the wrong side twice in a row.
Fortunately enough, after spending an embarrassing amount of time wandering the maze of passages, Eve found herself staring out into the bright sand of the arena from an entryway all her own. Unless both she and her opponent had gone to the wrong sides, Eve figured she was probably in the right place.
“And to round out the day, we have a level fifty-one Emissary from New Burendia, Evelia Greene!”
Taking her cue, Eve jogged out into the ring, casually waving at the midsized crowd. She fixed her eyes on the entrance opposite her.
The announcer continued. “She’ll be facing a level fifty-nine Warden of Storms from Lynthia, Fenric Sen Parillian!”
Nobody appeared.
The applause died down, replaced with growing chatter as spectators whispered amongst themselves.
The emcee called out once more, “Fenric Sen Parillian!”
Still he didn’t show.
Eve watched with a furrowed brow as an aide scurried up to the announcer’s platform to whisper something into his ear.
“It would appear,” the Minister of Public Affairs to the queen of Leshk said with uncertainty in his voice, “that Fenric Sen Parillian has chosen to withdraw from the tournament rather than face her excellency, Miss Greene.”
The coliseum fell silent. Seconds passed. Eve wondered if she’d be given a new opponent. The announcer said nothing. For a time Eve considered breaking decorum to shout her question at the foppish minister, but the man seemed to collect himself in time to make a call.
“As her opponent has forfeited the match, Evelia Greene is the victor!”
The crowd didn’t know whether to boo or cheer or stare dumbfounded. At least they all seemed to agree they were disappointed to be robbed of the final bout’s worth of entertainment.
Eve simply shrugged and left the arena. It wasn’t her problem. Truth be told she understood Fenric’s reasoning. Confident as she was that the Archbishop would cast Divine Intervention in time, Eve wasn’t sure she’d bet her own life on it, especially when all that was to be gained was a near-certain loss.
She was, of course, a bit disappointed herself. She’d been quite looking forward to another showing in the arena, if only for the chance to actually fight with this new footwork technique Roric had taught her. The berserker, on the other hand, was probably jumping for joy that she hadn’t ruined her technique by fighting before she was ‘ready.’
Ah well, Eve thought to herself, two bouts down, eight to go. She stopped for a moment to look where she was going, scowling at the unfamiliar juncture in the dark tunnels before her. Now I just need to figure out how to get the hells out of here.
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submitted by nixiawrites to redditserials [link] [comments]

22 at rock bottom....again.

Hey guys, I have been reading this thread al night and everyone’s stories have made me realize I am not alone. For the first time in a long time I have some hope that I can still fix things in my life. You have all inspired me to share my story.
I am 23 years old and I have been gambling since I was 16. It all started when a couple of my highschool friends decided to open up a book. At first I kept my losses to a minimum but I was hooked from the start. At the start I was only losing around $100 a week ( a lot of money to a 16 year old) but as I got older the losses began to grow. My friends being my bookie definitely strained our relationship when I was late on payments. Mostly every week I would max out my account and I couldn’t wait till first thing Monday morning for my account to reset so I could bet again. By the time I was graduating highschool I already began to have a reputation for loosing money but so did a lot of my friends so I didint really think too much of it.
Throughout college I was lucky enough to have my parents send me chase periodically to spend on food/ social life. Most of this went straight to gambling as bounced from bookie to bookie trying to cover my losses. At this point I was a junior in college and things started to get pretty serious. I realized I had a problem but was unable to stop. I was chasing after my losses every week. Once I would go on a hot streak it was like I would forget all abt what it was like to lose and all my problems would go away. All my summer jobs income would go straight to fueling my gambling. I hit rock bottom multiple times in college, owing bookies hundreds of dollars while my bank account was at $0. Each time I would tell myself I was done gambling and I would slowly pay off my debts. My all time low was when I had to call up my mom and ask to borrow money to pay off a bookie. She was very disappointed in me and I felt awful. She made me promise to never put myself in this situation again.
Looking back at my college experience I feel like 90% of it was spent being stressed out abt paying someone back or avoiding a bookie. Once I graduated and was starting a real job I told myself I would use this as a fresh start and give up gambling. At first I was able to give it up for a little bit, I was starting to build up my bank account every week thanks to my new job and I was feeling good about the path my life was going down. For the first time in my life I was not broke anymore and I had the power to spend money as I pleased. I was able to use my money to book flights to visit my girlfriend/friends back in college and life was good. Then came the legalization of sports online sports betting in my state. I decided to open up an account and deposit $100. This quickly spirald out of control. After every loss I would deposit more money and my bank account shrunk after each week. It got to the point where I was gambling away each hard earned paycheck days after it hit my account. I felt so shitty abt this because it was like I was working for free. Then came a win streak where I was able to win abt $4,000 in 2 weeks. Everything was good again and I forgot all about my problem. When COVID hit I was out of work and no longer had a stream of income. My bank account was at about $8,000 which would of been enough to live off of until I could start working again. After my heater my bet size grew tremendously I went from wagering $50 a bet to $100 then to $300 on some bets, eventually there were some bets where I would wager up to $1000 dollars on if I was up on my account. No matter how much I won I never was able to keep it. I quickly burned though the $8000 in my bank account and was broke again. I was so embarrassed and the last thing I wanted was for my girlfriend to find out. I hit a new all time low when I stole $2,000 out of my moms bank account to cover some debts/ gamble again. This was about 2 months ago. I immediately felt horrible for doing this and had a panic attack. I came clean to my parents about everything. I told them how out of control this had gotten and how I needed help to stop. I told them I was scared and I wanted my life back. They were not mad at me but were very understanding and supportive when I first told them. I promised to stop and you would think this would be the end of it right? I really wish it was.
After coming clean to my parents everything began to feel so real. The gravity my addiction finally set it. I was so embarrassed and I could not believe I let myself get to this point. I quickly fell into a depression and was put on medication to help. I wanted to use this a fresh start. I was broke but did not owe anyone any money. I wanted to earn money the right way and leave this all behind me. I knew I had lost a ton in this past but I was ready to leave that in the past. This was about 3 weeks ago. Since then I stopped using the legal sports sites because my parents were monitoring my bank accounts. However, a friend of mine from college had a book and I opened an account with him. The first week I quickly lost $1,000. I was devastaded and so dissappinted in myself that I fell back into this hole. I couldn’t stop tho I was determined to win it back and start fresh again. The second week I lost another $1000. I wanted to stop but I couldn’t. My bookie was my friend I was worried he would tell all my friends back at school about my losses and worse, he would tell my girlfriend (she has no idea abt the extent of my losses). This week was my last shot to win my money back before he returned to school from break and saw my friends and girlfriend. I was using this week as one last shot at saving myself. Of course it did not work and I lost another $1500. My girlfriend is returning to school this weekend and she will be sure to hear about my losses and I’m so ashamed.
This brings us today. If you are still reading I really appreciate it because I never told anyone abt the extent of this. I am at a loss for words, i do not know what to do. My back account is overdrawn by $2,000. I have two maxed out credit cards, and now after last night I owe my friend/ bookie another $1500 on Monday. I do not sleep anymore, I barely eat, my moods are constantly dependent on my bets. I take my frustrations out on the ppl I love the most. After reading everyone’s posts on this thread I think I am ready to finally leave this all behind me. I’m done chasing my losses. I need to accept the fact that I’m in a huge hole and I need to be and adult and work my way out of it. I am going to come clean to my girlfriend tomorrow before she returns to school, I want her to hear it from me and not my friends. I am ready to take the first step to recovery but I need your help.
How can I block gambling out of my life, every time I watch tv/ listen to the radio it’s another commercial about a gambling site offering a new promo to entice people to join. Every time I hangout with my friends they are talking about what games they are betting on, every my own brothers have began to sports gamble. Every where I turn gambling is being shoved in my face, the adds on my social media’s are all about gambling. The people in my life who gamble have more self control then me. I need to stop but I cant avoid it. I don’t know what to do and I could really use some advise because I’m at the end of the line here. If I can’t give this up I don’t know what I’m going to do. Gambling has destroyed my reputation, friendships, relationships, my finances, my happiness, my sleep, my weight, I have given everything I have to gambling. I simply have nothing left to give....
submitted by MinuteMail4857 to GamblingAddiction [link] [comments]

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The Premier League is back this weekend, which means a resurgence in Match Betting. Here is my 3 Part Mega Guide to making £500 for several hours work, and then making £500- £1000 on a monthly basis.

So a lot of you will know that I regularly post guides and tips about match betting, However since the same questions always come up in the comments, I decided to make one big, very thorough Mega Guide in order to eliminate as many doubts as possible for you guys. Like I said before, This guide is a handy way to sort out a month's rent for 5 or 6 hours work, so I really hope it can be of use to someone. Anyway, Here it is:
Having done my research and having been able to turn a really nice profit in such a short time, I wanted to make a short guide to eliminate people's doubts and simplify things a little. Since it really doesn't take a lot of time to hit that £500 profit mark, it's a shame not to try it out. Anyway, Here it goes:
I was sceptical as hell about Match betting because a friend showed me the Facebook groups and it just looked like a giant gambling pyramid scheme. It turns out there is a decent chunk of change to be made from it, you just need to follow the guides and never ever actually gamble with your money.
Never ever Gamble? Yes That's right, you are going to be using Gambling sites to complete the various offers, but the whole idea behind match betting is that every time you "make a bet", you match that same bet on the exchange. So for example, if I bet £10 for Real Madrid to Win on the Bookie Site at odds of 2.5, I then also make a Matched bet on the Exchange (This is a separate site such as Smarkets or Betfair) where I bet for Real Madrid not to win at odds of 2.5 (or as close as I can get to those odds). In this way I am covered in all outcomes, and it allows me to fulfill the requirements of the bookies offer (For example Bet £10 and get £30 in Free bets)
What's the difference between the Bookie Site and the Exchange? On the Exchange Site you are basically being the Bookie and just like a Bookie, you have liability. If I bet £10 and my bet wins at odds of 2.5 then I win £25, so the bookies liability for this bet is £15, the extra money that they would have to give me if I win. There are calculators on the Match betting sites which you can use to calculate what Liability you need to enter on the exchange each time you make your matched bet. There is also software to help you find what games have the closest odds on both the bookies and the exchange, which is very important.
What do I do when I get my free bets? It's the same process again, You find a game that has very close odds on both the bookies and the exchange ( You can do this by eye or by using odds matching software. A good site with this software is called OddsMonkey). Only this time when you use the calculator to work out your liability, you will set it to "Free bets SNR" so it knows you are not using real money. It will tell you how much Liability to use in the exchange and off you go.
How does this make me money? The fact that you have a free bet to use is what makes you money, For example a £30 free bet at odds of 5.5 in the bookies will win you £135 (30x 4.5, because the original free bet stake of £30 is not returned to you). Now let's say that the closest odds I can find in the Exchange for the same game are 6.0, I will need a liability of £112.50 to match my free bet in the bookies ( I use the calculator on oddsmonkey to work this out)
£135- 112.50 = £22.50 in Profit.
Alternatively if my bet on the exchange wins, I will lose the free bet of £30 (but it's not actually a loss to me because It's not real money) and I will win £22.50 on the exchange. Either way, I make a Profit of £22.50
What about providing card details? You can use a separate, virtual bank account for all your match betting, In this way your main banking information is not shared with any of the sites you sign up to. A good one to use is Monzo, the app is easy to use and it only takes 5 minutes to open an account. It's free to open an account and last I checked they actually have a referral scheme where you get £5 if you sign up through a referral link.
Non Referral here:
Where can I learn to do it? There are some sites that you have to pay a monthly subscription to but I found one called Team Profit that is free and has a full guide of all the different offers you can complete.
I worked my way down through the list of offers, nice and handy, and having completed 20 offers at 15 minutes per offer, I came out at £470 for 5 hours total of work.
If you are new to this site and are opening a free account I would really appreciate if you use my Referral (£10)
Here is the non referral link to the page with all the offers:
TLDR: You do not need to "gamble" to match bet, in fact by definition, the bet you make is "matched" on the exchange, so it is not a gamble in any sense.

You may sometimes see people commenting saying they have made a lot more money since finishing the welcome offers, £1000-£1500 a month and such, but never saying exactly how...
Personally I have made a lot more profit every month since I finished the welcome offers, Usually around the £1000 per month mark.
People say that Match betting drys up once you finish the welcome offers but this is simply not true, it's a matter of being more organised and checking your email for new offers, while also checking the Reload Offers section on Team Profit every morning (Takes literally 5 minutes)
Below is an Example from last month where I made £300 in one week. Bare in mind that the amount you make weekly will vary with the amount of sport that is on, but as long as there's sport, you will always be able to earn. This example is simply to show you the potential Match Betting has long after you've completed the Welcome offers:
Here's exactly how I did it:
Coral: Money back as a free bet up to £50 if your team is ahead in the first half but doesn't win the match in the end: Matched 5 Premier League games, 3 were successful. I received three £50 free bets which I matched and turned into £130 profit risk free. £130 in 30 minutes
William Hill: Money Back as Cash if your horse comes 2nd- 2 of the 6 horses I matched came 2nd, I was also able to make a profit by just matching the bets because my odds were higher on the bookies side by using the Happy Hour odds (between 12pm-1pm, 3 horses with enhanced odds) and also the 3 daily bet boosts on Horse raising( to boost my odds on another 3 horses). £20 in 5 minutes
Paddy Power: Money Back up to £10 if Horse comes 2nd 3rd or 4th, Matched the horse with the lowest odds and sure enough it came 3rd, got my £10 free bet. £8 in 3 minutes
Skybet: Money Back as cash up to £10 if Horse comes 2nd 3rd or 4th, Matched the horse with the lowest odds and sure enough it came 3rd, got my £10. £9.50 in 3 minutes
Skybet: Wednesday Super odds: Matched the three super odds on the exchange and due to the difference in odds (If the odds on the bookies are greater than those for same bet on the exchange you are automatically profiting). £10 in 3 minutes
Boylesports: £10 Free bet if your bet loses(Premier League Match): £8 in 3 minutes
Paddy Power 2up: An offer where you get paid out early if your time goes up by 2 goals, the profit varies depending on what the odds on the exchange are when you back the team you orignally lay against, but this offer can make you a lot of profit (You will need to download the team profit calculator app and use the early payout calculator). Last week it Made me £35. £35 in 5 minutes
Novibet: Deposit £100 and get a £50 free bet. Very easy because you just have to deposit the money, get your free bet, withdraw your £100 straight away, then match the free bet on the exchange. £40 in 5 minutes
Coral: Bet 3x £5 in play and get a £5 free bet-Availble everyday. Just match these at half time so the odds are stable, Make sure you also place mug bets every couple of days if you do this one a lot, I would reccomend doing it 5 times a week tops. £20 in 30 minutes
Paddy Powe Skybet Bet clubs: Bet 5x £10 bets in a week to get a £10 free bet with Paddy Power. Bet £25 in a week to get a £5 free bet with Skybet. £10 in 30 minutes

Above you can see the reality of making profit long after you've finished the welcome offers, but it comes down to organisation.
So in Summary, these are my 6 Rules for making a monthly Profit:
(1) Check your email daily for offers, many times bookies will send you personalised offers just for you, and these can be very VERY generous.
(2) Check the Reload Offers section on Team profit every morning to see what offers are available that day.
(3) Offers change all the time- Don't let this put you off. There are always new offers to replace the previous ones. There are also Weekly/Daily offers ( Coral £50 free bet, Paddy power refund if 2nd 3rd 4th, William hill money back if second, Paddy Power 2up, Bet clubs etc) which are constantly available when sport is on.
(4) Make Mug bets ( Explained more in PART 3)
(5) It all adds up. Don't think "It's only a £5 free bet, not worth matching". I get around 15 £5 free bets every week, If I ignored them all I would be down £200 at the end of the month.
(6) Don't spend all day at it. Once you've checked your email and reload offers, you know what offers you need to do that day. Set alarms so you can make your matches before each event starts, but don't spend ages sitting at your computer waiting for "the perfect match", for your own mental health, set a time limit of 1 hour per day at most.

(1) How much money do you need to put in to start?
When you go onto the offers page on Team Profit after signing up, there is an option to start with £25, £50 or £100. You can select one of those three options And it will show you a different number of offers according to your selection. I started with £100 because I wanted to get things moving a little quicker. I did this so that I would have enough money for liability to do a bigger earning offer at the start. One year later, and having see the potential for profit, I keep around £500 floating between my accounts. This is useful for large sporting events where I may want to do around 10- 15 offers in a short time.
(2) Is it in anyway going to impact my credit score?
Using gambling sites doesn't effect your credit score unless you borrow money to fund it. I do all my match betting through a virtual bank (Monzo) in order to keep that stuff out of my main bank on the off chance that it raises any eyebrows. You'll be using Monzo like a cash card, where you can only spend the money you put into the card. This is why it won't affect your credit score, because you wouldn't be taking out an overdraft or using credit for example.
(3) What is Mug Betting?
Mug Betting is where you make bets that have no relation to any offer or promotion in order to appear like a regular punter. If you are doing a lot of offers on one site, it's a good idea to make mug bets in order to avoid being "gubbed" (Gubbed is a term for when bookies realise you are only taking advantadge of promotions and close your account permanantly). Of course you will also Match these "Mug bets" on the exchange. Make 1-2 Mug bets on Each site every week(On the sites you are using a lot for offers and promotions) in order to ensure your accounts last longer than 1-2 years. I have been matching for well over a year and have never been gubbed. Take the extra couple of minutes to Mug bet, it's worth it.
More on Mug betting here

Ok so that's everything I can think of to share with you guys, The link to sign up to your free Team Profit account is at the bottom of Part 1 of this guide.
TLDR: You do not need to "gamble" to match bet, in fact by definition, the bet you make is "matched" on the exchange, so it is not a gamble in any sense.
I really hope this guide will help someone out because It really is a solid way to sort out a months rent for quite a modest amount of work.
Thanks for Reading.
submitted by IvyRoney to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]


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11/17 - MAC ATTACK FREE PICK 07:00 PM - Buffalo vs Bowling Green

11/17 - MAC ATTACK FREE PICK 07:00 PM - Buffalo vs Bowling Green

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07:00 PM - Buffalo vs Bowling Green
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Week 6 NCAAF ATS Predictions, Trends and Analysis

Week 6 NCAAF ATS Predictions, Trends and Analysis
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Week 6 NCAAF ATS Predictions, Trends and Analysis courtesy of

Written by Lester Cullen on October 8, 2020
Website: Contact: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Phone: THE RED LINE - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613)
The Red Line - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613) - Text The Red Line to get a free exclusive release prediction.
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Boom...and we’re in Week 6 of the college football season (Corona Edition), even the SEC came to play. We will take a look at some of our consensus plays and provide some opinion based insight to put together some ATS winners.
For starters we will look at the Gators/Aggies matchup. The line has fluctuated from 7 to 6.5 and currently at Caesars Palace the spread is Florida Gators -6.5 -115 and Texas A&M +6.5 -105, linemakers are playing with the juice, moving it around a bit and charging to get the dog, they must think they have the number nailed at a touchdown spread and MAC is looking to beat that number!
Florida Gators vs Texas A&M Aggies
The Florida Gators have come out of the gate hot, QB Kyle Trask throwing 10 TD passes through their opening two games of the season. They have busted open the ATS record, going 8-3-1 through their last 12 games a legit 2-0 and ranked No. 4 in the AP poll after Georgia took the lead ahead of them following the Bulldogs win over Auburn.
The Aggies are 1-1 to start the season and they have a weak secondary that should get destroyed by the Gators offense. The MAC tends to stay away from Conference games because odds are usually tight & tough, it can be hard to find a solid pick, but our consensus groups have the Gators as a move and with the spread less than a TD this game has value
Play - Gators -6.5 (+10 Units)
Quick Trends-
  • Over is 4-0 in Gators last 4 games overall.
  • Over is 4-0 in Gators last 4 games as a favorite.
  • Over is 5-0 in Gators last 5 games on grass.
  • Gators are 5-0 ATS in their last 5 games following a ATS loss.
  • Over is 8-1 in Gators last 9 games as a road favorite
  • Under is 4-0 in Aggies last 4 games following a straight up loss.
  • Over is 4-0 in Aggies last 4 games as a home underdog.
  • Aggies are 0-4 ATS in their last 4 games overall.
  • Aggies are 0-5 ATS in their last 5 games following a straight up loss of more than 20 points.
  • Under is 7-1 in Aggies last 8 games after allowing less than 275 total yards in their previous game.
Pittsburgh Panthers vs Boston College Eagles
If you look at the recent trends for the Panthers, you see a team that is just 1-5-1 ATS in their last 7 games. That being said, the Panthers have been winning their games outright, they are 3-1 in the early going of the season, they just can’t get a cover, it’s pathetic, oddsmakers are cashing in on Pitt.
The Eagles have been great ATS, covering in 8 of their last 10, but as far as this game, our information is telling us to stay away. Boston College defense has nothing to brag about, unable to stop 3rd conversions makes a case for betting the over, the offense can’t run the ball, averaging 2.4 yards a carry, and they are last in the ACC in both of these categories. Jurkovec has thrown 2 picks, one in the end zone and the Heels took it home for a meaningless win, one good thing is they don’t lose fumbles and are +5 in turnover margin. MAC has Panthers to win this one, the line is -6 and has moved back and forth from 6.5 and 6, but most importantly MAC sees action coming in on the total and is moving on the over, opening at 46 and currently set at 44 this should be an easy 55-60 point game. The trends seems to be the under but going against the grain is why The MAC is one of the most recognized sports gamblers in the industry.
MAC’s Final Score Prediction - Pitt 35 - BC 23
Play - Over 44 (+5 Units)
Play - Pitt -6 (+5 Units)
Quick Trends:
  • Eagles are 0-4 ATS in their last 4 games following a straight up win.
  • Under is 4-0 in Eagles last 4 vs. a team with a winning record.
  • Under is 5-0 in Eagles last 5 games as an underdog
Miami Hurricanes vs Clemson Tigers
Given how dominant the Tigers have been in the ACC over the past few years, it is usually a bad idea to bet against them.The odds makers are giving them too much respect, our scouts are saying the line isn’t this high because of public money, it’s an inflated spread and could be a suckers bet. Let’s consider the fact that the Tigers have failed to cover this season and are now on a run of failing to cover in 4 straight games. MAC says play the ML hedge if laying the points, be smart and use bankroll management.
The Hurricanes have not had a lot of joy against Clemson in recent years, but are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 versus conference foes. With 43.3 points scored this season they are ranked #7, this could be another over play, though with the total set at 62, we will have to wait to see some line movement before placing any action on it.MAC has no apprehension when it comes to taking a shot and going against the grain, it’s what makes him a Vegas specialty. Take Miami to cover, take them, take the points, and take it to the bank.
MAC’s Final Score Prediction - Miami 21 - Clemson 35
Play: Miami +15 (+15 Units)
Play: Miami ML +450 (+4 UNITS)
Quick Trends:
  • Hurricanes are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games after accumulating more than 280 yards passing in their previous game.
  • Hurricanes are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a straight up win.
  • Hurricanes are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 conference games.
  • Hurricanes are 5-1 ATS vs. a team with a winning record.
  • Hurricanes are 1-5 ATS in their last 6 meetings.
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MAC's Week 3 NFL Update & Game Predictions - Below
Week 2 in the National Football League was as wild as it gets. The Cowboys provided one of the greatest comebacks in history, and the injury bug hit the San Francisco 49ers. MAC has 3 Top Rated NFL plays today plus his exclusive 2x NFL parlay. The MAC has been riding the magic bull, special release plays going 4-1 in weeks 1-2-3 and today will be a true bookie smasher day. MAC is making bankrolls fat again for his Patreon Clients and Gambling Report subscribers have been reporting record earnings since the start of the newsletter! Today's game releses are courtesy of the team as well as Roland "The Roarin MAC" McGuillaman - The Odds Maker Assassin and International Sharp Betting, A True Sports Betting Professional! Get Today's NFL Hush Money Move + MAC's Late Info Action only on Patreon - $7.00 Get's all MAC's Special Release Action & Top Stock Picks and Options Moves for 1 Month. Guaranteed to make you a fatter bankroll!! - MAC's Picks

MAC's Week 3 NFL Update & Game Predictions -

Week 2 in the National Football League was as wild as it gets. The Cowboys provided one of the greatest comebacks in history, and the injury bug hit the San Francisco 49ers.
2021 Super Bowl LV Odds
  • Kansas City Chiefs +500
  • Baltimore Ravens +500
  • San Francisco 49ers +1200
  • New England Patriots +1800
  • New Orleans Saints +900
  • Pittsburgh Steelers +1800
  • Dallas Cowboys +1600
  • L.A. Chargers +5000
  • Green Bay Packers +2000
  • Seattle Seahawks +1200
  • Philadelphia Eagles +4000
  • L.A. Rams +2200 (MAC's Long shot)
  • Cleveland Browns +4000
  • Minnesota Vikings +4000
  • L.A. Raiders +5000 (MAC's Money Mover)
  • Indianapolis Colts +2500
  • Tennessee Titans +2200
  • Houston Texans +6600
  • Chicago Bears +5000
  • Atlanta Falcons +8000
  • Buffalo Bills +2200
  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers +1600
  • Denver Broncos +10000
  • Carolina Panthers +17500
  • New York Giants +15000
  • New York Jets +20000
  • Detroit Lions +10000
  • Arizona Cardinals +2000
  • Jacksonville Jaguars +17500
  • Cincinnati Bengals +20000
  • Miami Dolphins +15000
  • Washington Football Team +12500
San Francisco 49ers lose Nick Bosa and Solomon Thomas - The 49ers beat the New York Jets 31-13 in Week 2, but it came with a huge cost. The Niners two starting defensive-ends, Nick Bosa and Solomon Thomas, suffered ACL injuries. Both are out from 6 to 8 weeks. Quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo is questionable in Week 3 due to a knee injury. Running back Raheem Mostert is listed as doubtful due to an MCL sprain. The 49ers play the New York Giants in Week 3.
There’s a good likelihood the Niners sit both players even if either is ready to go. San Francisco is 1-1. Their next division game is in Week 6. That’s the battle coach Kyle Shanahan should circle for Mostert’s return. Garoppolo should be ready by Week 4. When it comes to Bosa and Thomas, other defenders must step it up. The 49ers have a good defense, but they lost Richard Sherman in the first week. The Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, and Miami Dolphins are there next three opponents. But, after that, the Niners play the Rams, New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, Green Bay Packers, and New Orleans Saints all in a row. Things could get tough for the SF defense unless a couple of players step it up.
Cowboys provide amazing comeback against Falcons - At halftime of Sunday’s win against the Atlanta Falcons, the Dallas Cowboys were down 29-10. Not only did the Cowboys come back and win, but they came back to win 40-39. The Boys got an onside kick, unheard of in today’s NFL, and then converted a field goal. What’s interesting about the onside kick is that instead of pouncing on the football, Falcon players waited for it to go out of bounds. That makes absolutely no sense and is the reason the Cowboys were able to notch their first win of the season. Atlanta’s defense is the worst in the NFL. Coach Dan Quinn is on the hot seat because of it. Boneheaded plays like the one that led to the loss at home won’t help Quinn’s case to keep his job.
Ravens and Chiefs on collision course in NFL Week 3 - There were other Week 2 highlights. The Las Vegas Raiders opened Allegiant Stadium with a solid 31-24 win over the New Orleans Saints while the Seattle Seahawks and Russell Wilson beat Cam Newton and the New England Patriots 35-30. Also, both the Ravens and Chiefs won their respective games. The Baltimore Ravens beat the Houston Texans 33-16 while the KC Chiefs required overtime to beat the Chargers 23-20. Los Angeles quarterback Justin Herbert played exceptionally well. Coach Anthony Lynn said Herbert would remain the backup if Tyrod Taylor were healthy enough to play in Week 3. We’ll see how long Lynn sticks with that plan. Next Monday night, the Chiefs and Ravens battle. Baltimore looks like the team to beat in the AFC. They were the team to beat last season as well. It will be interesting to see how the Ravens’ defense handles Patrick Mahomes.

MAC's Top Rated NFL Picks and Parlays - NFL Odds at MyBookie

09/27 - 01:00 PM - Houston Texans vs Pittsburgh Steelers
Play: Pittsburgh Steelers -4
09/27 - 01:00 PM - Chicago Bears vs Atlanta Falcons
Play: Over 47
09/27 - 08:20 PM - Green Bay Packers vs New Orleans Saints
Play: New Orleans Saints -3
09/27 - MAC's 2x NFL Parlay
09/27 - 04:25 PM Detroit Lions vs Arizona Cardinals
Play: Over 54.5
09/27 - 01:00 PM - Washington Football Team vs Cleveland Browns
Play: Over 44
Promo Code - THEMAC
Join XBet and claim a $300 Sign Up Bonus - UFC Odds
submitted by TheMACSPicks to SportsReport [link] [comments]

Feel like wasted my life

Hi all, after reading up a lot of stories think it will help me to share mine.
Im an addict, there is not going around it. Im 30 year old who got nothing to show right now - no house, no car, after splitting with my ex half a year ago got limited time seeing my 1 year old son. We have split because she found out i was gambling again and again even after i was promising i will stop. Even signing to gamstop didn’t help as was still going to bookies or having a friend sign up and was playing on his account.
Maybe lets start from beginning. I have started visiting local bookies since i was 16, obviously at the time I didn’t have any income so it was purely for fun a parlay every weekend. Never won big or anything but never lost a lot as i was literally betting for maybe 5-20 quid a week.
Years went by and i moved out of house when i was 20 and started my first job - I remember how excited i was to see money coming in and week after week i could save up up to 50-100 pound thats when i did sign up online first time. And it only wemt downhill simce then. Pretty much every weekend was depositing around 50-100 pound and occasionally maybe won just to blow it again. Looking at this now i wasnt dven chasing big money just the rush of watching game or following score and the adrenaline i got it from this.
Years going by and nothing changes but now in my mind its not even worth betting for 5-10 pound as it dont give me a pleasure to win 20 back. It mist be 50-100 pound per bet for me to be interested in this, when i had no money i have turned to getting overdraft. Moment i applied for 1000 pound overdraft i felt as its “free” money i can surely double up, ended up with -1000 on my account after first week or two and was applying more and more overdraft on my account until i was refused.
Having now -3000 pound in my bank account i have turned into payday loans and credit cards. Over next 2-3 years ive pretty much taken every possible payday loan and was paying ridiculous amount monthly as interest. St one point i was paying over 1000 pound a month just to try and clear my debts all in meantime when i met my missuis. She had no idea about my finances or that i was a gambler.
After a year together she dod catch me when one of providers did call me to inform im behind my payments. Ive told her everything and that im pretty much around 12k in debt while we had baby on the way ! She was shocked as all our future plans were ruined. Somehow she did forgive me and our little baby was my real motivation to get me straight. One of my family member offered me help when i came clean to pay all of my debts snd i will pay him off monthly.
That literally saved my life as interest was creeping up on me. I was gamble free for 6 months and first time in years my account was above 0 after all bills came out. Now come to a year ago dont know why but just went in to local bookie for a cheeky bet - and that was it, like a hook all i could think off was an excuse to go town on my own so i could lie to my girlfriend and just waste more money by betting. Thankfully she found out what i was up to and it did break her heart- im saying thankfully because as much as i love her she deserves to be with someone better then me who is just wasting all that money.
Ive decided ot will be better if im out of picture for everyone, i do care about my little son as he is my world but i cant ruin everyones life because of my addiction.
And here i am on my own, still paying off my fsmily member but now because there wasnt anyone to control ive wasted around 8000 pounds in 3 months after we broke up - and how did i get those 8000? Yup, payday losns, credit cards and overdraft same old story but this time it did all catch up to me where I couldn’t afford all repayments monthly.
Ive done my first step to salvation by contacting debt management company and they were my life saviors. All my debts are managed by them and that 8000 pound i will be paying off by 350 pound monthly instalments for at least another 2-2,5 years but the payment is now manageable. Because it is manageable i started gambling here and there once again from money i had left over after my paycheck but something changed recently. I had a night or two when i was drinking and feeling sorry for myself but had a talk with myself snd said its not the end. Im gamble free now 3rd day and got my saving schedule in place.
After takimg every bill and payment im still left with 500 pound a month - decided that from next month i will be living frugal life when i will try to survive on 200 quid a month so can save up 300 per month. All that so i can move out to my own flat and have a better life fof myself and my son! Got my goal set up month by month abd this time im sticking to it. If im tempted by betting i ask myself one question now. When did betting done any good to me?
I know not many ppl will probably read through it all but it was therapeutic to write it all down. I do hope i can be strong and manage this addiction.
submitted by ramok87 to GamblingAddiction [link] [comments]

Mike Tyson’s Left Hook Analysis – Boxing Lines - Predictions and Bonus Offer from MyBookie!

Mike Tyson’s Left Hook Analysis – Boxing Lines - Predictions and Bonus Offer from MyBookie!

Promo Code - THEMAC

Mike Tyson’s Left Hook Analysis – Boxing Lines - Predictions and Bonus Offer from MyBookie!

Claim a $1000 Deposit Bonus - MyBookie is giving you a 100% matching deposit bonus up to a GRAND! Look, this is because they are giving you the cost to acquire, in other words they rather give the customer the cash rather than some schmuck ad company. So be sure to check out the odds and contests at MyBookie and their sister sites XBET and BETUS
11/28 - 10:00 PM - BOXING - Nov 28
Mike Tyson -180 (MAC's Not Going Against The MAN)
Roy Jones Jr +150

Mike Tyson’s Left Hook Analysis – Boxing Lines

One of the most devastating punches in boxing is the left hook. As you might expect, Mike Tyson had one of the best. But to throw the perfect left hook, which Tyson did many times, one must have excellent technique. Iron Mike’s left hook devastated opponents before he forgot feet placement and body movement. Check out why the young Mike Tyson’s left hook provided such a powerful punch so you can keep on planning your bets against our Mike Tyson Odds.

Breaking Down Iron Mike Tyson’s Left Hook

How Iron Mike Tyson threw the perfect left hook

  1. Tyson set his feet perfectly
Tyson created the perfect base, left foot forward and right foot back. That’s the way to get ready to throw the left hook. More importantly, he started with his weight on his backfoot.
  1. Mike dropped left shoulder to get ready for the punch
Tyson then dropped his left shoulder. Dropping the left shoulder means Mike twisted his body so that all of his weight was towards the left.
  1. When Tyson threw his hook, he had awesome hip rotation
Iron Mike then rotated his hips on delivery. Rotating the hips is the best way to deliver a powerful hook, left or right.

Specific things Iron Mike did when throwing hooks that differ from most boxers

The three things listed above are a part of any great left hook. Most boxers who did those things threw a decent left hook. Only a few boxers can master the left hook, though. Mike Tyson was one of those fighters who became a black belt in left hook throwing.
The key to any powerful punch is to relax the shoulders and back muscles. Power comes from hip rotation, much like how a golfer like Tiger Woods uses body movement to get the most out of a golf swing.
The second part of Tyson’s left hook that differed from most other pugilists’ involved arm and hand placement. The best left hooks arrive at a 90-degree angle. Iron Mike lifted his arm, made it a 90-degree angle with his body, like the width and left length of a square, and then let his hip rotation power the arm. Doing so allowed the muscles in his back to work more efficiently. Tyson’s back muscles snapped into the punch. His latissimus dorsi muscles didn’t expend energy until the actual punch happened.
The final step involved raising and twisting the left foot to get even more speed and weight behind the punch. Here’s the steps in order to throw the perfect left hook.
  1. Place feet.
  2. Dip shoulder and twist to the left.
  3. While raising body to throw the hook, place arm at 90-degree angle.
  4. As you rotate into the punch, twist left foot to get even more power from the punch.
One thing many don’t remember about the young Iron Mike Tyson is that his right hook was as devastating as the left. Before getting into why, realize that many boxing trainers don’t teach the right hook to orthodox fighters.
Twisting and lowering your body, dropping your shoulder to the right, exposes the entire left side of your body to your opponent’s right. That’s not a good idea. Tyson got away with throwing a right hook because he was better than most everyone of his opponents during his first few years as a pro.
Mike’s right hook had as much power because of feet placement. He did what boxers call a switch. Tyson switched his feet, put his left foot behind his right foot, and then used the techniques described above to land a right hook.
Iron Mike, when he threw the right hook, became a southpaw. Tyson was so adept at switching that he could throw left hook, right hook, left hook, and switch his feet on every punch. No other boxer in history seems to have had the ability Tyson did when throwing left and right hooks.
More Mike Tyson Vs Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Odds - HERE

BOXING - Oct 9

Gonzalo Gaston Coria +650
Zhanibek Alimkhanuly -1400
Cameron Krael +850 (MAC's Money Moon Shot)
Elvis Rodriguez -2500
Bryan Lua -3500
Nelson Colon +925
Emanuel Navarrete -275 (MAC's Red Alert Boxing Action)
Ruben Villa +180

BOXING - Oct 10

Richard Lartey +550
Nathan Gorman -900
Andrew Robinson +1300
Liam Williams -5000
submitted by TheMACSPicks to SportsReport [link] [comments]

It ain't all bad!

Pros: Anonymous, Bitcoin, Fast deposit and withdrawals, minimal fuss.
Cons: Clunky interface, less sports events than other places, worse odds.
But the biggest thing is they really do pay you out. No documents to send, I was paid out within 15 minutes and I assume it is all a computer program with a que for payouts.
If you dig anonymous, and you are a legitimate sports bettor, they are alright! Sure I have another go to book, but with Nitrogen the bet limits are known before hand, they make money from the extra bad odds so they can assure you of payouts if you are a winner rather than a loser, and it just feels like this book is more prepared to payout than other books. Other books pretend to be sportsbooks, but they will try to gip you of your money if they can, then limit you if they cant. They won't tolerate winning players.
NItrogensports just feels like they are more prepared than other bookies to payout. I get similar feelings from sports exchanges where its player v player with commission, bookie doesn't care much about payouts, (like fairlay and matchbook)
Nitrogen is the only non exchange site that gives me this transparent see through feeling like I am dealing with a bank, not a company that wants me to lose. Sure they expect there will be a lot of losers and that's factored in, but with the way their odds are, they take extra precaution so they don't have to gip winners as well.
Not sure if you consider that good or bad, but as a bettor, I like that. I can still find good bets at Nitrogen.
And the prearranged betting limits means they have already thought out things well regarding winning players. Many bookies simply won't tolerate winners, they are frauds, set up as bookie shops on the internet but not really prepared to play with the winners as well. Thus they offer super juicy odds then try to steal your money later or get you kicked off their platform. Some will limit you to $1 bets on your favorite games.
Until the betting exchanges like Fairlay and Matchbook get the liquidity, Nitrogen is a go to book for simple winners. If you do complex stuff, it might not work at Nitrogen.
Good luck, long live Nitrogen Sports
submitted by Affectionate_Watch_9 to nitrogensports [link] [comments]

Psycho Betting and Stats 301-Degenalytics Question

Before you even start watching this for entertainment and see if you get offended by this un-P.C. content. Don't be a pussy.
If you can't handle it, leave this thread. If you can, then you may proceed to the next level.
I've been scatter-brained, ire-filled, soul-searching and lost after a 7-day Degen Marathon that brought a shit load of misfortunes. I used to hate social media, but I've learned how to wield the soc. med. sword like a fucking Degen Jedi. I'm going to promote an honest cause where I seek to be victorious in the end. Just you watch you fucking doubters, haters, blockers, scammers. How much grit and intellect would the average fucking person have to endure what I've gone through in the last fucking 48 hours and still come out alive with a sense of greater purpose?
Had about $400 to $500 in righteously earned bonus dollars earned through impossible grinding degen mission that came pretty close to accomplishing (91%).
I would have had some imaginary >$600 BR by now, but instead the roll-over deadline caused the entire deposit to be forfeited and I manage to salvage some $100.
Due to a bonus rollover scheme, 80U of my balance was stuck in bonuses and if I fail to accomplish the roll-over by the deadline, it all gets forfeited.
With a $500-$600 balance, I could have somewhere at $900-1000 by now after a 20-2 W-L record on European football on Wednesday.
How did I get that record yesterday, by sampling a bunch of solid pre-game picks and live betting using my own fucking brain. I consult with the finest in capping. With $10-$20 bet sizes, That would have put me up maybe $15x16 = +$240 at minimum. $1000 was the imaginary bank roll. As of today, betting with $1 units, after Monday-Wednesday's successful run, while Tuesday was a -$50 blip, I converted $100 to about close to $200 (40U).
🤪🤑Psycho Betting🤑🤪:
I learned the art of psycho betting. Taking some well-advised 10U and 30U psycho bets that put my bankroll up a significant amounts, but a big loss does the opposite. Yesterday I manage to hit 4 grand 30U slams in a row, however many on juiced lines, so each $30 bet one returns about $15-20. Thus my bankroll grew nearly +100 units and sits close to $200 from the initial $100 I manage to salvage after that bonus robbery.
If you want to fucking learn the art of Psycho-Betting to the extremest and be successful at it, fucking put in $100 in Bovada (remember to use money that you can afford to lose) and get that fucking bonus for the purpose of looting the bookies in a successful vengeance scheme. This guy is a fucking Artillery:
Fucking hit more than 4x30U grand slams yesterday and some 10-20U cherries on top. I tailed his free picks and other through consultation [Haha fucking reddit/sportsbook will probably ban me for promoting another tout, :)].Of course with my $1.5U size on a crippled bank roll, I cannot grow it to as much as I wanted to using GoTime's techniques. I would have been at another +$400 if I had $6 units. It's a high risk and high reward system, but if you are confident with your picks you go big on it. If you lose it, then you grind back with smaller 10U and 20U bets to try to get back to part to be able to do another 30U bet. The goal is to be like 2-1, 3-0 on 30U grand slams a day. There is some level of sustainability and back up plans to execute in case the 30U bet did not work out. It is very improbable for you to lose 10 in a row on well researched picks that the experts in the community have common agreement on. A lot of the times, the lines shift to reward you less for the pick since big money is already on the pick.
Use the chart on:
Here is a Nice Calculation to do:
📚📑💻Stats 301 Question in Degenalytics💻📑📚**:**
Lastly I asked anyone in the past few days to do a Stats 301 question with Degenalytics Context: To fucking determine the probability that an avg Joe with a $100+100 Bonus Bank-roll or $500 + 250B bank roll can actually pull off the $3000/$7500 grind in some number of N months betting with supposedly 2 full months of real sports (N-2) getting Obliterated by COVID-19. I want you to give me an analytical calculation or a simulation of your work and give me all the possible scenarios.
Then give the final verdict of if that number converges to 0.000% or 100.00% that the average Joe would succeed his false-hope mission for a successful rollover.
In other words think of it like this: If the average joe bets his entire bank roll 12 or more times (roll-over is not x10 because of bookie juice), what is the probability that he will still end up in the green? Also assign a tilt probability factor that the Average Joe would go on some emotional tilt spree to end up bust again? And make it even harder by eliminating 2-3 full months of real sports (N-2.5) and having to bet on Bovada's limited shitty ass lines and shitty live odds.
If you fucking want to eliminate the -2.5 months, then allow the average joe the freedom to bet on N months of e-sports [hahah] and see where that goes.
I had a bad experience betting on e-sports for 2 months and only end up -15-20U. I'm not saying that I lost because I suck at e-sports betting or I tailed the wrong people. The Bovada lines are super shitty and limited. Most of the time, on live esports, all you see are dashed out lines as if they fucking know what the rigged result is and prevent people from doing hedge bets or try to bet opposite spreads when they are winning to guarantee an insurance 1-1 with minimal damage incurred to their bank-roll. The live betting experience on e-sports on the Bovada platform is so bad that you are guaranteed to lose in the long run. Fucking hell Bodog/Bovada even offered me a $250 deposit on 100% bonus after the Rudy Gobert day in Mid March. They advertised the joys and wonders of getting rich betting off esports.
I was so tempted to deposit, however I kind of over-slept and missed out on the dead-line so they closed the bonus offer. Pretty good relief that I did not fuck-up my real credit card and bank account by falling for that scam again. It was an accidental Grace of God moment to fucking avoid that E-sports deposit marketing scam.
BONUS Questions:
A: Calculate the number of months needed and number of successful bets required for the conservative degen 1u bettor to grind out the roll-over playing
$2.00 tug of war with the bookie.
B: Calculate the odds that a professional capper who knows how to adjust unit sizes (1u-5u), do parlays once a while, will succeed the roll-over in some
N-2.5 months or add some e-sports to have fun to keep the N factor.
C.1: Calculate the conditional probabilities for the bettor succeeding in the mission if on the first few days of betting:
i) He loses bet 1 for about $20.
ii) Wins bet 1 for about $20 to earn $17.5.
iii) Goes on a 3 game losing streak
iv) 5 game losing streak
v) Positivity case: The guy got lucky and nearly doubled his bank roll on a decent run from day. Up +100U or $200. [I'm sure that out of bad discipline the average Joe would still go -200U in the long run with a pretty high probability.]
C.2: Determine the mathematical scheme on how the Bookies can use your first few losses to eventually put you in a 60+:40- (Greater than 60% locked in bonus, less than 40% of your deposited money). Bonus:Locked funds ratio.
The Jinx-King answer: It converges to zero [hahaha], but I really am interested in know what other scenarios math and stats people have come up. And your mathematical approaches and formulae used to generate possible scenarios and probabilities. But I think it is safe to say that for the average Joe,the answer is 0.00% success rate. Bodog/Bovada knows this exactly and refuses to put a hiatus on the roll-over deadline. Instead they keep it going so that people can try to wager on e-sports and lose their entire bank roll. They are only interested it getting 100% of your locked funds so that they can buy expensive cruises, yachts, beach mansions, resort packages, etc in Aruba or some other tropical place. Where you got millions of desperate Americans, Canadians in struggling economies with lost jobs and zero positive cash-flow. About 10% or so or perhaps even more deposit money into off-shore gambling websites hoping they can roll-over their bank-roll some ridiculous number of times and make a few bucks to put food on the table.
In fact, it makes matters worst being jobless, having zero cash flow and having locked funds in scamming bookies. If you are not good at casino or sports-betting games, you would have:
A: Lose your entire deposit for failing to grind it out properly.
B: Not grind it out on time on whatever dead-line the roll-over was.
C: Even if you did successfully grind that shit out using conservative 1u betting and play $2 tug of war with the bookie, you will end up just wasting your time grinding it out for hours and hours on end. It would have been better for you to fucking find a job at some farm helping out with harvesting crops or work in meat plants so that food does not go to waste. I bet you I can make more money than your $2 tug of war in one a day picking off cans and bottles off the streets in some exercise walking/running/biking + collection routine then selling it to the recycling center for $0.05-0.25 a unit. Trust me at my university, I spot maybe about 50-200 empty/partially driven cans and bottles left on desks, lecture halls, the floor, libraries, work areas, etc. Supposed that I harvested that shit, I would be making $5-$20 a day collecting it all and going to the recycling center once every week.
The fucking company knows this COVID-19 closure shit and want to use it to their advantage to continue to rob millions of their customers. Last week, I tried to call customer service, chat help, email, etc. and management has spoken to plead my case to delay the roll-over dead-line in a pro-rated time frame so that customers with locked balances can resume betting with their full balance when Game 1 of any Major League Sport actually returns. They give me the same bull-shit over and over saying they decline my request. For what reason?
  1. The terms and conditions written in fine print for accepting the bonus conversion challenge. "Rules are Rules."
  2. They were aware my deadline of June 22 at 19:23 ET was approaching soon. They knew I was on a mission to salvage my bank roll before they yank out the 60-75U trapped in bonus balances (i.e. Ghost money). By the end of it, I realize I made a foolish mistake. Most of my wins were just from bonus money and I was rewarded $0.00 on righteous wins on expired bonuses.
Therefore Bonus money only earns bonus money which put my entire bank-roll in a 80:20 ratio where the bookies control 80U in ghost money. By the end of the roll-over deadline, they get to yank out 80U of my balance at the deadline and left me with about $100 (20U) bank roll to regrind.
  1. They knew I was winning consistently making solid picks.
During my 110 hour marathon over the brutal grind of losing more than 70 hours of work, leisure and recreation; 35 hours of sleep; to a fucking impossible grind of trying to roll over some 60% of $7500 on sports I have little knowledge of capping (i.e. E-sports, Table Tennis, European football) after a few days of studying the game, I was picking up my stride to grind it to 91%. They fucking knew that if I had another day to grind, they would be coughing up +$600-800 of withdrawable balance to my account.
I am a Fucking PHD Candidate (2-6 months from graduating and not having to pay another round of BS tuition) who does a shitload of mathematics, statistics, simulations, mathematical physics, wrote scientific papers. I've won T.A. Awards, Government/Provincial/Institutional level scholarships, Conference presentations, with even Undergrad honors back in the day. DM me if you need a fucking CV to prove my fucking credentials.
Why am I able to write a lot of shit? Because my fucking brain operates on some max level Intel Xeon chip on overclock mode and I cannot do much to shut it down other than going to sleep. They only way is to write articles that I think might benefit the community.
I have a crazy interest in sports and Degen'ing. I love to fucking put action on sports games, be proud about making the correct calls on the outcome of games before it happens, and then boast to my circle of competitive friends about who's the fucking Boss. As tabboo as society think us degens are, I think this absolute BS. There is a pure enjoyment in watching sports and having action on it. It is nice to get paid beer money to cover a round for your buddies, or earn that rent money over a successful night of betting on shit you actually enjoy watching. Fuck I rather make $300 for one evening of enjoying sports rather than working a 9-5 dull job to try to afford rent/mortgage. If I can fucking pay off all my monthly expenses in 3 fucking successful nights of 3 hr sessions of sports matches, that would be ideal. I would take the lather over a 9-5 rat-race grind.
Overall I am "PRO" in the debate for local single sports betting bookies to be established in Canada. Get these fucking scamming off-shore books like bodog/Bovada who contribute only contribute "Bagel" to the Canadian Economy, but instead make it worst by scamming the masses of hard working or desperate people to leak out some sum of billions of dollars of national GDP. Probably the same applies to all American States, that people should not have to cough up their hard earned $$$$ to off-shore scamming bookies. I shall write an article about this later to justify my arguments later.
Ultimately I my goal is to obliterate or negate the influence of all the cons, scamming bookies, and false touts out there who are just interested in stealing people's $$$. To write out full studies on exposing their schemes in an objective lens.
Calling me out: (Think I cannot track these pussy downvotes? I know you cowards 😂😜😎)
If you think I'm full of BS, then send me a personal DM to have a 1v1 argument the same way that Stephen A debates sports with Max Kellerman. You can downvote me or flame me with empty hate talk all you want on public threads. But don't be a fucky pussy by avoiding a debate with me. Trust me, I'm going to win and be the last one to state a real point that you will have no comeback for [haha]. Lastly, if you are open to discuss or debate with me about some issues, do some resarch/exploration, betting strategies, etc., I would love your collaboration in some projects I got going on.
Ultimately, I should help every honest worker strive towards Degen success or if not, just to purely enjoy putting action on sports games. If you are too full of yourself, then you are on your own, I bid thee adieu, and wish you all the best. However you will be absolutely declined to all services and counsel I work to provide to friends for free.
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Some extra Resource to how I got to this point in my mission.
Here it is for starters:
June 23, 2020: The Impossible Pursuit Reddit/sportsbook/Brag and Bitch (Tuesday)
June 24, 2020: Doubling Bank roll and rewarded Bagel: Reddit/sportsbook/Brag and Bitch (Wednesday)
June 24, 2020: How can you win 5 in a row and lose it all simultaneously? Reddit/sportsbook/What is your most impressive win?
Full Twiiter:
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Discord: ????? To be solved.
Challenges: Got a few right in progress now and a couple of drafts I am working on.
The Jinxking Crusade (In progress):
Turns out many people cannot withdraw anything out of Bovada/bodog due to some website glitches. Will try to recover a bankroll to attempt a withdrawal, however I am likely to have the same issues too. They will make some lame excuse to not give me a cheque. Definitely no point of pursuing anything in bovada/bodog if they refuse to give you withdrawables. The goal is to get their website off outta here. As well as get them out of advertisements. They definitely pulled off some "Get the fucking money and run scheme" and you will likely not see your money again. GG
The Jinxking Challenge (In progress):
Want to expose a bad tout who over prices the service and has a mediocre record? Tail and fade to call their their BS or mediocre non profiting record out. Also good for finding legitimate winners too. This will be a mission to expose shitty touts on Twitter the way Penn & Teller exposes BS in the market.
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MAC's Top Rated Early Info NFL Picks

MAC's Top Rated Early Info NFL Picks
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MAC's Top Rated Early Info NFL Picks

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Exclusive Offer: Subscribe to MAC's Gambling Report - MAC's complete sports betting report, all MAC's specialty bets, prediction analysis, and gambling action for the week into the weekend! - limited Time Special Free Offer on Substack - Join MAC's Gambling Report 30 days for free on Substack for a limited time, become a founding member and claim your Hoodie
10/05 - Atlanta Falcons +7.5 vs Green Bay Packers -7.5 – The Falcons are looking horrible, desperate for a win after blowing huge leads, these guys are despicable. They have no chance against a Packers team that is looking like the Green Bay Bret Favres from back in the day. GB's defense is iffy and that could be a big problem for those looking for the easy money this week, the safe play is looking like the over, set at unusual high of 58, and early info is coming in on the Atlanta Falcons that is putting value behind taking the 7.5 point dogs on MNF.
Play: Over 58
10/04 - Indianapolis Colts -2.5 vs Chicago Bears +2.5 – MAC isn't surprised the Bears are 3-0, and money coming in on the Colts is telling MAC and they will keep it going this weekend. The Colts, these guys after losing their season opener are trying to fool people into thinking they pulled it together and made the "necessary adjustments"...MAC is calling B.S. and taking the home dogs because he's old school and knows value when he sees it.
Play: Chicago +2.5
submitted by TheMACSPicks to SportsReport [link] [comments]

10/05 - MNF Action -Falcons vs Packers Side & Total + MLB Major Move

10/05 - MNF Action -Falcons vs Packers Side & Total + MLB Major Move
Website: Contact: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Phone: THE RED LINE - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613)
The Red Line - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613) - Text The Red Line to get a free exclusive release prediction.
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MAC Media - Find Betting Bonuses and Free Deposit Matches from MyBookie and other top rated sports books on the Reddit Media Pages!
Join the Patreon and get all MAC's Sports & Stock Market Action for $7.00 a Month - Top rated Picks and Exclusive Info Moves + Volcano Alerts, Market Watch Tips, and Special Release Moves all backed by Sports Betting Affiliates and National Consensus Groups!

MAC's Top Rated Early Info NFL Picks -

10/05 - Atlanta Falcons +7.5 vs Green Bay Packers -7.5 – The Falcons are looking horrible, desperate for a win after blowing huge leads, these guys are despicable. They have no chance against a Packers team that is looking like the Green Bay Bret Favres from back in the day. GB's defense is iffy and that could be a big problem for those looking for the easy money this week, the safe play is looking like the over, set at unusual high of 58, and early info is coming in on the Atlanta Falcons that is putting value behind taking the 7.5 point dogs on MNF. - Check the odds at MyBookie and claim your bonus!
Play: Over 58 (+25 UNITS) Play: Atlanta Falcons +7.5 (+25 UNITS)

MAC's MLB Major Move Alert -

Hou Astros L MCCULLERS JR -R vs Oak Athletics C BASSITT -R
Play: Over 8 (+10 UNITS)
Ny Yankees G COLE -R vs Tam Rays B SNELL -L
Play: Yankees RL -1.5 (+10 UNITS)
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Videoslots Casino 11 free spins on registration! Exclusive Bonus!

Videoslots Casino 11 free spins on registration! Exclusive Bonus!

Videoslots Casino Free Bonus & Review
Are you a new player to Videoslots Casino? Register now and get 11 free spins bonus on Starburst video slot game! This promotion comes with no wagering conditions meaning that all your winnings can be instantly withdrawn. Good luck!
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Videoslots Casino Review


Have you heard about this intriguing new online casino called Videoslots Casino? With a total of 6 Casinomeister Awards, this gambling site piqued our interest, and we could not resist, but to tell you all about it. This 2011 creation from a group of Swedish enthusiasts is known as the Mecca of slots, and for a good reason. Players can dive right into the fun, fruity, and bonus-filled Extra Juicy slot. Or, join Genghis Khan’s mighty Mongol army in the Sword of Khans slot, which is filled with free spins and multipliers. And, don’t let the name fool you— VideoSlots Casino is about more than just slots.
You’ll also find a superb selection of Jackpots, table games, Scratchcards, Poker, and live dealer games from over 70 game developers. Did we also mention that VideoSlots also trump’s most casinos with their banging bonuses and promotions? Now that’s a real deal! VideoSlots Casino doesn’t only provide excellent gaming, it does so legally under the license of the Malta Gaming Authority, UK Gambling Commission, as well as the Danish and Swedish Gambling Authorities. So, if you were still hesitant to give them a shot, now you can be sure the casino is not up to any funny business.
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Visiting Videoslots Casino

We heard a thing or two about and decided to go and check what all the hype was about. Before we delve into all the goodies the online casino has to offer, let us plunge you into the world of colour and blurred lines between your mind and VideoSlots Casino. Grab some popcorn, and let’s jump right into our VideoSlots review. Your journey starts with a dark background that provides fisheye focus to the pops of colours and fun visuals that will grab your attention.
The gold 3D casino logo, complete with a slot handle, comfortably floats above a massive stack of tumbling gold coins. The VideoSlots login has a black gradient and is set up against the dark background, making it a bit hard to locate. Both the register and VideoSlots Casino login buttons are also cluttered by customer support buttons, which adds a bit of confusion to the top left corner of the site. However, the addition of a responsible gaming link right at the starting line earned the operator some positive VideoSlots reviews. A cascade of rose petals into a fiery red hidden background adds layers of mystery to this already dark and mysterious online gaming podium.
You’ll find some odd link combinations, such as the thin white Payments, Forgot Password, and Game Payouts links against an amber background. Right below, you get links for Home, Welcome Bonus, Weekend Booster, Jackpots, All Games, Clash of Spins, and The Wheel of Jackpots. If you’re not sure what to try first, then stop for a while and get sucked into the different colourful scenes from the most popular slots. In case you need a nudge in the right direction, colourful jewels from Starburst are hurtling down from a starry sky, with a generous welcome bonus.
Further down, we scrolled through a list of recent winners or buy into the Battle of Slots, all with colourful icons and bright white text. The rest of VideoSlots Casino is an onslaught of colourful slot icons against a pitch-black background, as far as the eye can see. On the left sidebar, you get game categories—Jackpots, Video Slots, Slots, Blackjack, Roulette, and a whole lot more. The latest news also keeps players abreast with daily promotions. A short VideoSlots Casino review rounds up the games lobby. And, of course, payment options, huge diamond-shaped, greyscale arrays of payment options and game developers, useful links, and licenses form the website footer.
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Videoslots Casino Bonuses

And, the moment every player can’t wait to hear about, bonus time! Okay, c’mon! If you’re thinking you don’t need bonuses, then you, my friend, have never been to VideoSlots Casino. Like all casinos worth checking out, VideoSlots has a couple of tricks up its sleeves. When you first step into the casino, you’re greeted with a VideoSlots welcome bonus of:
  • 100% up to £200
  • 11 free spins on Starburst
Your bonus is automatically available after you make an initial deposit of £10 or more, so no need to enter a bonus code. The bonus is paid out in 10% increments, and you’ll have 30 days to wager it 35x before you can make a real money withdrawal. The 11 VideoSlots free spins are wager-free, so everything you win goes you’re your real money balance. Sounds like a sweet deal, right? Players can only make bets of up to £20 using the bonus, and jackpot games don’t contribute towards the wagering requirements. But there’s more!
Once you’ve gone through the welcome offer, you’ll be amazed by the extra goodies that await you. With the Weekend Boosters promotion, players accumulate all the spins they’ve made on slots and get a guaranteed win of up to £300. The VideoSlots bonus is paid out every Friday. If you were wondering, there aren’t any VideoSlots no deposit offers. But wait! Players can join the Battle of Slots tournament for some exquisite prizes. Looks like the operator knows how to grab online casino players’ attention.
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Videoslots Casino Mobile

It’s always great when you can take your work and play wherever you go— whether it’s taking that conference call with a new client at the park, or playing the latest online casino games while you wait in line at the supermarket. When it comes to the latter, VideoSlots Casino has you more than covered. We’ve figured out what all the hype over the VideoSlots app is about, and we’re eager to share it with you. So, grab your drink and hang on to every word! The operator doesn’t have any native apps in the Apple or Google stores, but the VideoSlots mobile site does everything you’d need from an app. Once you load up the website, you can tell that you’ve got the Mecca of Slots right at your fingertips.
Videoslots Casino works with the best developers and the games are super fun and worth trying using mobile browsers like Safari, Yandex, or Brave. The operator offers the mobile site to players who use iOS, Blackberry, Microsoft, and Android devices. The graphics are pretty intense, with deeper blacks than what you get from the desktop site and the pops of colour that add loads of character to the website. Unlike what you’d have with native apps, any new games that are added to the desktop site will immediately show up on the mobile version. Apart from placing their bets on the move, players on VideoSlots can also use the mobile site to make payments and communicate with customer support agents.
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Videoslots Casino Games and Software

Okay! Now is the point where we give up the secret behind the magnetic allure of VideoSlots UK. Just come a little bit closer…Exactly! Now…The truth is… VideoSlots Casino… Whaaat?! Setting jokes aside for a while, the casino provides, hands down, some of the best slot games that you’ll find online. Enter an eccentric doctor’s lab and tinker with some shifting reels on the exciting The Wild Machine slot from Pragmatic Play. Big Time Gaming is also firing up the burner with its brand new heart-stopper slot, Lil Devil.
The quality of the game graphics and themes is simply off the charts, and you’ll fall in love with the iOS, Android and desktop gameplay. How wouldn’t you when over 70 game developers are throwing in their best fighters into the melee? You’ll find some VideoSlots slots gems from popular developers like Microgaming, Play’n GO, and Nyx Interactive, as well as some rising stars like Sigma Games, Genii, and BlaBlaBla Studios. You’d be hard-pressed to find another place where there are so many online casino slot machines for every player’s taste and skill like VideoSlots.
But Wait…There’s a whole lot more, so keep both eyes peeled! VideoSlots is home to the best promotions and online casino UK gaming experience, and definitely wouldn’t let us just spin the slots all day. While we can’t ignore the draw of the classic slot game, the operator balances it out with an excellent selection of Roulette, Video Poker, and Blackjack games that’ll leave even the most demanding of players chuffed!
The variety of Roulette games is a bit small, but you can still kick it with the low, standard, and high limit French, European, Multi Wheel, and Premier Roulette. Blackjack fans, on the other hand, have much more to look forward to. There are a wide range of Super Fun 21, Atlantic City Blackjack, and Classic Blackjack table limits to suit every player’s budget. The available Video Poker games include All-American Poker, Deuces Wild, Jacks or Better, and more.
You’ll surely find your perfect variant of any of these table games. Live dealer casino games seal the deal at Videoslots Casinos – Now that’s something new! The influence of Evolution gaming created an authentic and immersive brick and mortar casino experience that you can get right on your sofa at home. The operator offers an impressive selection of Live Baccarat, Blackjack, and Roulette games, all with HD video and crystal-clear audio quality.
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Videoslots Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

Bonuses can provide temporary excitement, but there’s nothing quite like the buzz that you get when you’re jamming your favourite game for real money. Players at VideoSlots Casino can get into a more immersive and engaging gaming session when they deposit using cards like Visa, Cash Card, and MasterCard. There are also some e-wallet alternative payment options like PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz, Interac, and Trustly. The Paysafecard and Bank Transfer can also be some worthy options. You won’t have to worry one bit, as your finances are well protected by 256-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The minimum amount that customers can deposit at VideoSlots is £5. All deposits are processed instantly, and your funds will be available for bets in your account in real-time.
When you’d like to get some winnings from your VideoSlots account, you can use the same payment options. Some exceptions include Paysafecard and MasterCard. The on-line casino will process one withdrawal per day without any fees. Any subsequent payouts will attract a £2.50 charge, and a 3.9% charge if you haven’t played any games with your deposit. The least amount that players can withdraw is £10, and you should receive your money within 3 business days. It’s probably an excellent idea to verify your VideoSlots account as soon as you set foot in the casino, rather than wait for when you want to make your first cashout. As part of their licence requirements, the operator will require you to submit copies of your ID and proof of residence.
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Videoslots Casino Responsible Gaming

For the most part, online casino gaming and sports gambling at the bookies is harmless fun. However, a small proportion of players end up needing more to feel the same thrill they felt when they played for the same time. Even more, end up trying to make money from online casino games, and end up going bankrupt. What these players have in common is the uncontrollable urge to play with more money and time than they can afford. This type of gambling is commonly known and problem gambling. VideoSlots Casino is fighting very hard to ensure that you and every one of their customers continue to play safely and enjoy their favourite games. We took a thorough look at how they do such a fantastic job, and here’s what we found out.
VideoSlots views online casino games as only a form of entertainment and encourages every player to do the same. They can adjust the amount of money that you can deposit, wager, or lose during a particular period. Customers can also take the option to self-exclude or take a short break from the casino. Playing at VideoSlots on desktop or mobile devices is restricted to persons who’re over the age of 18, or the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction if it’s higher. The operator, therefore, verifies the ages of every new player. VideoSlots also recognises that the internet is now readily available to children, and urges their customers to use filtering software to prevent minors from gambling.
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Despite only coming onto the scene in 2011, Videoslots Casino has become a force to reckon with and has won the hearts and souls of a lot of online casino gaming enthusiasts. The operator starts with a selection of generous bonuses and promotions to get you started. Dubbed the Mecca of slots, VideoSlots is brimming with titles from over 70 game developers. They aren’t bookmakers, but the casino does have some sports-themed games for players who like such spice in their games. Table and live dealer game fans will also find several Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Poker options to cater to their tastes. What we know for sure is, whatever your game preference, you’ll most definitely find something to suit your needs at this gaming podium. Needless to say, VideoSlots is the online casino that most players have been missing. The casino website comes in a dark and classy theme and layout that create a relaxed gambling environment for both new and experienced UK players. In the payments arena, VideoSlots offers a comprehensive selection of banking options. Speedy processing times and workable minimum transaction limits are the order of the day. The operator also provides a responsible gambling-friendly environment where customers can play with less risk of addiction.

Pros and Cons

That all for our VideoSlots review folks! The games and bonuses were indeed memorable, but we think a recap would be a great way to sign off.
  • The casino has lots of games to play and is excellent all-round.
  • Quick payouts starting from just £10
  • Players get an excellent welcome bonus and generous promotions.
  • The games have fair RTPs
  • The customer support system seems to confuse some customers
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MAC's College Football Report Odds + Plays - Week 4

MAC's College Football Report Odds + Plays - Week 4

MAC's College Football Report + Plays - Week 4

9/22 - Top Rated Plays + Special Release Betting Action & Game Breakdowns

MAC's complete sports betting report, all MAC's specialty bets, prediction analysis, and gambling action for the week into the weekend! - Only $7.00 on Patreon or Get the Special Free Offer on Substack - Join MAC's Gambling Report 30 days for free on Substack for a limited time, become a founding member and claim your Hoodie

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The Red Line - (Toll-Free @ 1-844-334-2613) - Text The Red Line to get a free exclusive release prediction.
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MAC's College Football Report + Plays - Week 4

Big Ten starts on Oct. 24 (News)

Oddsmakers installed Ohio State as a co-choice to win the College Football National Championship.
Teams will play eight game, conference only, schedules. The Big Ten Championship happens on Dec. 19 at Lucas Oil Stadium. Ohio State and Wisconsin are the favorites to play in the title game.
Going back to the Buckeyes, no season may have happened if not for OSU quarterback Justin Fields. The Heisman Trophy candidate argued that the conference shouldn’t allow fear to dictate whether or not they play.
College Football Playoff future handicappers side with Clemson, Buckeyes, and Bama
Clemson and Ohio State are co-choices at +250. Clemson has already played two games. The Tigers blew out Wake Forest 37-13. They dominated The Citadel 49-0.
On Oct. 3, Clemson takes on Virginia. On Oct. 10, they go against #12 Miami. Those two games will tell us more about Clemson. Three other games on the schedule could pose issues for the Tigers. Clemson faces #7 Notre Dame on Nov. 7. They finish the season with games against #21 Pittsburgh on Nov. 28 and #20 Virginia Tech on Dec. 5.
Alabama is third choice at +350. The Crimson Tide start their season on Sep. 26 against Missouri. Nick Saban’s squad plays against six Top 25 ranked teams during the regular season: #10 Texas A&M, #4 Georgia, #16 Tennessee, #6 LSU, #23 Kentucky, and #8 Auburn. If Alabama makes the CFP this season, they will have earned it.
The real 2020 College Football Season starts Sep. 26
In addition to Alabama and Missouri starting up on Sep. 26, the rest of the Southeastern Conference gets it going as well on that day. On paper, the top matchup is #23 Kentucky versus #8 Auburn.
But the most intriguing SEC game could be Mississippi State at #6 LSU. Tigers coach Ed Orgeron said most Louisiana State players had contracted the coronavirus. He believed most of his players were over it. Testing this week will prove it.
Not only that, but Mike Leach now coaches Mississippi State. Leach convinced former Stanford quarterback K.J. Costello to play in Starkville. Miss State could be this year’s surprise team. Make sure to check that game out on Saturday and see if Leach has done enough for the Bulldogs to challenge the current champs.

2021 College Football National Championship Odds

  • Clemson +250
  • Ohio State +250
  • Alabama +350
  • Georgia +1600
  • Florida +1600
  • Oklahoma +1800
  • Texas A&M +2500
  • Texas +2500 (MAC's Power Pick)
  • Penn State +3000
  • Notre Dame +4000
  • LSU +5000
  • Wisconsin +5000
  • Auburn +6000
  • Michigan +6000
  • Miami +10000
  • Oklahoma State +10000

MAC's NCAAF Week 4 Special Release Moves

09/26 - 12:00 PM - Backroom Info NCAAF Pick
Georgia State -2.5 vs Charlotte +2.5
Play: Georgia State -2.5

09/26 - 03:30 - Major Move NCAAF Pick

West Virginia +8 vs Oklahoma State -8
Play: West Virginia + 8

09/26 - MAC's NCAAF Parlay

09/26 - 08:00 PM NC State vs Virginia Tech
Play: Under 57
09/26 - 07:30 PM Kansas vs Baylor
Play: Baylor -16.5

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